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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. I.OUI8, MO., October 14, Thirteenth day. St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track muddy. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. 28798 FIB8T BACS7"8 MUe P11188 300- 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horsos A Wt St K hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 28781 POTHEEN 111 1 2a 2 2a 22 1H Troxler S W Streett 3i4 4 JMf 28580 CHANDOO 105 3 Sa 33 3 3 25 Enos T H StevenB 5 6 6 2 28675 MORO 98 4 12 12 1 12 31 Neely F Smith 15 SO 15 6 2874438IR LEWI8 111 8 7 7 7 612 42 L Daly M J Daly 2 2i 11-54-5 28218 BEN HEMPSTEAD 111 6 4" 41 4 5 5 J Daly Fizer and Co 41 5 5 2 -28744 CLARENA 108 7 5a 61 515 41 615 Fauntleroy JC Cahn 5 6 6 21 28386 ARTHUR MOLL 98 5 62 5a 6a 7 715 Bell P Browning 50 80 80 25 27865 CRIMSON TIDE 102 10 10 8 8 8 81 Watson W Walker 40 50 50 20 25105 FLL DINNER PAIL98 9 9 10 9 9 93 C Murphy N Baker 80 80 50 20 28534 BADGER 101 2 8 9 10 10 1020 Wallace F Gering 20 60 60 20 28675 VARNER 108 11 11 11 11 11 11 Patton B R Rice 15 15 12 6 Time, 26i, 521,1:191,1:351. Winner B. c, by Patton Diana. Went to post at 2:10. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Potheen is good in mud, was well ridden and ran a good race. Chandoo ran pluckily under a poor ride. Moro showed speed in the going. Sir Lewis was perhaps beBt, but was ridden very weakly, Daly holding a long slack rein on him. Ben Hempstead did his best. Clarena was badly ridden -and can do better. Scratched 28714 Aulas, 98. Overweights Chandoo, 4 pounds ; Crimson Tide, 4 : Varner, 2. Potheen, show, 4 to 5. Chandoo. show, evens. Moro, Bhow. 21 to 1. Sir Lewis, show, 2 to 5. 28799 SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. S-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses AWt St 34 K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P "28746 ROBERT JH. 113 1 11 la 2 11 Mclntyre HWWallhserandColO 10 9 IF 287462LITTLE CHICO 110 2 31 31 32 2a Troxler W McLemore 2 4 18-5 6-5 287623MILITANT 106 5 21 21 la 38 Fauntleroy J E Lane and Co 2 2 9-5 4-5 28746 RAGN ROK II. 102 8 43 45 42 4 Bell MA8tevenaon 10 15 15 6 28689 ALEA 110 9 63 55 58 515 BeauchampS P Harlan 31 81 3 7-5 28287 BIRD 3 STONE 106 4 8 61 6 6 JHothersllMartin and Patton 20 20 20 8 28691 LADO.JIS 102 11 11 10 7 7 L Daly Erlich and Mangan 60 60 60 30 28780 THE THRUSH 102 12 12 11 10 8 Davis Hutchinson and Co 40 100 100 40 28746 FOX WORTHY 102 6 53 7 8 9 Watson T Hums 40 40 SO 15 28689 PEACHES 106 3 7 8 9 10 Knhn J Tucker 10 10 7 31 25271 SOPHIE S. 106 7 9 9 11 11 J Daly J C Ghio 60 100 100 40 28S62 MRS. GRANNAN 110 10 10 12 12 12 T Walker J 8 Bratton 15 30 30 10 28510 CUPA 106 13 13 13 IS 13 J Clark M 8 Btowe 60 800 300 100 Time, 25, 5li, 1:20. Winner B. c, by Dr. Hasbrouck Song Bird. Went to post at 2:45. At p6st 9 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Robert, Jr., is a good horse in mnd, was off flying, had the best going and was well ridden. Little Chlco ran his race. Militant was weakly handled in the stretch and allowed to sprawl all over the track. He was probably best. Birdie Stone was in her own going and is improving. Bcratched-28762Orleans, 110; 28764 Marcy, 110. Robert. Jr.. Bhow, 2 to 1. Little Chico. show, 3 to 5. Militant, Hhow, 2 to 5. Alaa, show, 7 to 10 28800 THgH2-HACE 1 1-16 Mlles pnrse100- 3-year-olda and upward. Ind HorBBB A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H Cf 28782EUTERPE 5 102 3 U 111 12 12 U J Daly U Z DeArman I I 4-5 out 287123BEAN 3 86 1 21- 31 35 21 21 C Murphy W S Laird 7 9 7 21 27712 IRVING MAYOR 3 91 4 3a 22 2a 3 33 L Daly F Sharp 20 40 40 10 28749 A. STRATHMORE 4 97 2 42 42 4C 42 415 Bell T H Stevens 4 6 6 2 28782 BANQUO II. 7 102 5 52 51 6 6 53 Watson T A Daviea 13 20 20 7 28728 DONNA 8EAY 3 97 6 6 6 511 52 6 Fauntleroy E W Baxter 11-53 3 9-10 Time, 26i, 52, 1:20, 1:48, l:55i. Winner B. m, by Cavalier Ban Dance. Went to post at 3:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Euterpe was much the best and the resnlt was never in doubt. Bean ran well and would have been closer with a stronger ride. Irving Mayor did his best and ran a good race. Amelia Strathmore did not run her race. Scratched 28785 Wine Press, 98; 28784 Orlandine, 95. Overweights Amelia Strathmore, 2 pounds; Banquo II., 4. Bean, show, 4 to 5, Irving Mayor, show, 4 to 1. Donna Seay, show, out, 28801 Fw??dH AllSSnce16 70 YardS PnrS8 0, Syear-oldB and DD Ind Horsea A Wt St and K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P " 287852PETIT MAITRE 4 104 2 3 41 31 34 13 Troxler ti J Charles 8-5 3 13-53-5 28765 WAX TAPER 4 109 1 5 Sa 22 21 2 Patton R R Rice 3-2 3-2 6-5 2 287662MIHS THRESA 3 92 4 1" 5 41 5 3 J Daly F W Holtgrewe 41 5 5 3-2 28747 FOUND 6 101 5 4U 1 11 1 4 Fauntleroy J Huffman 6 6 6 2 287103ALB. F. DEWEY 3 98 3 21 21 5 42 5 Davis N B Tichenor 13 20 20 6 1,26, 52, 1:19 1:47,1:53. Winner Ch. u g, t by n Cayuga Prudery. Went to post at 3 :50. At post 4 minutes. Start good, Won easily; second driving. Petit Maitre was beat ridden, ran a good race and was going away at the end. Wax Taper was probably bat, but he was used too much in the run totget from last to first place, which he did in one-eighth of a mile, causing him to tire and swerve all over the stretch. Miss Thresa was hustled too much at the start and weakened at the end. Found was weakly ridden and ran on her own courage. Albert F. Dewey was also badly ridden. Overweights Petit Maitre, 3 pounds; Albert F. Dewey, 3. Petit Maitre, show, 5 to 10. Wax Taper, show, out. Miss Thresa, show. 1 to 2. 28802 FIFTH BACB-3" M1Ie ParB" m All Ages. Allowances. Ind Horsea AWtStX X X StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P" 28620RUNNELB 2 104 6 3" 3a 33 11 BeauchampHinde and Baker 1 8-5 7-5 1-2 28729 MEDITATION 2 97 3 22 23 2 21 J Daly J E Lane and Co 31 6 6 8-5 287652BRULARE 6 109 2 62 61 51 3 Watson A Johnson and Co 7 7 6 2 287302TOM COLLINS 6 112 4 I" la 42 T OBrien Fizer and Co i 28678 KINDRED 4 117 5 41 4 4a 50 Troxler EandLBohlman 3 4 31 6-5 287653 JAKE WEBER 4 109 1 51 5a 62 61 Patton PMCivill 6 10 10 28780 MIS8 AUBREY 3 104 8 8 8 7 78 JHothenllJ F Dockery 20 60 60 15 287293ETH YLENE 2 97 7 7 .7 8 8 FauntleroyMartin and ; Patton 8 20 15 5 barred in betting. Time, 25, 511, 1 :191. Winner Br. c, by Charade Zingara II. Went to post at 4:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a hard drive; second the same. Runnels, away badly and bumped on his way through the field, came like a tornado when he got clear. He quickly ran past the leaders, although swerving into the deepest going and won likea good horse. Daly gave Meditation au ill-judged ride in racing her out in front with Tom Collins and took the worst going all the way. It was a brilliant race for her. Brulare ran a game race on her own courage. Tom Collins showed speed, but tired in the stretch drive Scratched 28729 Hunter Raine, 100; 28783Huntressa, 97. Overweights Runnels, 4 pounds. Runnels, show, out: Meditation, Bhow, 3 to 5. Brulare, Bhow, 4 to 5. Kindred, show. 1 to 2. 28803 81XTH BACB1 aUa Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind Horses A Wt St 34 X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P " 28785 GUIDE ROCK 6 100 3 la 11 13 15 13 L Daly J W JohnBon 10 16 16 6 28785ROCHE8TER 4 108 5 411 21 22 22 23 Patton R R Rice 2 4 31 6-5 2876680UTH BREEZE 3 100 6 7 7 5 33 31 Fauntleroy J C Cahn 3-2 2 9-5 X5 287093NEAREST 6 108 1 31 Sa 3" 45 45 Troxler G Dierker 3 4 4 8-1 287822MARION LYNCH 4 100 7 5" 43 45 51 510 J Daly T H 8tevens 6 6 6 2 282633MAUD WALLACE4 102 2 2a 52 7 62 62 Watson Martin and Patton 40 80 80 SO 28748 GEORGE LEE 6 102 9 9 9 9 9 7H Kuhn LW Benson 10 15 15 6 AandS5T P 7 103 4 68 65 61 7 81 BeauchampCAAldersonandCol5 60 60 20 28782 REVOKE 6 111 8 8 8 8 8 9 JHothersllJ F Dockery 12 16 16 6 . Time, 261, 52, 1:20, 1 :48i. Winner B. g, by Saracen Alala H. Went to post at 4:50. At post IS minutes. Start bad. Won eaBily; second the same. Gaide Rock came to life with a thump, was a good horse today and ran away from his field and won pulled up. On Saturday he was beaten off by Rochester, in the same going. Rochester ran a. good race but he was much hurt by a poor start. South Breeze got off badly and began slowly but made up a lot of ground and might have won with an equal start. Marion Lynch ran a good race. Nearest ran a poor race in her own going. Scratched 28726 Admiral Schley, 103; 28765 Cialea, 103; 2876720ur Lady, y 100: 287853Sua Bn8 Johnson, J01m 100; 28745 The Golden Prince, 100; 28688 Battua, 94. Overweights Rochester, 2 pounds; George Lee, 2; Maud Wallace, 2. Guide Rock, show, 21 to 1. Rochester, show, 1 to 2. 8outh Breeze, show, out. Nearest, show. 4 to 5.