St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-26

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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. 3T. LOUIS, MO., October 25. Twenty-third day. St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Baoing starts at 2:00 p. m. 2g0ty2 FIR8T d8ACKpl Mile and 80 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-oldB and up- Ind HorseB A Wt St jj Yt X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHOP 289572 WINE PBE8S 5 105 3 4H 3a 22 3 1 ONeil H McCarren Jr 9101 I I3T 26414EDA BILEY 4 107 1 82 43 4 21 210 Troxler K D Orr 5 8 8 3 28941 LADAS 5 99 2 12 12 12 u 32 J Daly G C Baker and Co 5 6 6 2 28799 CUPA 3 90 5 51 53 53 45 43 C Murphy M S Btowe 40 50 50 20 28901 SYLVIAN 4 102 9 71 62 7a 72 5a Kuhn T A Gay and Co 5 7 7 2 28911 T1CKFUL 4 104 4 2a 2a 31 51 61 T OBrien Fizor and Co 4 41 4 9-5 28937 BALOME 7 99 8 8 82 68 6 76 WaUace W G Fox 25 60 60 20 28918 ALALIA 3 90 6 61 72 83 83 8 A Bonner Martin and Patton 40 60 60 20 28869 MB.BBOOKWOOD5 102 7 9 9 9 9 9 BeauchamD Browning WlkerlO 12 12 5 Time, 13, 251, 50, 1 :151, 1 :41i, 1 :48i. Winner B. m, by Strathmore Pomona. Went to post at 2:10. At poet 10 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; Becond easily. Wine PreBB ran well and finished stoutly and was probably best, but Ladas was bumped by her when a furlong ont and was thrown back considerably. Eda Riley finished strongly. Ladas ran well to the Btretch. Cnpa ran a fair race. Tickf ul seemed a contender in the stretch, but was beaten out in the last f urlung. Bcratched 28901 Lioono, 90. Overweights Tickful, 2 pounds ; Mr. Brookwood, 3. Wine Press, show, out. Eda Biley, show, 6 to 5. Ladas, show, evens. i28973 SECOND BACK 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-oldB. BeUing. tud Horses A Wt Bt and X X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHOP 289002 CAB AT 103 3 2 23 2 1" BeauchampJ W Forman 2T3 3 jwT 28166 MAB1E TBYON 106 2 H 13 H 22 Walker J S Bratton 10 10 10 5 289363MB. rlMBEB LAKE 100 4 S3 32 33 38 L Daly D A Honig 3 6 6 2 28936 FLOBB1E S. 100 1 6 81 6 4a ONeil CP Kennedy 8 20 20 8 289362MAX1LLE 103 6 41 51 41 52 Troxler P J Miles 3 5 5 2 26130 WINNOBA 103 7 . 5 61 5a 6 T OBrien FizerandCo 3 5 5 2 289S6 TUoK PAtY 100 5 72 72 72 7s Wallace G Hinkle 20 20 IS 6 28936 PRECISELY 103 11 81 11 81 82 Irvin Adams and Co 6 10 10 4 28936 PAMPLONA 100 10 9a 4 9 93 M Low Hutchinson and Co 40 40 40 15 25460 LUNA M1NOB 100 8 10 10 10 10 C Bonner Martin and Patton 20 20 15 6 28834 NOB MAZ 100 9 11 91 11 115 J Daly SM S Hughes 10 12 12 5 KINGS COUBT 112 12 12 12 12 122 Kuhn J Mitchell and Co 5 8 8 3 28936 PANX1NA 103 13 IS 13 13 13 Enos F W Holtgrewe 60 80 80 30 Time, 121, 23i, 48,1:011. Winner B. c, by King Begent Miss Knight. Went to post at 2:45. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won in a drive ; second easily. Carat ran a good race and finished fandst and was well handled and best. Marie Tryon got off flying, showed fine speed and had no mishaps. Mr. Timberlake did hia best and ran a fair race. Flor-rie S. came strongly from a bad position in the stretch. Overweights Maxille, 5 pounds,; Carat, show, 3 to 6. Marie Tryon, Bhow, 2 to 1. Mr. Timberlake. show, evens. 28974 TH1SD BA0JS a"4 MUe Pnrs800. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. aid Horsea A Wt St K Y X StrFin JockeyB Owners OHOP 28923 H1LEK 5 110 2 13 1 13 13 Troxler W W Elliott 3-2 12-511-34-5 289022i,ASdO 4 105 6 41 23 23 23 ONeil L Lemp 21 2 11-54-5 289233BENGAL 3 105 1 3 4 43 32 J Daly P J Nolan 5 6 6 2 2893ED L. 7 110 3 515 52 31 425 T OBrien Hamilton and Co 2 2 12-51 27120 AGITATOR 9 113 5 6a 62 68 520 Moody B C Bray 100 100 100 50 PBIVATE NOLAN 4 110 4 21 81 5 6" BeauchampJ B Evera 15 30 30 10 27149 L. HABTINGTON 3 110 7 7 7 7 7 Boeder J H Gray 100 100 60 20 Time, 121, 231, 48, 1:00, 1:131. Winner B. h, by Himyar Grace Lee. Went to post at 3:20. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter; second easily. Hilee quickly went to the front at flag-fall and, without being fully extended, won all the way. Lasso ran a good race and was easily becond best. Bengal did his best. Ed L. ran rather disappointingly. The others were beaten off. Bcratched 289S7 inuendo, 105; 28821 Ben Frost, 105. Hilee, show, out. Lasso, show, ont. Bengal, snow, 4 to 5. Ed L., show, 1 to 2. fcJJgQfJp FOUBTH BACK 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. AUowances. laa" Morses A Wt Bt 34 X X BtrFin Jockeye Owners OHO P 28939ETHYLENE 111 1 11 U 12 H 11 Kuhn Martin and Patton 4 8 IS 3" 289S92HUNTBE8SA 110 5 51 4" 4" 21 21 T OBrien W McLemore 2 11-511-5 3-5 27975 TABY TOSA 102 2 41 51 5a 42 31 BeauchampS B Burnett 10 10 10 4 28939 TEBBA FIBMA 96 4 22 Z 2a 3 4 L Daly A Cahn 10 10 10 4 289393JOBDAN 100 3 3 31 31 52 52 ONeil T P Hayes 8-5 21 21 4-5 28939 SAMBO 96 6 6 6 6 6 6 J Daly B W Streett 4 4 3 1 Time, 13, 25, 49,1:14, 1:27. Winner B. f, by Freeman Ethel Gray. Went to post at 3:55. At poBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Ethylene took the lead at the start and set a fast pace all the way. None of the others could get to her except Huntressa which nearly reached her in the stretch. Ethylene drew away without trouble however. Huntressa was easily second best. Taby Tosa ran a good race. Terra Firma showed speed but tired in the stretch. Jordan was jostled and meesed about in the stretch. Overweights Taby Tosa, 5 pounds. Ethylene, show, evens, Huntressa, show, out. Taby Tosa, show, 2 to 1. Jordan, show, out. Bambo, show, 1 to 2. 28976 FIFTH BACB 3"4 Mile" inrse 00. 3-year olds and upward. Handicap. ind Horses AWtBt X K X BtrFin JockeyB Owners OHOP 28855FITZKANET 3 104 7 4" 5 4" 1" I OBrien W M Bogers jj 5 5 2 289S82 KINDRED 4 113 2 32 32 32 21 Troxler EandLBohlman 3 4 18-56-5 28938 CI ALES 4 105 4 2a 2a 2 3a BeauchampFrank Carr 4 7 6 11-5 289383 MISS MAE DAY 4 108 1 13 13 12 45 ONeil W W Elliott 4 4 18-58-2 289373 PATBOCLU8 3 90 5 7 7 61 5 Wallace Bryan Obsar 16 16 10 4 28938 OBLEANS 3 101 6 51 4a 51 61 J Daly J burrows 6 6 5 2 289102ALICE TUBNEB 4 97 3 63 6 7 7 L Daly Martin and Patton 6 7 6 2 Time, 12i, 24, 48, 1:001, 1:131. Winner B. c, by Fitzjames Bekanet. Went to post at 4:25. At post 7 minutes. Btart straggling. Won driving; second the same. Kindred was probably best. Troxler went to sleep on him and Fitzkanet came with a rnsh in the last sixteenth, winning in the closing stride. Kindred ran a fine race and finished strongly. -Ciales ran to his best form. Miss Mae Day was rushed too much in setting a hot pace and tired in the stretch. Alice Tnrner ran disappointingly. Orleans by no means ran her race. Bcratched 28865 Fourleaf C, 101. Overweights Fitzkanet, S pounds ; Alice Turner, 2. Fitzkanet, Bhow, 9 to 10. Kindred, show, 3 to 5. Ciales, show, 6 to 5, Mias Mae Day, show, 7 to 10. ttQryrj SIXTH BACK 1 Mile and JSO. Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward Ind Horses A Wt Bt M, Yt X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHOP 289371CHABLE3 D. 5 110 3 72 6 51 5 H BeauchampF G Altman 2 11-511-51 28937 NANNIE NOLAN 3 98 6 1 13 12 l 22 ONeil J Burrows 5 9 8 3 289213ELEVEN BELLS 4 104 1 2a 5a 4a 41 31 Troxler TADavies 4 5 5 8-5 28921 ELSIE BABNES 7 104 2 3a 3a 68 61 43 T OBrien W H Billings 4 IS 13 4 28941ALEA 3 98 7 51 2 2 2a 53 J Daly 8 P Harlan 21 3 11-51 28905 JOE DOUGHTY 5 107 9 82 72 7 715 62 Itvin J P Hirtb 15 20 20 8 28901JOMELIA 6 104 8 61 42 33 3" 730 L Daly M Bice 8 8 6 2 28901 BEN OFALLON 6 107 5 9 8 9 8 8 Patton GdharteandTorrisa 15 20 20 8 28816 BBIGHTIE B. 6 104 4 43 9 8 9 9 M Lowe C Roberta SO 40 40 15 Time, 14, 261, 50, 1:161, 1:401, 1:42. Winner B. g, by Sparkling Bettie 8. Went to post at 5:00. At post 7 minutes. Btart fair. Won handily; second easily. Charles D. came with a rush near the close and was drawing away at the finish. Nannie Nolan ran a good race and showed much speed. Eleven Bells did her beat. Elsie Barnes showed epeed for six f nrlongs. Omelia dropped back in the last furlong, aB also did Alea. Charles D., Bhow, 2 to 5. Nannie Nolan, show, 6 to 5. Eleven BeUfl, show, 4 to 5. Alea, show. 2 to 5. "

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Local Identifier: drf1901102601_3_2
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