Latonia Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-13

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LATOXIA ENTRIK3. Probabilities: Weather clear; track heavy. First Bace 1 Mile. 3-year-oldo and uswcrd. Belling. Ind, Hones. Age. Yfi. Hdcp. 293372Hand D 6. ...115 710 29259 Oliver Mc 5... .109 715 29271 Bodd 4.... 103 705 292712St. Bluff 3... .103 710 293S7 Islip 8.... 103 695 29340 Syncopated Sandy...... 3....104 710 29368 Baronet 3.... 103 725 29213 .Phosphorus 3 .... 103 700 29368 Saragamp 3. ...100 ......705 29195 Bean 3. ...100 720 29312 Water Plant 3... .100 700 29S66 Gata Blackburn 3... .100 690 9271 Sortie 3 .... 100 715 Second Race S 1-2 Furlongs. , 2-ytar-oldB. Allowances. 29308 Circus 112 ... .715 293412BoaBtar 112 720 293703Moderator 112 710 2925S Burnett Wallace 1C8 725 29272 Dr. Worth 104 710 Sabione 101 29018 Simon 100 890 29341 Lighthunt 100 705 Jake Land 100 29258 King Tatiufi 97 695 29370 Harry Brennan: 97 700 29214 Aaron Pond 97 715 29258 Cardomo. 97 705 Third Bace 1 1-4 Miles. Oyer 5 Hurdles, S-year-olds and upwerd. Handioap. 29S092Lord Farandole 6 ... .148 ib 29309 Governor Boyd 6. ...148 671 290S4?DivertiBBement 4.. ..187 BaO 29309 Dangerline 3....128 ......635 29309 Bobert MorrlBon 3....125 ......650 Fourth Race 1 3-16. Milee. 4-year-olds and upward, Selling:, 293123Woodtrice 4... .115 725 29312Facade 5.... 112 710 29274 Aquinas 7.... 107 705 293392Zazel 4.... 107 715 29337 Charley Shane 4.... 105 700 291962Prestome 4.. ..102 715 29337 Albertvale 7.. ..100 720 293093Eleanor Holmes 6.... 97 700 Fifth Race-3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 293403Ida Penzance 3.. ..110 705 29271 Polly Bixby 4 .... 110 700 29254 Margaret Ellen 3. ...110 690 293422Ethel Davis 5.... 110 720 29568 Janowood 3 ...102 ......710 29141 Crescent Quean. . 3.. ..102 695 29196 Anxious 3... .102 715" 26641 Ciceiy Thorncap........ S.... 103 690 29337 Maydine 4.... 102 715 29163 Virginia T S....102 ......700 27980 Coralis 6.... 102 710 29254 Laureatea 4....1C2 725 - v Sixth Bace-6-8 Mile. 2-year-olds, Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt, Hdop. 29217 Lauretta Burke 112 690 29272 Lady Florence 102 375 29217 Lizzie Loy .102 670 29217 Mae Miller 102 ......6S0 . Marion Litty, br. f, by Jop Gallant Linwcod 102 ......... 29114 Owletta 102 ......685 29015 Olive Fant 102 670 29338 Outlet 102 635 29217 Bhady Land .102 6S5 Ban Domingo 102 29338 Eliza Dillon 102 680 29217 Goody Good 102 ......7C0 29275 Bunker... ....102 675

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Local Identifier: drf1901111301_3_4
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