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WASHINGTON FORM CHART. i WASHINGTON, D. C, November lS.Seccnd day. Washington Jockey Club. Fall Masting, jj Weather wet; track good. j Presiding Judgo, Clarence McDowell. Btarter, Mara Casaidy. Racing BtartB at 2:00 p. m. ! FIRST HACK 5 1-2 Furlong. 00 added. All Ages. Allowances. g Ind Horses A Wt Bt H K and StrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 26960 AH ATOM A 6 112 1 1 2H ta 1" Dosmett P B Labonisse 20 20 15 6 2977 COBDBH II. 6 112 2 21 1" 2h 2 Hhelan F M Rorke la 20 20 8 2982TOUR 5 1C0 5 Eh 3 3h 32 Wonderly R W WaldenandSon 3 31 3 1 19159 BOUNTEOUS S J07 8 71 7 7b 4 Slack DaviBandVanKenrnSO 3S 30 10 286962DELMABCH 3 107 9 8 8 8 5 Jones JStullandCo 30 40 38 10 29282 FEDERALIST 4 112 4 4" 4" 51 62 T Walrh F H Milden Jr 10 15 II C 293C6 FLARA 3 104 10 9 9 9 711 Creamer B Murrny 20 30 20 8 29159 KIM BKRLY 3 104 7 Sh 5" 4U 82 Tochran J Q Follanebee 21 8 21 1 SnANINB 4 112 11 11 11 10 9 Booker W Oliver SO 30 30 10 26295 K. BARLEYCORN 5 104 6 10 10 11 10 T Burns J W Colt 8 8! S ; 27399 TARTAR 7 112 13 61 6n 61 11 J Martin J W Medlin and Co 6 6 i 2 j 29301 MAYOR GILROY 4 112 3 12 12 12 12 L Smith E Peters 10 12 8 3 2029S J. A. WABNER 3 103 16 16 14 13 13 Miles E D Morrell 80 1C0 100 40 241982PRE8GBAYE 3 107 14 14 15 15 14 Hajden J K Garaett 15 20 15 6 -29G34 BOSECOURT 2 87 12 13 13 14 IS Thompson R T Wilson Jr 15 20 20 8 29013 MONMOUTH BOY4 104 15 15 16 16 16 RHondrsn J Carter 50 50 40 10 i 26987 GINKI 3 104 17 17 17 17 17 Brennan W C Daly 100 100 100 4u SARBA. BARK S S9 18 18 18 18 18 Thime F A Tschiffely 100 800 300 100 Time, 11, 23,486, 1:02, 1:09. Winner B. g, by Hanover-Reina Victoria. Went to post at 2:30. At post 6 minutes. Start good. .,,-- Won drmrg. Aratoma 4 and j r. Ccrder j tt II. ? had a bard tuBsle all the way. Both got off flying srd were tiring at J he end. Tour made a good bid in the last furlong, but was tiring when he got up. Bountei us and Telmarch made up ground j in the stretch. Kimberly had a rough journey and would have been closer up had he ben able t0 gSMaXd- 29282 Bastile, 112; 28384 EaUeon, 104; Valentine, 102; 291C9 Garter Ban, 99. . Overwnighta Tonr, 1 pound; Bounteous, S; J. A. Warner, 4: Presgrave, 3. : Aratoma, show, 3 to 1. Corder II., thow, 4 to 1. Tour, show, 3 to 5. Kimberly, show, out. ; BEC0ND BACE 3"1 Mile added. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 2 0 3 0 X Ind Horsaa A Wt Bt H. X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P : 29058BAROUCHE 107 4 4H 45 2h li Cecbran W H McCorkla 4 4 2 3-5 28986 LUX CABTA 110 2 21 21 1 2 T burns AlbermarleBtablo 4-5 9-107-10 out 29303TENAGRA 110 1 1 1 3 36 Bedforn GBorkil 4 7 6 8-5 28681 C.OACOA 107 3 31 Si 4 412 L Smith B B Tracey and Co 4 15 10 2 9291 PEDESTAL 110 5 5. 5 5 5 Thompson WShowalter 50 100 100 15 Time, 13,25, El, 1:16. Winner Ch. f, by Julien Barcarola. . . . Went to post at 2:29. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Barouche closed up gamely in the last sixteenth under the whip and was going away at the end. Lux Caeta is not at her best and warmed up poorly, but displajed speed and raced Tenagra into Bubmissicn, crowding the letter all through the stretch. Tenagra showed much speed and ohould have been second. The others were outclassed. Scratched-29244 Katherine C, 110; 29335 HoBe of May, 110; 29246 Ice Water, 110. No show betting on first throa. nAOfJ THIRD BACK 1 Mile and 40 "Sards. J400 added. 3-year-olds and upward, ZfcrOOla Belling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt M X X StrFin Jockaya Owners O H O P 29S012BEN BATTLE 4 107 2 21 11 12 1 12 T Burns WfordandEvorman 4 "5 31 7-5 292782ALARD 3 102 7 52 4H 411 31 23 Michaels MnrphyandBeardon2 21 11-51 293063KING8TELLE 3 91 3 3a 511 52 2h 31 1 Cochran B Bchruibpr 4 5 4 8-5 29336 PIEDEBICH 3 101 5 41 3 21 42 43 Booker H C Schulz 20 30 30 10 29306SURMJSE 3 114 8 8 71 61 6H 5h McCue H J Morris 6 10 8 21 29278 CARL KAHLEB 3 103 1 li 2H 3h 5h 61 Wonderly J H Carr 3 5 5 2 292473 W ABB ANTED 3 94 4 9 9 7s 71 7 J Martin TEMannixandCo8 15 10 4 29306 GLADE RUN 3 93 10 71 8 8 8 82 RHendersnA Simons 15 20 20 8 281373LADY HAYMAN 3 91 9 6116 9 9 9 Henderson J E Lane 50 100 100 40 28806 E1NUS 4 102 6 10 10 10 10 10 Bmith Wood and Co 50 50 40 12 Time, 11, 24, 49, 1:16,1:44,1:47. WiDner-Ch. g, by Eborlee Battle Belle. Went to post at 2:52. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Ben Battle, oft well in motion, was much the best 8nd never fully extended. Alard needs a stronger rider than be bad today. He was outrun in the firBt part of the rsce and was in a jam on the turn, but made a determined effort in the stretch. KingetoJle ought to have been closer up. Carl Kahlr showed speed, but quit when the field came into the stretch. Scratched 293363Curtsry. 103; 28404 Wait Not, 97; 28810 Historian, 94. Overweights-Surmise, 2,pounds; Einus, 8, Ben Battle, show. 3 to 5. Alaid, bhow, 1 to 2. Kmgstelle, show, 4 to 5. FOURTH BACK 3-4 Mile. 00 added. 2-year-oldr. Belling. Ind Horses A Wt St M, K StrFin Jockeys Ownsrw O H O P 29219 OtiGEN 102 S 21 211 11 12 J Martin F Reagan - 21 3 21 1 29219 PLAYLIKE 101 1 11 11 21 2h Booker W H Sand 3 6 5 8-5 291583ARHAH GOWAN 97 4 4h 31 32 35 Redfern PSP Randolph 8 10 8 3 299442TBFF. EUNDBED 103 5 SH41 4 46 Cochran .ASimonB 7-5 3-2 6-5 1-2 29158 BATYAH 111 6 63 61 52 52 Miles W C Daly 20 30 30 10 29279 MAY J. 95 7 8 7H 72 6h W Daly J A Fickett 60 80 60 20 2981 EQUALIZE 1C0 3 53 53 62 72 Wonderly Buckley and Bailey 12 25 20 8 29158 ATHEOLA 97 7 8 8 8 Belong W F Presgrave 100 100 100 50 Time. 13,25,51,1:17. Winner B. c, by Top Gallant Bailie Hagen. . . Went to pot at 3:20. At post 3 minuteB. Start straggling. Won easily; second driving. OHagen is in fine form and bad no trouble in going to the front when Martin called on him. He carried abrut five pounds more than his weight and the stewards allowed the placing decision to stand. Playlike beat the pate and this advantage helped him to be second, as Arrah Gowan finished Btrongly and waB fast overhauling him. The Four Hundred wbb weakly ridden. The others were outclassed. Scratched 292812Carrington, 108. Corrected weights Batyah, 111. Overweights Pleylike, 1 pound; May J., 3. . , , , OHagen, ebow, 2 to 5. Playlike, show, 4 to 5. Arrah Gowan, show, 6 to 5. The Four Hundred, , show, 1 to 4. OO Q A FIFTH BACE 1 Mile and 00 Yards. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. , j O0"t Maidens. Allowances. Ind HorBes A Wt Bt 34 K X BtrFin Jockaya Owner O H O P 293C6 WUNDERL1CH 3 107 2 1 21 2h 22 1H Booker T Gilfeather 3" 3 3 4-5 285421FLACCU8 4 107 3 41 3 31 11 22 T Burns J D Hooe 8-5 2 6-5 2-5 26123 MOB OTON 4 107 4 6 E1 511 3a 3a Michaels E J Miller 4 8 7 2 286143COBRILLO E 110 5 21 li H 43 46 Cochran 8 8 Tracey and Co 10 40 40 8 29306 ANNA DARLING 3 107 1 3a 41 4a 50 58 Miles W C Daly - 8 8 6 2 28810 HIBTORIAN 3 110 6 51 6 6 6 6 Redfern I M Parr Jr 10 20 15 4 BETTIE B. II. 3 107 Bolted. Smith H R Dulany 20 100 60 12 Tim e, 13, 36, 52, 1 :tSH, 1 :47, 1 :50. Winner B. g, by Appomattox Forget Me Not. Went to poet at 3 :40. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out ; second easily. Wun-derlich won with something to spars, but from a collection of poor ones. Flaccus swerved in the i last sixteenth when he had thB race in hand. Moroton did his best. Corrillo tired in the stretch. Anna DBrling was shut off on the turn into tho stretch. Scratched 205333Chanticloer, 107. Wnnderlicb, show, 2 to 5. Flaccus, show, 1 to 4. Moroton, show, evens. : -v f o fh t SIXTH BACE 1 Mile and IOO Yards. 100 added. 3-yoar-olde and upward I 5UOOO Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 291553FATALlbT 4 101 5 3a 411 33 32 li Booker J B Doerr Jr 21 41 4 I 28912GUE88 WORK 3 86 1 HI H 11 22 2 Henderson F R Hitchcock 5 8 7 2 h943ANN.THOMP80N3 0 2 2 Si 21 1 Sli Michaels J J McCafferty 3 3 2 7-10 0 285581LIZZ1E A. 3 95 3 5 5 5 41 45 Jones E Whalen 30 40 40 10 94S ANIMOSITY S S0 4 4i 21 41 5 5 Redfern A Miller - 8-5 2 7-5 1-2 Time, 12, 26, 5 1 :18, 1 :45, 1 :51. Winner Ch, f, by Kismet Joiza. i jj j ! Went to poet at 4:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out; second driving. Fatalist was well handled and finished very strongly through the last f arlong. GaesB Work was mads too much use of in the first part of the race, but hong on gamely when caught. Annie Thompson tired and quit when it seemed as if she had the race in hand a furlong from boms. Animosity ran a poor race and can do much better when riirht. Scratched 29334The Amazon 113; 293013The Rogue, 90. Overweights Lizzie A., 5 pounds. Fatalist, show, 2 to 5. Guess Work, show, evens. Annie Thompson, show, 1 to S. Animosity; Bhow, 1 to 4. -