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MnjBaoingForm I88TJBD K7SEY BAY, festers JocKeu CluH Bulletin omouL obqam or THE WE8TEBN JOCKEY CLUB. 3bitoe jjid PEOPmaroa, F. H. Bbdnell. ASBOOIATH EDIT03, OL32IXOir C. BlLET. BSOHKTABT, M33. I?. H. HSDNELL. candtessd in the Post OSes at Chicago as, second 0Iand31 matter. JAUjY SAGING F03M PUBLISHING CO. A Daily Reflection ci 4h American Turf "by Soleandraph. iM-T2S Fifth Avanne, Chicago, Illinois. C0PISI9ETBB. "Jatara accordlnp to Act of GonaTCBS, in the yaar 19?1. by Frank H. Bmnell, in the office, of the Librarian of Congress at Washing-ten, B. 0., tf. B. A. hs ebar and indox nnabara and track form v of Duvt Baoikg ?03K must not be used. They are copyrighted daily ana will bs kcmly protected, SINGLE COPY 5 CKNTB. SoTsaoEirTioiia Most be Paid in Advanob. 7SBUB: Fer Month C ! Half Year , One Year 10, 2ka above ratcB are for oinglc copies as sealsa letters flrBt-claaa mail. tr,Uy Baeinsr Form Publishing Co. prefers to send singlo conies as flrst-claaa mail In all sates. , osal snbcriptionn ouMiae she down town siiitrict will be deciinsd at other tuanrt- dlass mall matter rates. 1v be considered and answered all queries to Sah.t Baoinq Fokm must be sent over the tnll with th name of the writer, "chose named and addresses arc subject so s locaT and foreign diractory test.