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g THE SflBflTDGP gSSDCIflTION gj Stakes to Close December 2-, I90I. To Be Run For in I9Q3. To Be Run For in 904. Tho Qninaiuau nf nflfl For fillies two years old. Foalsof 1931. By subscription of 00 Th nraii Dnnuhlip nf MM FOR NOSV FOA.L3 AND UPWABD The Saratoga . Asso-ine OpinaWay OI ,UUU. oach or only So if dsclared by .December 1, 1902, or 5 if declared 1118 VlMi KBpilDIIC 01 1901.shU UUU. ciation to guarantee tha gross value of the stakes to be 550,. by May 1, 1903, or 0 if declared by Jnly 1, 1903. Starters to pay 50 additional. The Saratoga 0C0, of which tha owner of tho second horse shall receive ,500 and the owner of the third howa Association to guarantee the gross value of the rac9 to ba 4,000, of which the second horse shalL ,500. The nominator of tho winner to receiva ,000 out of tho stakes. Liabilities as follows: recoiva ".OOO and the third horee ,000. The nominator of the winner to receive 51,000 out of FOR NOW FOALS By subscription of 0 each. If left in after August 1, 1902, a further the Btakes. Winners of a race of the value of ,0C0 to carry 3 lbs. extra ; of two of 85,000, or one 8nbacription of 55 ; if left in af tec January 1, 1933, a further subscription of o ; .and if left in of,500. 61bs. extra. If the Biro or dam haB not prodncsd a winner prior to January 1, 1902, the aft9r January 1, 1904, a further subscription of 25. ..... filly will be allowed 3 lbs. for either, or 5 lbs. for both, said allowance to be claimed at time of FOR NO vV YEARLINGS. By subscription of 0 each. If left m after Slarch 1, 1902, a fnr-ntry. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or before November 1, 1902, an accptad trans- et subscription of 0 each; if left in after January 1, 1903, a further subscription of 50 each; far of the engagament in thiB Btnke, the nominator will be released from further liability. and if lefHn after January 1, 1901, a farther subscription of 50 each. , . . 8hould a subscriber or transferee dio before tho race the entry shall not bo void, provided it be poR NOW T WO-YBAR-OLD3 AND UPWARD. By subscription of 000 each. If T. lets in assumed by the then owner; notice In writing to that effect, accompanied by tho pavment of all after March 1, 1902, a further subscription of 00; if left in after January 1, 1903. a further sub-forfeits, being given within three months after such demise. Five and a Half Furlongs. Bcripti0n of 00 each ; and if left in after January 1, 1904, a further subscription of 00. tha value of STARTERS TO PAY 00 ADDITIONAL. Winnera, when three years old or upward, of Association to Tha Unnofnl nf 0R IMfl For foals of 1901. Tha guarantee gross Ttie HOpefUI Ol0,UUU. th, stakes t0 be S25,O0O, to be distributed as follows: To the win- ,000, when carrying weight for age, to carry Nomnnera of ,000 in 1 933 or 1904 aer 8,000, to the second horse ,000, and to the third horse ,000. Tha nominator of tho win- allow.d 7 lbe. Non-winnars of ,500 in 1903 or 1904 allowed 10 lbs. Non-winners of ,C0O in 1903 nor tn rnefiiva SI COO out of the stakeB. By subscription of 5 oach, or only 0 if declared by or 1904 allowed 15 lbs. . AngusU?1903. If left in after that 7ate a further subscription of 00, or only 0 if declared by In the case of a foal produced by a maro or a stallion not having prodacsd a jvinnei Por to January 1,1903. 8tariers to pay 50 additional. Winners of two races of tho valua of ,000 date of closing, the subscription shall be reduced by oao-half, provided that said reduction be Sach, oi of one of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two races of ,000 each, or of one of 0,000 6 claimed at the time of entry; but the starting fee shall be S300 additional. lbs extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 10 lbs. The produce of mares or stallions which hava In the case of foals, by filing with the association, prior .to September I, 1932, an accepted B.nrilofl not Suceda wnnTprior t entry, 3 lbs.; transfer of tho foal, with Us engagement in this stake, tha original sabicribsr will be releassd of both. 5 lbs. Allowances not cumulative. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or from any liability bb to the engagement. . .?jj befo August 1, 1902: an accepted transfer of tho foal entry, the original subscriber will be . Should a subscriber or transferee die before Jha raco the entry shall not be vom, provided Pleased from any liability b to the .ngagement of said entry except as to the first forfeit of 0, it be assumed by tho then owner of the horse; notice in .writing to that effect, accompanied by leaving the purchaser liable for the same unless duly struck out. Should a subscriber or the payment of all accrued liabilities, being given within three months after such demise. tovandrnaiibZtmetb race the entry Bhall not bo void, provided it be assumed by the thou If 350 entries are not received the association reserves tha right to cancel the raca. owner of the horoe; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all accrued ne BAlie ailu " liabUities, being given within throe months after such demise. Six Furlongs. nftnafiil fnr IOfl1 Celimatofl Vahla tAfl nflfl By subscription of 0 each, for the pro- CriD TUDCE VCAD HI IK m IQflQ Mflll VEADIINPQ inB HOpeiUI TO! iaU4, tSlimaiea VdlUe 0HUUUU. duco of marea covered in 1901, tho only rUn I ntttL-l CAn-ULUo Hi IDUoUUlI ICHflLlllUO. forfeit if struct out by August 1, 1903. If left in after Ausrust 1, 1903, a further subscription of Tho Trounre nf I fl MM By eubscription of 00 each, or 0 if declared by June 1, 1903. 0 each; and if left in after Juno 1, 1904, a further subscription of :00 each. Starters to pay 50 1116 I raVeiS OI U,UUU. starters to pay 50 additiooal. To tho winnor ,000, to the Becond additional. Tho Saratoga" Association to add $,000. Of the stakes tho second horso shall re-,CC0, and to tho third ,000. Winners in 1903 of two races of the valuo of 500 oach. or of one cive ,500 and the third horse ,000. The owner at the time of entry oj the i mare produwng the of ,000, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winnera of ,000 in 1903 allowed 10 lbs. ; of ,000, 15 lbs. winner to receive ,000 out of the stakes. Colts, 122 lbs. ; fillies and ldin, 119 lbs. Wmnera 1 One Mile and a Furlong, of a race of tho-value of ,500 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two races of ,500, or of one of ,5C0,51b3.; Tho tfonnor nf R MM By subscription of 0 each, or u if declared by June 1, 1903. Starters of four of ,500. or two of ,500, or one of ,000, S lbs. extra. Horses not bavin won 1 1,003 al-InB Rennei 01 40,UUU. to pay S100 additional. To the winner ,000, to the second 00, and lowed71bs. If a mare in this stake drop her foal before the first of January, 190 or if she have to tho third 00. Winners in 1903 of two races of the valuo of ,500 each, or of one of ,000, to a dead or more than ono foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare is void. By tiling with the carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1903 allowed 10 lbs. ; of 50, 15 lbs. Saratoga Association prior to August 1, 1903, an accepts! transfer of the Produce, with its en- One Mile and a Quarter, gagement in this stake, accompanied with all forfeits to date, the original subscriber will be re- Tho Aloh-snm nf QR nnn For Fillies. By subscription of 0 each, or 5 if declared by June leased from any liability as to tho engagement of the produca. Should a subscriber or transforea I MB AiaDHliia 01,UUUi i 1903. Starters to pay 00 additional. To tho winner ,000. to die before the race tha entrr shall not be void, provided it be assumed by the then owner of the the second 00, and to the third 00. Winners of ,000 in 1903 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-win- horso; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all accrued Habilmas, Hers of ,000 in 1903 allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowd 15 lbs. One Mile and a Sixteenth, being given within three months after such demisa. six uriongs.- Entries should be addressed to the Secretary, The Windsor Arcade, 46th Street and 5th Avenue, New York. W. C. WHITNEY, President. H K. KNAPP, Secretary. H. D. MciNTYRE, Assistant Secretary. THE - American Sporting jnanual For 1901. COPYRIGHTED. 1 Handbook of Figures Beyond Coiparison. An Olcial Compdinin of Records. i Running, trotting and pacing, the pugilistic record of 1900, ; Handicapping and bookmaking tables C3TOUS HANDICAP TABXJSS WITH KSYS. ...KDHTED BY F. H. BRUNELL.... m ents in Paper. ID! Racing Form Publishing Co., ol24g126 Fifth Ave.s Chicago, I!L