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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART.0 NEW ORLEANS, LA., November 30 Third day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIB8T BACK 7-8 Mile. Purse S300. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 2003 Iv.d Horsos A Wt St X M i StrFin Jockoyn Owners OHO F 29295 BOO MERACK 3 99 6 68 1h h 15 13 Otis J and H Arthur 11-53 3 1 29183 8IRKN SONG 4 97 1 11 Si 31 42 21 R Steele E M Jackeon 8 8 5 2 29052 SYLVIAN 4 981 2 41 6H 41 22 3 Lyne T A Gay and Co 10 15 15 6 291222CR03BY 5 10718 31 21 21 3h 41 Coburn J F Newman 2 2 2 4-5 29589 EM P. OF BEAUT Y3 103 0 21 43 51 5 51 Blako B Calvert and Co 10 15 15 6 , 29389 PRECURSOR 4 100 7 7 7 6H 7 6 Gormley S C Hildreth 4 7 7 21 29208 LYDIA 8. 4 92 3 5 5a 7 6 7 D Mitchell H A Cotton 20 30 30 12 28836 BIRDIE STONE 3 87 48 8 8 8 8 Helgeson E J Arnold and Co 20 30 30 12 Time,25 , 48i,l:14i, 1:271. Winner Br. c, by 8t. James Water Rake. Went to post at 2:01. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Boom-erack showsd a fine turn of speed and tiptoed his field and won eased up at the end. Siren Son? appeared to be beaten on the strotch turn, but came again and finished strongly. Sylvian was cut off at the half. Crosby weakened in the run home. He can do much batter. Scratched 29616 Teucer, 100; 28616 Shut Up. 95 Overw ights Sylvian, 11 pounds : Crosby, 3i; Empress of Beauty, 1. Boomerack, show, 1 to 2. Biran Song, show, e vans. Sylvian, show, 21 to 1. Crosby, show, 1 to 2. 29033 8EC0NI BAuK 5" mie Purs8?S00- 2-year-olds. Allowances. Horsgs AWtBtjj K li StrFin Jockoye Owners Q H C P .9196 POSTIl,LTON 98 7 51 43 31 1 Lindsay J W Psngle 8 20 20 8 295902DOLCE F. NIENTE 97 2 31 3a 2s 21 Lvne A H and D H MorriBi-5 4-5 7-107-20 29325 LINGO 102 4 la 22 42 3K Rice E Trotter 8 8 8 3 26177 MARIE BELL 102 5 21 1h Jh 4k Hshberger M Blardonn and Co 20 40 40 10 2j9 KALOJij. 108 10 9 7 7 5"" Dale RE WatkinsandCo5 8 8 2 29590 LOU WOODS 97 9 7 5h 5hk 63 Davisson C K Burdeau 3 5 5 7-5 " 9279 CHICKADEE 94 1 8 9 9 7 R Brown H T Griffin 30 100 100 40 29447 NETHERLAND 981 3 4 6a 8 81 H Wilson J Cbivis 30 100 100 40 29590 D. OF CONNAUGHT108 8 6 8 6" 91 T OBrien T J McHale 4 8 8 3 28141 KING FORD 98 6 10 10 10 10 Cogswell W S Laird 20 100 100 40 THE MORMON 102 11 11 11 11 11 Reeder W M Sloan 20 100 100 40 Time, 241, 49, 1:011. Winner Br. c, by Lissak Emily. Went to post at 2:40. At post 21 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second handily. Postillion ran a fine race under a vigorous ride, got up in the last sixteenth and fought it out gamely with Dolce Far Niente. The latter was in close quarters at the finish and Lyne could not do him justice. Lingo ran well under poor handling. Marie Bell showed speed, but weakened when, challenged. Kaloma finished strongly from a poor beginning. Lou Woods was never a real factor. Pcratched 29J96Nellie Waddall, 117. Overweights Postillion, 1 pound; Netherland, 41; King Ford, 1. Postillion, show, 8 to 1. Dolce Far Niente, show, out. Lingo, show, 6 to 5. lnJ Q A THIRD RACE bort Course. Puree 00. 3-year-olds and upward. aQOtJb Handicap. Steeplechase. tfi Horses AWt Bt 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockayi Owners O H O P 29591 BRISTOL 5 142 3 21 22 33 11 13 13 Qaddy Mrs L Finney 7-104-5 4-5 1-S .29342 SAUBER 6 135 4 31 31 U 2 21 23 Comer J Laird 4 7 7 2 29591SDIVERTMNT4 130 2 11 U 21 86 310 30 A Johnson W Walker 6 6 6 3-2 29591 C. CONOVER 5 1361 655555 45 L OBrien Mrs R Bradley 8 10 10 3 29162 MANHEIM 8 130 5 42 46 46 410 42 5 Ellison . E Richardson 4 10 10 3 29594 S. BRAMBLE 3 130 1 Fell. J Gormley Mrs MC LylesandCol5 SO 80 6 Time, 3:071. Winner B. m, by Wadsworth, dam by Buckra. Went to post at 3:25. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Bristol was best, out-fenced the others and could have gone to the front at any part of the race. Saubar Serformed cleverly and will bear watching as he is a new beginner at the jumping game. tivertisBement tired at the last jump. Scotch Bramble fell over the first jump. Overweights Captain Conover, 11 pounds. Bristol, show, out. Banber, show, 9 to 10. Divertissement, 3 to 5. OOCQK FOURTH BACK 1 Mile. 3-year-olda and upward. Belling; tDOO The Magnolia Stakes. ,000 added. j lod Horsea A Wt Bt X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 295942B. G, FOX 5 1071 2 22 22 1 HI H Coburn D P Bodgers 10 10 10 4 29592 ANDES 5 104 5 61 61 5 5a 2 Otis James Arthur 4 9 9 3 29589 PETIT MAITRE 4 106 7 7 7 7 61 31 Dale S J Charles 4 8 8 21 29594FELIX BARD 4 101 8 51 31 61 2a 41 T OBrien FizerandCo 21 21 9-5 4-5 29589 CHOICE 3 100 1 12 1st 22 3 51 Lyne A H and D HMorris7 10 10 4 29467 SCHN. LAUFER 4 102 6 8 8 8 8 6" Lindsay J B Hespass 7 8 8 3 2959S3EL.G30R 5 97 11 10 10 9 9 7" Minder G W Curtis 40 50 50 20 295932 FREE PA8S 4 91 3 3 41 32 41 81 Helgeson LockartBros 15 15 12 5 29589 EVA RICE 6 1071 4 4" 52 4"7 91 JWinkfleldC K Burdeau 6 13 13 5 29882 BEN CHANCE 4 101 12 12 12 12 11 102 Munro R M Westerfleld 30 50 50 20 295892JOHN. MCARTEYS 96 9 9 9 10 10 116 R Bteelo W L Hazelip 6 10 10 3 29589 VAN HOORBEKE4 99 10 11 11 11 12 12 D Hall U Z DeArman 30 40 40 15 Time, 25, 48i, 1:14, 1:40. Winner B. h, by Melodrama Impression. Went to post at 4:03, At post 11 minutes. Start fair. Won handily; second driving. B. G. Fox, under hard pressure, was made to laBt long enough. He showed plenty of early speed and was off well in motion, Andes loBt much ground in the stretch by swinging wide. He finished strongly and would in all probability havo won had the route been further. Petit Maitra had bid racing luck in the aarly stages and ran a winning raca. Felix Bard was off tangled up, then raced up to a contending position, but the effort told and he weakened in tho run home. Choice showed speed in the early stages but tired when strongly challenged. Schnell Laufer can do better. Free Pass ran impressively. Overweights B. G. Fox, 31 pounds; Eva Rice, 11. B. G. Fox, show, 2 to 1. Andes, show, 3 to 2. Petit Maitra, show, 6 to 5. Felix Bard, show, 1 to 2. F1FIH KACK 7"8 lle UTBe 300, 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances, 29030 Ind Horsas A Wt Bt M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29445 VELliA CLARK 3 103 6 32 22 21 2 1k Blake W L Hazelip 8 8 8 21 29592 THE RUSH 4 112 3 6 4 4" 33 23 T OBrien B LHommedieu 7-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 29592 FAKE 3 105 2 12 12 H 1h 33 Lyne A H and D H Morria6-5 11-52 3-5 29161 JIM NAP 3 100 5 41 81 32 42 41 Cogswell T Napper 15 SO 80 8 29517 JOHN GRIGSBY 4 107 4 5" 6 62 51 5 Coburn J J and ifl F Murray 7 7 2. 23816 TRAGEDY 8 104 1 2 5 6 6 6 T Meade J A Johnson 12 15 15 5 Time. 24, 48i, 1:14, 1:27. Winner Ch. f, by Kismet Tnlsa. Went to post at 4:40. At nost 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Velme Clark raced Fake into submission in the first five-eighths and whon challenged by The Hush out-gamed the latter. The Bush was under restraint in the first part of the race and saved gioundt on the stretch turn. Fake showed early speed and should improve from this race. Jim Nap ran impressively and can win in slower company. Hcratcnsd 29i243Elsii Bramble, 102. Yelma Clark, show, evens. The Rush, show, out. Fake, show, out. 2903 T 8IXTH KACK 1 1-3 aUle8 mrsB300. 3-year-olas and upward. Selling. ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt 24 K 3 BtrFin Jo-keys Ownra O H O P 296192DELOHAINE 3 81 4 12 15 H o 16 i z -Belgeson Mrs M Goldblatt S 3 11-53-5 29593 UNCLE TOM 3 84 1 22 23 22 23 23 23 D Mitchell T J MoHale 8 10 10 3 29097 BWORD3MAN 7 105 3 35 36 32031 3" T OBrien FizerandCo 1 7-5 7-5 1-2 29593 WOODTRICE 4 105 5 410 425 41004 4 4 Minder Mrs M C Lyles 3 Si Si 1 29400 VIRGINIA T. 3 95 2 5 5 5 Pulled up. D Halt V Cox and Co 30 60 60 12 Time. 26i, 52, 1 :18, 1 :4Si, 2 :10, 2 :36J. Winner B. f, by Florist Voltario. Wont to post at 5 :04, At poBt 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the eams, Delor-aine epreadeegled her field and won without the semblance of a hard ofiort. Uncle Tom was ac easily the best of the others. Swordsman ran his race. He was simply not good enough At the conditions. YYoodtrice appeared still and sore when going to tha post and was laid too far out of it in the early stages. Virginia T. pulled up on the stable turn when beaten. Overweights Virginia T., 2 pounds. Deloraine, show, out. Uncle Tom. show, 4 to 5. Bwordaman, show, out. Woodtrice, shew, out.