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FORFEITS AND ARREARS. From Whom Due. Horse. Amt. Alexander, Thomas B.- J. E. Madden Account C. K. Burdeau $ 50.00 Anderson, F.P Gross He 2 100.00 Appleby, L. O Knight of Ellers- lie 50.00 Atkin and Lottridge .... Entrance fees ... . 60.00 Baldwin, E. J. W. J. Speirs Entrance fees and arrears 140.00 Baldwin. E. J. George Baldwin Arrears 5500 Hate, Tyree Lucy Allen 50.00 Bauer, J., Jr., and Co.. . Francisca 50.00! 1 Bauer, J., Jr., and Co... Duchess of York. 50.00 Beck, Adam My Maryland .... "50.00 , : Bennett, J. A Gambolo 5000; Boehmer H.,andCo... Launtsmann 25.1.0 Boyle, Thomas Shannon Hose filly 50 00 Brown, G. H Earl of Aberdeen 2 75 00 Brown, S. S Wace 50.00 Burke, James C St. August 25.00 Euros, J., Entrance fees 10.00 Cahn, A Declaration fees. 50.00 Cahn, A Ida Cicalla 40.00 Cahn, A Cape Jessamine. 40.00 Cahn, A. Declaration fees . 30 00 Cahn, Jule and Co Entrance fees 10.00 Caldwell, James F... Sea Storm 50.00 Calvert, T. G Fairy Day 50.00 Carruthers, Boy. The Bohemian Girl 50 00 Carruthers, Boy The Mascot 50.00 Carruthers, Roy Mt. Clemmens... 50.00 ! Carter, James V Time 50.00 Cavan augh, J. F Entrance fees ... . 30 00 Chase, James B Dare 25.00 ; Chase, James B Modwena 50.00 Chase. James B. ...... Mirello 50.00 Chase, James B Milo Melo 50.00 Chase James B May tfloom 50.00 Chinn, P. T Entrance fees.... 20 00 Chinn and Forty the .... Entrance fees.... 155.00 Chinn and Forsy the Entrance fees 130.0 j Civill, P. M.... Entrance fees.... 35.00 Civill, P. M. Entrance fees.... 200.00 Civill. P M Entrance fees.... 190.00 Clay, George H Boanharnais 2.. 75.00 Clay, George H Cathay 50 00 Clay, George H De Beauvoir 25.00 Clay, George H Deuce of Hearts. 50.00 Clay. George H Ellengowan 50.00 Clay, George H Madam Junot 50.00 Clay, James B Chance 25.00 Cleveland, W. K Declaration fee.. 15 00 Cook. T. A B. G. Bruce 25.00 Costello T Entrance fees.... 10.01 Covey, F. W Flamaway 50.00 Covey, F.W.... Raciba 50.00 Covey, F. W Goula colt 50.C0 Cramer, W. L. W.E. Brasfield John Bell 25.00 Curran, F. H Bucksaw 2 100 00 Curry, Gil Entrance fees 85.00 Cushing, A. B Armstrong 50.00 Cutler and Miles Spanish Princess 50.00 Darden, W. W Arrears 5.00 Darden, W.W Entrance fees 55.00 Davies, George Furst Bros. Times Star 50.00 DeArman, U.Z. Chinn and Forsy the Ravensbury 10.00 DeNeffe and Cromwell.. Faywood 25.00 Dickens. Thomas S... Morellina 50.00 Dodge, C. N Flamatista 50.00 Donovan, John J Babbie 50.00 Duffy, H. C Ordelle 50.00 Dunne. J Immense 50.00 Durnell, C. E Entrance fees 35.00 Dumell, C. E Entrance fees ... . 140.00 Dwyer, M. F Hilee 50.00 Earnshaw Bros Entrance fees ... . 20.00 Elliott, J. M. Bauer andCo Joe Lewis 50.00 Farrar and Tuberville.. Alice Rix 50.00 Farrar and Tuberville.. Racebud 50.00 Fen ton, T. and Co Entrance fees.... 30.00 Fenton. T. and Co Entrance fees.... 70.00 Fessenden, W. C Entrance fees.... 30.00 Fitzgerald, James Thurles 25.00 Fogg. J. F Entrance fees 10.00 Forsy the, C. J Entrance fees ... . 20.00 Forsythe, J. W. and Co. W. M. Wallace .... BellesCommoner 10.00 Forsythe J. W. and Co. Entrance fees 30.0 Forsythe, Mrs. C. J. .. Entrance fees.... 10.00 Forsythe, R. B Entrance fees 20.00 Foster and Brnmfield . . . Entrance fees 20.00 Frank. H. L Mallakwa E0.00 Fred man, W. H Entrance fees 30.00 Freudenberg, A Nora Ives 50.00 Freudenberg, C. A.... Blue Jacket 50.00 Gaines, S. T. and Bro .-. . Entrance fees .... 50.00 Gaines, S. T. and Bro . . . Entrance fees .... 30.00 Gardner, John ....... Entrance fees 30.00 Gardner, J Entrance fees.... 25.00 Gardner, J Entrance fees 30.00 Gibson, A. T Dawfyd 10.00 Gilpin, W. B High Water 50.00 Godfrey, John Miss Fairmount. 50.00 Goode, John Major Richards. 25.00 Gooding, A. P Lady Bramble... 50.00 Gooding. A. P Sister Sudie 50.00 Gradj, Chris Mark Miles 50.00 Gray. Mrs. S.C Masconoma 2.. 75.00 Greenwood,Tom Kinder colt 50.00 Grey, J. A... Entrance fees 10.00 Hale, Brady , Carruthers .. 10.00 .Hall, M. M. and Co Prosper La Gai.. 50.00 1 , : ! ; j I i Halmbeck, B Jack Hayes . . ; . . . 25.00 Hankinsand Johnston. Little Minch.... 25.00 Hankinsand Johnston. Terra Cotta 25.00 Harlan, J. C... "nine 2 100 00 Harlan, S. P Entrance fees.... 90.00 Harrison, J. B Presume 50.00 Hayes W. M Loves Labor.... 25.00 Henderson. Mrs. K. W. W. V. Henderson. Bifle 20 00 Henderson, Mrs. K... Entrance fees.... 20.00 Bensy. James R Kahler 25 00 Hickok, F. H Robert Aull 25 00 Hill and Johnson Rexford 25.00 Hill and Johnson Dan Lingo. . 25.00 Hill and Johnson Cyprus 25.00 Hobart, HB Bosettacolt 50.00 Hoiloway, B. T Teuton 50 00 I Holly, B.C.. Firtntion filly. . . 50.00 Holman. 8. N Entrance fees.... 90 00 Wonig, Theodore D. .. Vivat Rx 25.00 Huffman. John.-. Jockey fee 5.00 Hughes, M. S Entrance fees .... 130.00 Hutchinson, W. C... Entrance fees.... 65.00 Hutchinson. W. C Entrance fees 65.00. . Hyner. John Mc- ! 1 Chesney and Oots.. Harry Yocum 50.00 Israel, Mrs. E. L The Chevalier... 25.00 Jackson and Gillock Dandie Dinmont. 50.00 Jackson and Gillock.... Fenelon 25.00 Jackpon and Gillock.... MajcrDomo 50.00 Jackson. W. H Immediate 50.00 James. Joseph Crefner 50 00 Jfferson, Clark...... John Fy 2 100 00 Jefferson, Clark Love Letter 50.00 Johnson, A. Sidney . . . Fair Penitent .... 50.00 Jones, O. A ".. Hoya 50.00 Jones, S. H Hobart... 5000 Jordan, Eli Major Mansir.... 50.00 Keenan and Noonan Victory Rye 50.00 Ketcheman, W. H Free Lance 25.00 Ketcheman, W. H Entrance fees.... 30.00 Kice and Co Domestic 50 00 iKing.T Prize 10.00 Kitchen, James Rosalie filly 50.00 . Lafferty, W.L. Bauer I I andCo TululahB 50.00 Lansing, W.L Entrance fees 5.00 Lansing, W. L.. Prince Michael.. 50.00 Lansing, W. L Lucy Adelaide filly 50 00 Lansing, W.L Babe Carter 50.00 Leachman, H. Furst Bros. Benvedere 2.... 100 00 Leachman, H. W. Fnrst Bros. Benvidere 25.00 LeFebnr, John Margery B 50.00 Leigh, H. E Entrance fees.... 158.00 Leigh, H. Eugene Bramble 50.00 Leigh, H. Eugene .... Kingston 25.00 Leigh, H. Eusene .... Forester 25.00 Leigh, H. Eugene .... Bed Fire 25 00 Leigh H.Eugene.... King Bramble... 25.00 Leigh. H. Eugene Briarens 25.00 Leigh, H. Eugene Colonel Hawkins 25.00 i Leigh, H. Eugene .... Wig 25.00 I Lnigh and Jordan Sir Fitzhugh 25 00 i Leigh and Jordan Special Notice. .. 25.00 Littrell, G. W Bessie L 50.00 . Lyles, W. W Arrears 109 00 Lyne, S.C Darthea 50 00 Lyne, S. C Deceptive ........ 50.00 Lyne S. C Falsehan 50.00 Lyne, S.C Likewise colt.... 50.00 Lyne, S. C and Co Deceiver 25.00 I Macdonough.Wm.OB. Snwarro 25.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. Ormonde 25.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. 8t. Carlo 25400 Macdonough.Wm.OB. Orsini 50.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. Ossary 50.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. Orellana 50 00 Macdonough.Wm OB. Golden Locks... 50.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. St. Apollinaris... 50.00 Macdonough.Wm.OB. Aerolite colt 50.00 I Madden. J . E Entrance fees .... 10.00 Magee, T. A Declaration fees. 60.00 Magrane, W". P Entrance fees.... 30.00 i Magrane, W. P Entrance fees and arrears 113.00 I March, E Entrance fees.... 40.00 March, J. H Kitty French 50.00 May and Hall Entrance fees .... 15.00 McCafferty, J. J. E. F. SimmB The Puritan 50.00 McCafferty, J. J Entrance fees 30.00 McCafferey, John W. P. Magrane Entrance fees 115.00 McCay and Co Entrance fees 75.00 McCayandCo.GilCurry Entrance fees.... 75.00 Mc lelland, B Adrain 2 100.00 McClelland, B Sirdar 2 100 00 McClelland, B Alma Mater 50.00 McClelland, Byron.... Jeanlngelow 50 00 McClelland, Byron.... Prince Jerome... 50.00 McConnell, W. A Entrance fees.... 35.00 McDonald, J. E Salara colt 50.00 Mc Hugh, J. H Entrance fees ... . 10.00 McKeever Bros Andelia filly 50 00 McKeever Bros Eleanor R 50.00 McKenna. E. C Ben de Bar 25 00 McLean, C. B Faith Ward 10.00 McLean, C. R Entrance fees.... 20.00 McLean, E. F.. L. P. Tarlton and Co. Lucy- Leach 50.00 Meehan. J. P Entrance fees.... 10.00 Miles. P. J., L. P. Tarlton and Co. Pantheon ........ 50.00 Million, B. B Justus Goebel.... 50.00 Million, B. B Star Florist 2.. 75.00 Mitchell, M Domozetta .... .. 25.00 Moore, Ed Step Lightly 25 00 Moore, G. H.. Entrance fees.... 35.00 Moore, W. D Wager 50.00 MoraD, J. J Entrance fees 20.00 Murphy, George Arthur Behan 25.00 Murphy, George John G. Ford 25 00 Murphy, George Denny Duffy 25 00 Myles, F Zamboanga 25.00 Napier. James W Entrance fees 30.00 Neil, James Wrinkles........ 50.00 Nichols and Talbot Lady Eon 50.00 Oliver, W.L Entrance fees.... 250 00 Owsley, H. H Katie Welch 50 00 Parmer, W. O Peter H 5000 Patterson. C. T Arrears 177.00 Patterson, C. T Entrance fees 50.00 Pepper, James E Entrance fee3.... 388.50 Pepper, J. E Entrance fees.... 65.00 PlatnerBros Billy Har tin 25.00 Porter. Clifford and Co. Malvolio 25.00 Powers, John Entrance fees.... 20.00 Railey C. L Gar Avon 2 100.00 Railoy, C.L Ioruo 2 100.00 Rainey. W. II.. .. ... Entrance foos.... 40.00 Reed Mrs. A Y , I i-np teo 45.00 Reed, Mrs. A. . ... Jr nJ ... 45.00 Reod, Mrs. A. t ailj.J. u uui I.uj i I . ! 1 . I I Reed, Mrs. A. W Ten Fun 45.00 Reed, Mrs. A. W Gold Garter 45 00 Reed, S. G., estate.. Thorn Blossom .. 50.00 Beis. W. B Tassajara 50.00 Rei, W. B. Eopinger 25 00 Rexford, W. H Entrance I ees . . . . 20 00 Rhodes, Oscar Tenraine 50 00 Richardson, M D Lancet filly 50.00 Robinson, S . . . . Entrance fees 10 00 Robinson and Leach Entrance fees .... 125.00 Roche. W. J Entrance fees ... . 40.00 RoldBros Jacinth 25 00 Boset R. L. E. F. Simms Mark Twain 50.00 Ryan, W. J Entrance fees .... 20.00 Scearce, Mose X. Bauer and Co. Sweet Russell.... 50 00 Schoenfeld, L. N.andN. Marcus Mayer... 50.00 Schoenfeld. L. N. and N. Under the Rose.. 50 00 Schreiber, B Entrance fees ... . 195 00 Schreiber, B Belle Shot 40,00 Schreiber, B Proposal. 40.00 Schreiber, B Entrance fees 130.00 Seagram, J. E Defiance 50.00 Seagram, J.E Galihad 50.00 Seamster, A. N Virgil Clay 50.00 Seamster, A. N Bills Bowling.... 50.00 Self, Wm.E Aunt Rachael.... 40.00 Shipp, J.V Concha 50.00 Simmons, William L. Pri vats Nolan... 25 00 Simms, K. F... Anears 455.00 Sim s, E. F Mark Cheek 2. 75.00 Simms, E. F The Covenanter. 50.00 Simms, E. F Albert Edward... 50.00 Simpson and Marders... Pink Dress 50.00 Simpson and Marders... Chloris 50.00 Sink, WB., Jr Orthia 2500 Sloan, Fremont Arrears 30.00 Smillie, A. N Tomoro 50.00 Smillie. A. N Florida Bose.... 50.00 Smith, H. R . El Puerta 3 .... 125 00 Smith, H. R Louise Hooker3 125 00 8mith, Mrs. M. J Entrance fees.... 20.00 hnider, H. F Li Snng hang2 100.00 Snider, H. F Rebecca Wells 2 100.00 Snyder, W. F. E. F. Simms Li Hung Chang.. 25.00 Stanfield. W. L Jim Hale , .. 20.00 Stanfield, W. L Entrance fees.... 30.00 Stanhope, H. H Murano 50.00 Stanton, P Entrance fees.... 155.00 Stanton, P Bob Phillips 25.00 Stanton, P Ikie W 25.00 Stanton. P Mason 25 00 Steele. Brice Count Navarro2 100.00 Streett. S. W Entrance fees....- 40.00 Sullivan, Joseph A. .. Lavatera 50.00 Tarlton, L. P., and Co.. Mulvihill 50 00 Tarlton, L. P., and Co.. Rockland 50 00 Tarr, Fisher Dresson 2 100.00 Tarr, Fisher MiHersburg 2.. 100.00 Tarr, T. H Goldspring 2 . . . 100 00 Tarr, William Mary T 50.00 Thompson Bros Feign 2 100.00 , Thurman, A. L Marion Forsythe 1 filly 50.00 Thurman, A. L Tnsea 50.00 Thurman, A. W Red Duchesse 50.00 Thurman, A. W Dnndoff .- 50.00 Tomlinsonand Woodford Entrance fees.... 10 00 TomlinsonandWoodford Queen Dixon 50.00 Tomlinson, P. and Co.. . Entrance fees.... 40.00 Tomlinson, P. and Co. .. Entrance fees ... 50.00 t Tomlinson. P Entrance fees.... 90.00 Wachter, E. G Entrance fees.... 10 00 i Wallace and Perry Entrance fees.... 40.00 i Ward, A. H Substitute 2.... 100 00 Watts, T. B Bradford 25.00 Watts, T. B Pontico 25.00 Watts, T. B -.. Wawekus 25.00 Weaver, J. T. and Co.. .. Arrears 60.00 Widener, W. J Amelia 50.00 Widen-r, W. J Lulu Geib.. ...... 50.00 Wiethoff, F. A. and Co.. Gertie Bailey.... 50.00 Wiethoff, F. A. and Co.. Belle of St. Clair. 50.00 Williams and Radford.. Albert 50.00 Williams and Radford.. Annie Lyne colt. 50.00 Wilson, A. J. and Co.... Al Koran 2 100 00 .Wilson, A. J andCo.... Briarhill 2 100.00 Wilson, A. J. and Co ... . Libanus 2 100 00 Wilson, A. J. and Co Spinwell 2 100.00 Wilson, James Entrance fees.... 65.00 Winters, Theodore... Joe Hooker 25.00 Winters, Theodore... EIRioRey 25.00 Withers. George Little Smoke.... 25.00 Woodard and Anderson. Arrears 26.00 Woodford and Co. P. Tomlinson and Co,.. Queen Burlington 30.00