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AWOBBIOAH SPORTIHG MANUAL. The Amerloan Sporting Manual of 19M eoa tains all racing records at large, ravissd cmd somplstc up to ihe end of 16M; four hnndinai? pin? eyetama with directions for their praetisa application, a table showing how to onsiu.S bookmaking pcroentagei , track record of al th recogniissd tracks of the country, the won am and eastern zcalci of weights, table- ihow ing tho comparative ipead of traeki, acoMtrlair Uj4 of pngiliatio contttti of 19M of any erase qnenoe, trotting and pacing records at all di tans! and a lilt of the new 3:15 trottsri of 1S Also it coaiplcts rtteord of pertormaneea aS all itylei of billiandrdt.