Memphis Stakes Extended, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-17


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nf- . , . , . . MEMPHIS SrAKE? EXTENDED. j The following telegram from Secretary Mac--farlan of the New Memphis Jockey Clab is salf-explanatory: f Memphis, Tenn., December 16 For the benefit of horsemen that may be reinstated at the next moating of the Western Jockey Clnb stewards, the New Memphis JocVey Club has ex-tendod the time of cloing of its stakes to the 7th of January, and will receive entries Bnbj.ect to action of the stewards of the Western Jockey Club. M. N. Macfaelan, Secretary. Horsemen, who now stand disqualified because of the operation of the rules of the Western Jockey Club, should at once file applications for relief. Their applications should include not only their own names, but alBO the names of all their horseB as well. The action of the New Memphis Jockey Club is thoughtful. The Washington Park stakes will close January 15, and it is probable that the stakes of the New Iiouisvillo Jockey Club, Tho Latonia Jockey Club and the St. LouiB Fair Grounds Association will aleo close in January, as has been the case heretofore. In all, this is very solid reason why application for relief from disqualification should reach secretary Euhl before the begin-xiing of the new year.

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Local Identifier: drf1901121701_1_2
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