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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON. S. C, December 16,-First day. Charleston Racing Association. Winter Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track good. Preeiding Judge, J. B. Morrow. 8tarter, W. F. Bruen. v Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. , 208OO FIRAPo5ance73"4 MilC PnrBa C0- 3-yRr"olds and nPard. Ind Herses A Wt St and Yt BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P lm5q5?T7FTir 22 11 inn M Johnson HL Johnson 1 1 1 out SSsOTW ?? SM6 5 J W Woods pVlns3andWilliams21 4 4 -5 JiiSSlH, Y-UBESQim 1. 3 114. 1 1 11 21 2h 85 Bonner J TT nnrnatt R ft K u 2ppDEWEY!fCENT ? ft i!42iP8r CarmacandCo 6 10 10 J iI Z S S I? WinwrightMra G H Piorco 12 12 125 yofiSl nf nff t p C" J? 5 5H I 63 61 Brewer C Cox 10 10 10 4 r 29603 ORDEAL 5 112 6 6- and 7 725 Kennedy J McCann 4 7 7 3 LAURIA 3 112 8 8 8 8 8 RobortEon R C Ciusey 6 10 10 I . Time, 26, 53, 1:19. w t v m Winner B. f, by Tremont Margo. o0eniitopoBtat2-:36- AP08tl2 minutes.. Start good. Won easily; second the same. It Sftlw7 an exerclS8 BjHc-pfor Tremar which came away when her ridar was ready and" won rnnplefJ0-ln 8irY0, 8ani Lazarus Esq seemed to be bothered while going around. the sharp turns. Jessie v Y. showed early speed bnt was handicapped at the end by a bad ride. Scratched-20165 Pretonius, 119; QneebL.,112; H.O. Beed, 112: Tom Carl, 112. Bern Lazuras Esq.. show, 4 to 5. Jessie Y show, 4 to 5. 208OX PEC0ND HACK-6 i3 furlongs. Purse . S-year-olds. Selling. Lnd Horses A Wt St X X X BtrFin Jockeys Oi 0 H C P 28455 DANDIE BELLE 107 4 la 11 1h Alarie Kerr and CnntiH 1 i 1 28596 MARIA BOLTON 107 S 42 2h 31 21 Castro W I Kilnatrick I 1 iUt "63 M UDDER 100 2 31 32 21 32 BlacHock Dunn and De ue 15 20 20 8 HI I ccYtjs11 in? H fr H W Wooda DglassandWilliamsS 4 f 8-5 SniMMnNn I I 1 I J Lynch Giles and Biddle 2 4 4 7-5 HENRY HAMMOND 111 r 6 6 6 6 6 Shaw B C Causey 10 10 10 4 Time, 261, 58, l:19i, 1:271. w Winner Br. d u n 1 f, by Dandle Dinmont Belle Foster. rt,- p?ii0 p0iBt at Pj0" 6nPiB? 8lart, 00d- Won d"ving; second the same. Dan- die Belle was cleverly handled and held her field safe throughout. Maria Bolton came with a t?redanB if "hoit." b8at0n" Mudr IaQ m. Jto Scratched 26263 Gale Todd, 105. mond 5r.W6igbtB-:Dandie BeU3 4 poundH; Maria fiolton, 4; Mudder, 3; Oricius, 5; Henry Ham- Maria Bolton, show, out. Mudder, show. 3 to 1. Jim Winn, Bhow, out. Oricins. show, out. 20802 THIHD 2ACH-7-8 Mlle- Parse 00, AU Ages. AUowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners" O H C P 29603 PASSAIC 5 119 7 6 4"k 21 21 la J Walker J E Lann i ft-K c z 1 CLIFTON BOY 2 88 8 1 U 1k fa 22 Redding STGafnesandPn 4 r"5 I2 29158 ELLIS5 TELL lfR 5 V S f 3 4 WE Wstmofefande 10 10 4 Q7i5LS2??ALROVEB ,86 f 2 21 61 66 65 S JohaacS TL Emery 6 15 914?ACO . 7 116 1 7 7 . 7 7 7 E Hayes H L C Moore 6 15 15 4 First series. Time, 24, 54, 1:20, l:3ii. Winner-B. h. by Sir Modred -Irian. Went to post at 3:37. At post 2 minutes. Start, good. Won driving; second easily Passaic was under restraint for the first half and came away at the end under pr.psure! The race will probably improve him. Clifton Boy ran well for the first flva-eigbths, but hung a trifle aVth end. Lizzie Tello came fast in the last eighth and caught Ellis tiring Passaic, show, out. Clifton Boy, show, evens. Lizzie Tello, show, 2 to 1. Tout, show, out. 20803 FOUBTE RACE 5 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Belling. Ind Horses A Wt St and X jj BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 9179 TRISTRAM loT 12 13 13 111 Enos m.. m ffnnn r r 5 ; Winner B. c, by traverse Belle of Mt! Zoah. " Went to post at 4:03. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won oasily; Becond the same Trlafc ram was well in motion when the field broke and tiptoed them aU Uhe way. Deadly Nfaht Shade wtarfn flPt8 T?ea3imply ngh. Dr. Worth ran Tf short better when fit. Hattie Davis M?00 as and can do much was badly messed about. Jim Scanlan did not run his trnaaca Davis, BhoffoS? 68 7 Ni8ht ShadB BhW ntl Dr WoFth, shoS to 5 Hattfe 20804 FIFTH BACK 1 Mile. Pnrae J!C0. S-year-olds and upward. Selling. nd Horaoo A Wt St 34 H jj BtrFin Jockeys Ownere O H fl P 29480 SALOME 7 108 3 31 41 33 33 U Enos W a FW : o , . , 18843KINGFUL 4 108 5 2 H 12 12 2H J Jones Jnhn I f ?"2 28137 EL9IE VENNEB 4 108 1 41 21 22 2a 33 White S T Gainf f 2 1 23918 KING GALON G 7 112 4 63 SI 51 42 4 Brewer Eteen 1 Tnrnnr I J 1 f 294292 BOSE BIBD 8 99 7 51 61 61 53 56 M Johrlaon B Mnnf. I a ? J 19619 MAMHANHA 11.5 108 2 la 52 41 615 J Sandl Co J 1 A BRIDE 3 107 6 7 J J , Winwr ghtW R Taylor 15 15 L I Winner B. m, by Jim Gore Century. Went to post at 4:8. At poBt 2 minutea. Startgood, Won driving: second easilv Hnlr,ma finished well and won by virtue of beiug best handled.: Kingfnl with a Sn ,w! ilM Lome won. Elsie Venner ran well for the first three-quarters, but tired baand iS th? Kint run home GaISc?a? C8Q d0 b8"" Mark Hanna Ilf nadTo SS out.SaB0omeamrarehow,22to5? EIsi Y"n8r Bhow 3 to 2" Galong, show,