New Orleans Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-17

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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS, I.A.., December 16. Sixteenth day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track good. Presiding Judge, fi. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIRBT SACK 6 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 5300. 3-year-olde and upward. 29788 bad Horses AWtBt K ft .3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25753 OLD FOX 5 1081 4 6 41 52 1" Dale C A Johnson 15 60 20 8 297312 ALPACA 4 107 6 Sh 2H 42 21 L Smith A C McCafferty 2 2 8-5 7-10 29777JLIT. J. HORNER 5 107 5 12 12 11 Sh Cochran W H Richardson 4 6 6 8-5 2975!PIRAT8 QUEENS 99510 10 8 61 41 Otis James Arthur 4 4 4 3-2 28941 WIEDEMANN 4 107 1 2 Sh 2fl 5" Mooney T C Stevens and Co 4 25 25 10 29719 FLOP 6 112 2 5 51 3 63 Landry MrsLDeArman 8 8 8 3 29709 TEUCER 6 115 8 9 9 7 710 Nelson W W OHaraandCo 15 16 16 6 28688 WAR HEN POINT 8 107 3 8 10 9 81 Gormley P McGuire SO 50 50 12 29717 FANNIE MAUD 3 1041 7 4U 7 8 9" Hshberger Mrs T Capo 15 30 30 8 26761 REDUCER 6 107 9 7 6 10 10 Earle HTBatchelerandCol5 15 12 5 Apprentice allowance. Time, 241, 49, 1 :15i, 1 :23. Winner B. g, by Pardee Re-echo. Went to post at 2 :00. At post 15 minutes. Start good. Won with the first three driving hard. Old Fox finished fast and strongly, wore the leaders down in the last furlong and got up in the final strides. Alpaca cams wide at the stretch turn and hung when it came to a drive. It ssemed sure that she would win when at the sixteenth post. Little Jack Horner Bhowed the most early speed, but was tiring in tho final drive. Pirates Queen closed a big gap. Wiedemann was raced into exhaustion in following Little Jack Horner. Scratched 29733 Hop Scotch, 112 ; 295772Tour, 104. Overweights Old Fox, 11 pounds; Pirates Queen, 1; Fannie Maud, 1. Old Fox, show, 3 to 1. Alpaca, Bhow, 2 to 5. Little Jack Horner, show, 4 to 5, Pirates Queen, show, 3 to 5. BECON:D aACB 3" MLle Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 8elling. 9789 aand Horsee A Wt St ii ft StrFin Jockoya Ownere O E C P 29779 CAST IRON 106 8 61 53 4" 1 Dominick RE Catkins and Co 4 4 4 8-5 297643 MISSILE 99 3 la la 2 L Smith A C McCafferty 6 6 5 2 29J54LINGO 102 1 32 21 1 31 Rice E Trotter 4 4 18-56-5 29720 BEN HULLUM 971 4 41 S" 52 41 T Dean G W Innes and Co 12 12 12 5 297642 ME UK WASTELL 99 6 52 41 21 51 J Miller J J Murray 6 6 5 2 29720 LEENJA 105 5 8 8 6 66 H Wilson J J Marklein 10 12 12 5 295S0 EMMA A. M. 96 7 7 7 7 71 Creamer M J Brannon 30 30 SO 12 2969 1T HE WIDOW 91 10 9 9 8 S Helgsson W H May and Son SO 60 60 25 296683 M AN 100 2 2 61 9 91 Cochran E J Arnold and Co 6 7 7 2 29217 BUSTY C. 96 9 10 10 10 1010 Feicht J Call 50 200 200 75 LAURIE 98 11 11 11 11 11 Lindsay Mrs J K Combs 30 40 40 15 Apprentice allowance. Time, 241, 481, 1 :15i. Winner Ch. c, by HastingB Carrara. Went to post at 2:40. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Cask Iron made up much ground and ran a good race, but bore over all through the last sixteenth, carrying Missile and Lingo with him. Dominick then outrode Smith and Rice when it came to a finish. Missile ran a good race, being under a drive throughout, and th same may be said of Lingo. Memo Was toll met with interference and was cut off a couple of times in the race. It was a weak rido on Leenja. Ben Hullum ran well. Scratched 29668 Colonel Stone, 96. Overweights Ben Hullum, 11 pounds ; Memo Wastoll, 1 ; Laurie, 2. Cast Iron, show, 4 to 5. Missile, show, evens. Lingo, show, 3 to 5. FTf r7fr THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. i UU Belling. lad Horses A Wt St Bt M ft X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 297523 MA i. HAN SIR 4 102 6 7 7 52 32 U 1 Muller J U Strode 3 3 3 4-5 29729 DALKEITH 3 94 3 la 11 1 11 22 23 Cochran U Z DeArman 5 6 6 2 29769 P. T.FIDDLER5 106 7 41 43 31 41 41 32 Dominick L Landry 3 31 31 7-5 756 R. BONNER 7 102 4 21 23 22 2 33 4 NelBon W A Peoples 8 15 15 6 29729 ZVCKP HE LP33 9S1 1 31 31 43 51 52 51 Dade J J Ogles 30 30 30 10- 29579 TYR 8HENA 5 1051 5 6 61 7 7 7 61 Coburn Mrs M A Slack 8-5 2 2 9-10 29745 HIJA 3 98 2 51 51 "61 6 6 7 Cogswell H Simons 40 100 100 15 Time, 261, 50, 1 :17t, 1 :45, 1 :59. Winner B. g, by Eothen Vol-Au-Vent. Went to post at 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; Becond the same. Major Mansir outclassed his field today, went to the front at his riders leisure and came away without much of an effort at the end. Dalketh Bhowed speed for a mile, but was tiring at the end. Pay the Fiddler wore Robert Bonner down in the last eighth. The latter went well for seven furlongs, then tired. Tyr Shena sulked and can do much better. Overweights Robert Bouner, 2 pounds; Zack Phelps, 1; Tyr Shena, 1; Hija, 5, Major Mansir, show, 1 to 3. Dalkeith, show, 4 to 5. Pay the Fiddler, show, 1 to 2. Tyr Shena, show, out. FODETH HACK 7-8 alIle Pnra8400- All Ages. Handicap. 2 9 7" 01 nd Horses A Wt Bt X ft BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 297551MALAY 5 110 5 5h 61 4 21 11 Blako T Carey 5 6 6 2 29755 ANDES 5 991 4 3 41 52 4 2 Otis James Arthur 21 13-513-54-5 29779 B1LMOFGILEAD2 94 6 1 11 1" 11 3" V Meade Mrs M Abadie 10 20 20 8 29743 FLEU RON 4 100 1 21 S3 31 5 43 Gormley MrsJBBrnonandCoS 6 6 2 297673 B. G. FOX 5 108 3 7 5h 610 615 5a Coburn D P Rodgers 2 21 8-5 S-5 297772FRANK KENNEY3 99 7 41 21 22 81 610 L Smith M Van PraagandColO 15 15 4 28684 SEN. BEVERIDGE3 100 2 61 7 7 7 7 Cochran W L Hazelip 12 15 15 5 Time.,251. 49i, 1 :16l, 1 :29i. Winner Br. g, by Pirate of Ponzance Miss Thomas. Went to post at 3:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won with the first four driving. Malay saved ground at all turns and finished strongly next to the inside rail. Andes met with a lot of early interference and was wearing the winner down at the end. Balm of Gilead ran a good raco but hunK when it came to a drive. Senator Bsveridge ran poorly. Scratched 29777 Tom Collins, 110; 29755 Schnoll Lanfer, 10S; 2975325emicolon, 103. Overwoights Andes, 11 pounds; Balm of Gilead, 4; Frank Kenney.l. Malay, show, evens. Andes, show, out. Balm of Gilead. show, 2 tol. B. G. Fox, show, out. g"QfJ- FIFTHRACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. S-year-olds and upward. nrf Horses A Wt St St X, ft X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O F 297813TREB0R 6 102 5 6a 61 41 82 3k H OtiB T D Sullivan 8-5 8-5 1 1-2 298603REN CHANCE4 107 S 7 7 7 7 42 2a Munro R M Westerfleld 10 10 8 3 297-e62 SWORDSMAN 7 103i 4 41 Si 2" 2i 11 31 Dominick FizerandCo 6 8 8 3 29744 FREE PASS 4 95 1 la 2" 5" 6a 2 42 Helgeson Lockart Bros 4 6 6 9-J5. 297452IRVG MAYOR 3 9G 6 51 51 11 11 1 51 El Gormley P McGuire 7 7 7 iii Scratched 297293 Piedorich, 91. Overwoighta Swordsman, i pound; Irving Mayor, 1. Trabor, show, out. Ben Chance, show, evans. Swordsman, show,-evens 29798 BL?0wfnclmieand 7OYard9- oar-olds and upward. Horsoa A Wt Bt li StrFin Jockeya Otowc n H V P Winn.r-B. g, by Albert-TommTa Lee! 1 AU- Went to post at 4:55. At post 3 minutos. Start good. Won easily secnrH t, oom aiu closed a big ap and finished fast. W. B. Gates can do bolter. Ha quit as if short Watorhon8e ont. bart Le Bh0W 2 t0 Baniflh Bhow ont- Vaterhouso, show, 8 to 5. W. B. Gates, show, OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND, CAL., December 16. Thirty-eighth day. New California Jockey Club. Fall Meeting, Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Mnrphy. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing b tart a at 2:10 p. m. 20 704. FIBji RACB 6 1-3 Furlons8, PnrB8S400. S-year-olds and upward. Ind Horses AWtBtM Yi 5 BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P Z97742FRANK BELL 5 112 1 H 12 12 1h Monnce J W ONeall and Co2-5 2-5 1-4 out 29639TBK MILLER 5 107 4 32 82 31 2 A Kelly G McNeil 10 20 12 8-5 29762 POM PINO 5 107 7 a 22 2i 35 J Ranch 8 Judge 5 8 8 6-5 29725 CAPTIVATE 3 102 6 6 41 41 4 L Jackson P- Bildreth 60 60 50 12 24070 ED GAB DO 4 107 5 1 52 52 510 ONeil L McCreery 10 30 30 6 24903 LUCA 8 102 3 41 62 62 62 Waterbury J Woodford and Co 100 200 200 40 1350 MARY NANCE 8 112 2 7 7 7 710 Raflsy J N Abbott and Co 50 100 100 40 14917 REYD.8AN JUAN 5 110 8 8 8 8 820 Romero M FoiBter 60 1C0 100 30 JACK CHAAFE 3 106 9 9 9 9 9 Tullett T Thompson 100 200 200 60 Timo, 12, 211, 48i, 1 :00i, 1 :07i. Winner B. g, by Big Henry Flora Leach. Went to post at 2:15. At poet 1 miDute. Start fair. Won driving; second easily. Frank Bell broke in front bnt an effort to rate him nearly brought him to the verge of defeat. As it waB ho scored a lncky win over the fast coming and badly handled The Miller. The latter ran a fast race and is evidently a very useful horse and can beat good horses. Pompino tired after close attendance on the winner for the first half and should improve. Captivate went well throughout. Edgaido wes probably short. He is only of moderato caliber, however. Bcratchod 29006 Constellator, 112; 29560 Crinkle, 107. Overweights Jack Chaafa, 4 pounds; Bey del Ban Juan, 3. The Miller, show, 1 to 2. Pompino, bhow, 1 to 2. 29705 SECOND BACK 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 400. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horeaa A W St jj Y BtrFin JockeyB Ownera O H C P 297592MONT EAGLE 4 105 2 12 H 12 1 Ibk J Banch C P Fiok 5 12 10 3 28105 ULM 5 109 8 8 7 7 21 23 Monnce Holcomb and BmithlS 25 20 8 25558 EL MIDO , 5 107 3 61 6 61 41 S6 OConnor J 8 Campbell 2 3 2i 1 2973S2CANEJO 4 105 7 51 41 32 31 42 Hoar Owen Bros 4 41 4 8-5 29738 FREE LANCE 7 110 5 3n 81 41 51 51 J Woods W H Ketchiman 2 3 3 7-5 29651 TALMA 4 105 1 23 22 21 62 62 L Jackson P McAuliffo 30 60 40 15 25334 M.L.BTH CHILD 3 103 9 9 9 8 7 71 McGinn J M Crane SO 100 100 SO 29763WBALEBACK 5 105 4 7 8 9 9 81 Hansom K Carey 10 25 15 6 24907 FONDO 3 100 6 4a 51 51 8 9 LAJackeon P Gilfoyle 10 20 20 8 Time, 25, 491, 1 :15i, 1 :42, 1 :48i. Winner B. g, by Baesetlaw Lulu. "Went to post at 2:35. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Mont Engle got? a lucky start and stole along and winning lead, but had to do his best at the end. Ulm came from a long way back in the last three furlongs, finished very fast and iB in his best form end a stayer. El Mido was evidently short and mado a Rood showing for bis first out at this meeting. Cancjo evidently favors a slow track, as he quit badly. Free Lance sulked palpably at the half. Scratched 29787 Mrs. Brunell,96. Overweights Ulm, 4 pounds. Mont Eagle, show, 8 to 5. Ulm, Bhow, 4 to 1. El Mido, show, 1 to 2. Free Lance, show. 1 to 8. Canpjo. show, 7 to 10. . 61Q 7Q I THIRD BACKFuturity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. Jmi J 6 tJJ 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St 14. Yt 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 297862JOSIE G. 115 3 31 31 21 l Howson J H Gibson 3 Si 31 1 29364BOTANY 115 1 21 22 H 28 Bullman EE Edwards 2 11-59-5 4-5 297S63FLO CULVER 110 4 5h 6 8 33 Dugan Htanfleld and Ellis 20 50 50 10 29620 BAMEBES 113 5 4 43 41 45 OConnor G B Morris 4 5 5 2 BOYAL ROGUE 115 7 62 51 6 58 Ross J C Nealon 60 100 100 40 296642QLENDENNING 115 2 13 11 31 65 J WoodB Montana Stable 2 11-511-54-5 29734 DISCOVERY 111 6 7 7 7 7 McCarthy W M Murry 50 100 100 40 Time, 1:10. Winner B. f, by Bloomsbury Czarina. Went to post at 3:02. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Josie G. caved grouiid throughout, finiehed strongly, under careful handling and stamped herself a superior class filly. She was probably lucky, however, to beat Botany. The latter was carried wide, losing much ground. He appeared a certain winner almost throughout, but he tired as if short and the race will improve him. Flo Culver did well to be third with such good ones. Barneses cannot beat good ones and has shown himself to be a counterfeit always. Royal Rogue is a good looker and should improve. Glendenning waB leading the first two horEes only on sufferance and is far from himBelf at present. Scratched 29786 Rubua, 110. OverweightB Discovery, 3 pounds. JoBio G., show, 2 to 5. Botany, show, 2 to 5. Flo Culver, show, 3 to 1. Glendenning, show, 2 to 5. QO TOT FOURTH RACE 6 1-3 furlongs. Purse 5500; 4-year-olda and upward. i ilf t J 6 Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St and K . X BtrFin Jockey Ownsrt O H G P 297491VVATHR CURE 4 105 3 3 3 3 11 OConnor G B Morris 1-2 1-2 2-5 out 275? 38VEfUVlAN 4 109 1 21 21 22 23 Monnce W B JenningsandCo 21 31 81 2-5 290523THE PB1DE 5 105 2 12 12 In 8 J Woods T H Ryan 5 10 8 6-5 Time, 24,49i.l:13i,l:2ti. Winner Ch. g, by Watercress Lenas First. Went to post at 3:27. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Wator-Cnre outclassed the others at the weights. OConnor was supremely co indent throuxhout and got him into a bopeleBB pocket in the stretch, was compelled to pull up, had to come around when a sixteenth out aDd still won decisively at the end. VeBUvian iB in grand condition and evidently needed this race. Ho will tako alot of beating from now on. The Pride made the pace only on sufferance and although he ran a good race was far outclassed today. OverweightB VtBnvian, 4 pounds. - 20708 F1FTH KAGK7"8 MUe Fnr8oS400. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses . A Wt St Mi X 5 8trFin Jockeys Owners DEPP 297E0PLOBN 4 112 6 Sh fca 5 31 11 Bullman PHyan 3 9 9 3 296f0DUCKOY 5 112 1 H 12 n n 21 OConnor G B MorriB 6 9 9 3 2978NAT1VE 4 112 3 4 2n 21 2h 3h L Jackson W H Ketchiman 2 11-52 1 29?4930i:C AR TOLLE 3 110 0 61 52 41 42 42 Bansom E J Baldwin and C06 6 31 7-5 297381BEDWALD 4 113 4 7 62 53 58 51 0 Monnce W B Jennings 4 4 18-51 16612 hELABJO 3 111 8 8 8 6 68 610 McCarthy M Ashley and Co 40 60 60 20 M1TBB1DATEB 4 112 7 51 41 7 7 730 SpeDcer BnrnsandWaterhseGO "100 100 40 2JE02 BAV1NO 3 112 2 21 7 8 8 8 Kelly W T Hayes 60 300 300 50 25C853DB. BPBRAYS 6 112 Left at the poEt. J Woods W Fisher 10 20 20 8 29775 COMING EVENT 4 112 "Left at the Dost. Hoar C Earl and Co 8 10 10 4 Time, 121, 23i, 481, 1 :14, 1 :27i. Winner B. g, by Strathmore Kelp. Went to post at 8:52. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won driving; second handily. Plohn showed unexpected and fast early speed and outBtayad the others under a superb finish and is a superior class horse over any diBtante. Duckoy emphasized his improved form by a fast and game effort on a fast track, which 1b supposed to be against him. Native suffered from being crowded in on the rail and a weak finish. Ofcar Tolle was a good colt badly messed about. He finished very BtroDg, after covering much unnecessary ground. Bedwald, .under an unneceBBarily choking pull to the stretch, then turned in Dezt to the rail behind the field and apparently received a stimulated whipping finish. Belario and Mithridates went fairly well. Scratched 29492 Marion Lynch, 112. Overweights Belario, 4 pounds; Mithridates, 2. Plobn, snow, 8 to 5. Duckoy, show, 8 to 5. Native, show, 1 to 2. Oscar Tolle, show, 8 to 5. Bedwald, show. 1 to 2. 20700 H1XTH KACK 1-16 mies Parse 400. 8-year-olds and upward. SeUing. Ind Horses A Wt Bt X Yi BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29585L OB1ENTE 3 100 2 14 13 l n 12 Bansom E J Baldwin and Co 8 20 20 8 297372WYOM1NG 7 111 8 51 22 21 21 21 L Jackson J G Brown and Co 2 8 21 6-5 29750 MSB OPS 5 107 4 3 3 82 Si 33 Hoar F D Weir S 9 9 31 297718AN VENADO 6 108 3 65 68 41 43 4 OConnor BMcNaughton 6 8 8 8 29536 MOB1NEL 6 107 1 21 fix 68 51 5 J Woods M Storn 7 8 8 8 297732BUBH MELDS 7 109 5 41 41 51 69 615 McGinn C O Bay 6 8 8 81 29750 LODE BTAR 7 109 6 7 7 7 7 7A Kelly D OKeefe 10 25 25 10 29552 ESSENCE 4 103 Left at the post. Bullman BurneandWaterhse 8 8 7 3 28667 CROMWELL 9 110 Left at the post. Monnce E W Purser 6 9 9 4 Time, 24, 491, 1 :15, 1 :4tt, 1 :471. Winner B. c, by San Venado Orange Leaf. Went to post at 4:20. At post 4 minutes. Start bad. Won ridden out; second driving. El Orients was given a lucky start, and a brilliant display of speed enabled him to take a commanding lead on the first turn, which he never relinquished, gamely stalling off Wyomings determined bid in the stretch. The latter broke in the rear, but, moving up fast, raced a fast .half into w!0?.iti?n i?.ehind the pacemaker, which effort told on him right at the end. He was thl lit J?,88 WroPsJ nnd 5 choking pull, made a late move and ran into a bad pocket in wwS; ?e ft m frccd f?rm" fan Venado finished fast and on the outside, Morinel 7t.i.B. blyshort She was outrun after an early flash of speed and should improve. Bush fitick Lodo 8tar was practically OverweightB Essence, 2 pounds. EI Oriente, show, 4 to 1. Wyoming, show, 3 to 5. Morops, ehow, 9 to 5.

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