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Reynolds and Co., 72, 119 DEARBORN ST. The best of reliable iuformation and expert handicapping by wire from our experts at Oakland and New Orleans daily. VAHTINE. 8-1, BEDECK, 3-2, THE.HOYDEN. 8-1, We gave to all onr enstomers yesterday. TODAY iVe have one grand special at each track and will be a long price, as both have been beaten on a muddy track, so aB to make loDg odds against them. On of these good things has worked 3-4 in 1:131 for this race. HOT SPRINGS OFFICES, 8 COURT ST. E .00 Weekly. Wiredat 10 a.m. A FEW BOOKS OF LOCAL FORM FOR SALE. FROM JULY 1 . . . .00 " AUGUST 1 . . 2.00 BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO The Hoyden, 5, My Advertised Extra Special 3 Bedeck, At Any Price a Pipe. Besides intermission pass time place and show bets: Goldaga, Brewer 8chorr, Eda Bilar, Dick Furber, Lennep, Balm of Gllead, Alard, Dr. Worth, L.ake Fonso, Pat Morrissay, lahtar. Kitti Kelly, Artilla, Oommonwea.lth8 Attorney. TODAY SATURDAY TODAY My good !"T"S races. I will REMEMBER MONDAY! SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. Wired to any part of the world. On sale at 11-30 a m ,fliCQ6 Ukrk St., in ticket ollic0 .ona 2149 Central. Newsstand southeast comer Clark and Madison Sts. Col. J. C. Wooters, Mgr., 9t Lincolu A.v., tel. North 1007. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU Publishers of Form Letter Handicap on all Kacqs. Suite COO, 203-3G9 Dearborn St, Telephone Harrison 1580. Terms .00 Daily; .00 Weekly. Oria, 20 to I. Fleuron, 15 to I. Swamplands, 50 to 1 won; Verify, 30 to 1 won, were a fow of the long shots that wo gave to our patrons tho last thirty days TWO 12 TO 1 SHOTS OR BETTER SATURDAY. Today wo expect to more than maintain our past record. All our clisnts will receive thn of a horse ou which our three experts at New Orleans adviso "YJU TVNNOT LnSre" ir name bean specially POINTED for the race In which he has boon entered and if the odds are in accord- ENABLES US TO GUARANTEE 50 PER CENT. WINNERS. This Is an offer no ther information bureau has ovor been able to make. If you aro tired nlav. rnFT?KRUH ANnrripS 0oorIdiHlyMinv,U?,d to investigate this unprecedented off,r. FOBM LETTER HAN DIC AP 3 alsoon sale at tha following placas: Adims Express Building cigar stand, 185 Dearborn St.; Kolmans cigar store, 267 Dearborn St., and newsstand northeast corner Doarborn and Van Buren Sts,