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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW OBL.EANS, LA., December 21. Twenty-first day. CreBcent City Jockey Clnb. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. 8immnns. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. F1KST EAGB 7-8 Mile PurBS80 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. 298 7 3 Ind Horses A Wt St H K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H f P 298452DEATH 6 110 7 62 511 41 S3 Hi Landry Oden Bowie 8-5 9-5 9-5 3-5 25915 SIR FLOBIAN 5 104 2 21 32 21 21 22 Domiuick F Reagan 15 15 4 2 2S845BOOfJ BRACK 3 104 3 4h 4" 53 43 S6 Otis J and H Arthur 8-5 2 2 8-5 29743 CHOICE S 1051 1 12 12 H 1h 4nk Lyne A H andD H Morris 12 15 15 5 29850 EVA PIPE 6 110 5 3" 25. Si fi 51 Davieson C K Burdeau 6 8 8 2 298G63BONDELLE 3 99 4 5H 62 62 61 61 J Wilson L A Huieson and Co 50 50 50 15 29108 MAPLE 4 107i 8 7 7 7 7 71 Robertson Lamasney Bros 10 15 15 6 29778 BE1GH HO 6 102 6 8 8 8 8 8 Cochraa C Mulholland 30 40 40 15 Apprentice allowance. Time, 24i, 481, 1:181, 1:27. Wincei B. g, by Cbaraxus The Alarm Bell. Went to pest at 2:01. At poBt 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Death came from behind in the run heme and had thirjgB all biB own way at the finish. Sir Florian was probably a bit short. Be showed a lot of speed, but tired in the last sixteenth. It was a bad tide on Hccmerack." Choice tired in the Btretch after showing much early speed. t 8eratcbed-297i0 Lillian Reed, 105; 28991 McWilliams, 105; 29822 Annie Thompson, 102; 297802 Shut Up, 95. Overweights Choice, 1 pounds; Maple,!. Death, show, 1 to 3. Sir Florian, show, evens. Boomerack, show, 1 to 3. bKCOND BAOK l Mile. Purse 5300. 2-year-olds. Allowances. jgrj Ina HorseB A Wt St M Vi and StrFin Jockeys Qwnert O H C P 29860 CAST IRON 107 2 4" 414 2" 31 li Dominick R E Watkins and Co5 8 8 3 29823 MISSILE 107 7 31 3" 8 2 22 L8mith A C McCafferty 3 41 41 8-5 29807 3 KEB PEN T 113 4 51 5" 6 43 32 Lyne A H and D H Morris 4 5 5 8-5 298C52CIRCTJS 104 5 7 7 andh 6a 42 Blake W T Baldwin 2 2 2 4-5 298233TB E WAY 931 6 6h 6 4h 5 5" Dade J J Ogles 10 10 10 4 29848 SIPHON 1C0 3 13 12 H Ik 615 Cochran J J Marklein 8 8 7 21 29764 HARRY BRENNAN 90 8 8 8 8 8 7 Creamer CEJeffers 25 25 25 8 29720 NETHERLAND 90 1 23 21 7 7 8 Earle J Chivie 40 60 60 20 Time, 25, 49, 1:15. 1:43. Winner Ch. c, by Hastings Carrara. Went to poBt at 2:30. At pest 1 minute. Start good. Won handily ; second easily. Cast Iron finished stroDgly and came awsy right at the end. He was under restraint for the first half, but had to be hard ridden in the stretch. Missile bung on gamely and was doing his beBt in the run home. Serpent finished strongly, but Lyne delayed making his run until it was too late. Siphon showed fine early rpeed, but found the route too long. Circus hardly ran his race. Neth-rland showtd a rash of earJy epoed. Scratched 29823 Lady Clarik, 90. Overweights Circus, 1 pounds; The Way, 1. Catt Iron, ehow. 7 to 5 Missile, ehow, 1 to 2. Serpent, show, 3 to 5. Circus, show, 1 to 3. THIRD BACK 3-4 Mile, Purse 5400. All Ages. Handicap. 4J137 Ind Horso AWt 8t H H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C F 29777 BT. CUTB BERT 6 105 4 Sli 2i 2 1" Cobnrn BLBommedieu 3 41 41 6-5 29845 JOB N GBIGSBY 4 96 7 63 41 411 23 T Dean J J Murray and Co 40 40 30 12 297C62NFL. WADDELL 2 95 3 li Hi 1" 31 Cochran T Carey 8-5 8-5 9-102-5 29848 PEMICOLON 5 105 2 21 32 31 4 Dade Daniels and Co 6 8 8 2 2974S3BEYOY 6 118 6 51 53 515 15 EBobertsnJohn Call 81 31 31 1 2S607 BANDICAPPEB 4 102 8 8 7 7 63 Brennan W C Daly 40 40 20 8 29827 GEOBGIE 5 93 1 41 63 6 725 Davieson D P Eodgers 20 50 50 12 238423TENOLE 7 96 5 7 8 8 8 Hope D Biggins 50 1C0 100 30 Time, 231, 46i, 1:13. Winner Ch. g, by St. Carlo Santa Cruz. Went to poet at 2:59. At post 2 minutes. 8tartgood. Won driving; second easily. St. Cuth-bert flniehed very gamely when it came to a drive, ran one of the beBt races of bis career and just managed to latt locg enough. John Grigsby was in tight quarters all the way and was pinched in next to the inside rail with the winner on the oateide of him. This horse would have won with clear Bailing. Nellie Waddell showed a gnat burst of speed and set a terrific pace and tired from being irjudiciouely rushed. The weight and pace anchored Bevoy. Scratched 29859" Barbara Frietchie, 92. Bt. Cuthbert, show, 1 to 2. John Grigsby, show, 5 to 1. Nellie Waddell, Bhow, out. Sevoy, show, 1 to 2. L J r7 FOURTH RACK 1 1-4 miles. All Ages. Q I O The Crescent City Handicap. S1.5C0 added. Ind HorBBB A Wt Bt at X K BtrFin Jo-keys Owners O H f P 297922feEN CHANCE 4 95 7 9 9 9 9 4" 1" Otis R M WeBterfleld 6 7 7 2i 2982J3N1TRATE 3 95 4 li 111 Hi li 1" 22 T Meade J V Flliott 6 9 9 4 9671PET. MAITHE4 113 1 41 4" 51 45 3i 3 J Y inkfleldT A Guy and Co 6 6 6 2 29849 TBEBOR 6 104 9 8 7 41 3 21 41 Cobnrn T D fculJivan 6 6 5 2 297D8FELX BARD 4 113 5 31 21 21 2 51 5" Dominick Fizer and Co 3 Si 31 1 29791JWALAY 5 112 6 6 8 7 5" 62 6" Blake TC aiey 7 8 8 3 297682AZ1M 3 94110 10 10 10 10 10 71 Munro R M Westerfield 6 7 7 21 29825 8CB.LAUFEB4 102 8 7 61 6h 7 9 82 Cochran A Bellew 6 6 6 2 28684BBANA 5 108 3 51 Ih 8 8 8 92 Dale Fizer and Co ft 31 31 1 298503FBEE PASS 4 SO 2 21 Si 3" 61 7 10 Helgeaon Lockart Bros 15 20 20 8 f Coupled in betting. Time, 25, 49i, 1 :14l, 1 :40i, 2 :06i. Winner C h. c, by Chance Belgale. Went to poBt at 8:34. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Ben Char.ce came fust around the turn, worked bis way to the front in the stretch and fought it out strongly with Nitrate in the last sixteenth, getting 1ub head in front in the laBt few strides. Nitrati ran a fine race, but lost ground by comiig wide at the stretch turn. Bad Meade kept him next to the rail he would have won. Petit Maitre ran a good rece, as t lso did Trebor. Malay h8d no miBbapB. Trebor was sore when going to the post. Felix Bard twisted one of his hind plates in his warm up. It was taken off before going to the post and he ran without it. OverweightB Azim, 1 pound. WeBterfleld entry, show, evens. Nitrate, show, 2 to 1. Petit Maitre, show, evens. Fizer entry, ehow, 1 to 2. FIFTH RACK 1 x-a JUllea. Purse 00. 8-year-olds and upward. Belling. tjfj Ind Horses A Wt St Bt X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 29822 LIT. ELBIN 3 98 2 21 2" 21 23 23 16 Dade J J Ogles 4 4 3 Wf 298!6ADMETU3 7 10 4 41 7 4" 42 31 21 TDean G W Poole and Co 21 21 21 1 3647 DELOBAINE 3 92 6 11 12 16 13 11 Si Cochran Mrs M Gold blatt 6 7 1 21 29792 IB VG MAYOR 3 9t 6 6 63 63 51 55 53 Creamer P TcGuire 8 8 6 21 29756 TEYLON 4 8 1 51 31 Sh 61 61 6" R Steele H Simons and Co 20 100 100 30 29826 PH PAXTON 3 .88 7 7 5" 7 7 7 7 Boyd H Lang 10 10 10 4 Apprentice allowance. Time, 251, 50, 1:16, 1:42, 2:081, 2:35. Winner Ch. g, by Lamplighter Emma Pickwick, Went to post at 4:11. At pott 14 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving. Little Elkin ran an excellent race and came away without much of an effort when called on in the Btretch. AdmetuB caught Deloraine tiring and got second place in the last fewstri ib. Deloraine ran well for a mile and a quarter. Philma Paxton refused to join her field in the breakaway and was left at the pest. She sulked all the way and would not try. Judge Steadman did his best. Little E kin, show, 3 to 5. Admetus show, 1 to 2. Deloraine, show, 3 to 5. CJJQtiJg 81XTH BACK J Mile and 70 Yards. Puree 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St K Vt ?i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 298223DEPONAN 4 93 6 3 li 12 12 12 R0yd B N Vestal and Co 11-53 3 1 98J2UBAK 8 98 7 12 211 2 3 23 Creamer R J Hutchinson 4 6 6 21 29792SSWORDSMAN 7 103 1 51 43 42 2" Si Dominick Fizer and Co 10 10 8 3 29849 ALBERT LEE 4 100 6 62 3a 32 43 41 Lindsay MrsMAbadie 8 8 8 3. 298472MONOS 3 105 2 2h 51 511 52 53 Cobnrn G C Bennett 3 3 2 4-5 29849 MR. PHINIZY 5 103 3 7u 7 7 7 6k J Miller H Robinson 10 12 12 5 29557 WUNDBttUCH 8 104 9 9 9 8 61 71 A Jones T Gilfeather 15 15 12 4 297412DANDY H. 5 96 8 8 8 61 8 8 Helgeson D P Rod era and Co 20 30 SO 12 29716 BOMBSHELL 4 1081 4 4 6 9 9 9 Landry M Van Praag and Co 25 40 40 12 Apprentice allowance. Time, 241, 481, 1:15, 1:401, 1:45. Winner Ch. g, by Deceiver Bailie R. Went to post at 4:51. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. De-ponan showed the most speed, went to the front when called ou and was drawing away at the nniah. Arak ran an excellent race and came again at the end after having apparently succumbed to Swordsman. The latter about ran his race. Wunderlich did not near rnn to his true form and can do much bettor. . Bo can Monos. Scratched 29857 Star Cotton, 98; 2S729 Joe Collins, 94; 29847 Belle of Elgin, 94. OverweightB Bombshell, 81 pounds. Deponan, show, 1 to 2. Arak, show, 7 to 5. Swordsman, show, 8 to 5. Monos, show, out.