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Proctor and Woodruffs WISE BET INFORMATION BUREAU Grand Offer. OUR MOTTO: Baat the bookmaker and be our fripnd. If yon cannot, send name and address and we will send yon the horses to beat them with. We will send to anyone who will sand P. O. money order for .00 to guarantee and insure acceptance of our information. We send these FOR ONE WEEK FREE OF CHARGE Anyone wishing to become a client of ours after oue weeks trial will be requested to pay .00 per week. Give us a trial and w will do the rest. Taking the horses that w sand out and playing a little systematic makes it almost impossible to lose. I send system and Scr-it code on receipt of nam and anddiress. Rcmem- ber we have to furnish the horses for ynu to win with or we Jose. Now drop a line to ns and re-ceiv the best playa to be had every day not every rac. PROCTOR and WOODRUFF, 48-i50 Rsndtlph St., Detr it, Mich and Co., 78, 119 DEABBOKN ST. The best of reliable information and expert handicapping b wire from our experts at Oakland, and New Orleans daily. IReynoBds Deponan, Sam Lazarus t-sq., Position, Cruzados, Old England. Place 8t. Phillipina, Colonel Rallentyne, were MONDAY our bi,at bats Saturday. H New Orleans we have one gand special which will be backed in all tho pool room? f r a killing, and we waut all of onr cup-omers to c ill and bt haw. TUEBDaY at Oakland our long shot will start in th rst race and ill ifa like all of cur spec U s do t that track. HOT SPRINGS OFFICES, 8 COURT ST. I .00 Weekly. Wired at I O a.m. wire; OR W -SITE For my odds on th li st three choices in ouch rac at both trackB. For pwol room natrons at Hot Springs both tracks for one pico odB telgraphed to pool room IVmpetn own-ro by special. applications. Vy line on horsed rncing at New Olans and Frisco is second to nona. Write tnd be convinced. THE ANTE-POST ODDS HANDICAP C. UlNTHtS, MANAGKK. 208 1-2 N. 8th SI., ST. LOUIS, MO. When wi hi Rtat ods n tips dired OUaILmm and will pay any subcrib- Lna pn6 - th" nPpvmj IM114IIUIIQU XURF GUIDE BOOK will not wi ii to 90 par ce II hor s played through it. Two yearB1 GUARANTEE and no nn has clnim d it yet opyrtghte 1898 Th umfB f oatiiri nils leo in-d-rfd ly il e CHICAGO DAILY R4CING FO KM d NEW YORK MOKNl G TELEGRAPH. Price 0 O. A. rHU ia ON, Puhh hr, 7-8 Bennett Bldv., Detroit. Alien. Reference, any mrc ntile agency. Do Kou wm Day after Day hs pol room? If jou w mid kno all abjot a e-YBil copyr glted tit DO C 1 1, ith which ynu cm " U TTE ITS," Bfndf jrex plauition FiER OOK ENmtv H. -vidiv pMn cover. THE "MY SYSTEM" CO., iCop j righted. URBAN A, ILL. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO St. Cuthbert, 6, advertised extraordinary special; Headwater, 12; St. Phillipina, 6; Deponan, 3; Cruzados, Old England, Sir Florian, 8, 3, 3-2; Afghan, 6, 2,1. BESIDE 4 intermission pass time place and show bote: Serpent, Nitmta, Pitit Maitra, Little Elkin, Admetus, Ventoro, Position, El Mido, Sombrero, Nellie Waddall, Courtier. Attention! Attention! Last week telegraphed to out of town clients: The Hoydan, 1; Cast Iron, 8: Malay, 6: Godone, 5; Crinkle, Marie Bell, 2; Jim Hale, 3; St. Cuthbert, 6; Cruzidos, 1; Afghan, 6. WITH BUT ONE LOSING WIRE IN THREE WEEKS. Monday! Monday! One at New Orleans and One at Oakland which I Guarantee to Run One, Two. Christmas! Christmas! The winner of the handicaps at,New OrleanB and Oakland. For the paet three years I have not missed nandmiDg the winner on all big stakes and handicaps. SATURDAY A LONG SHOT. I GUARANTEE THIS ONE TO RUN ONE, TWO, THREE OR WILL FORFEIT THREE SPECIAL WIRES. Attention, On January I My Hot Springs Office will be Open for. Business. Attention. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. VYired to any part of the world. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at office 176 4. Clark St., in ticket office, Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southiast corner Clark and Madison 8ta. Col. J, O. Wootors, Mgr., 91 Lincoln Vvi., tel. North 1007. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU Publishers of Form Letter Handicap on all Races. Suite 50O, 363-269 Dearborn St. " Telephone Harrison 1580. Terms .00 Daily; .00 Weekly. 15 to 40 to I Extra Special Monday. We hnve received direct inside information from our experts at New Orleans to instruct all of our patrons to increase tbeir bats on this good thing. Our experts having watched his evarr move since he last faced the flag, inform us taat hs has improved twenty pounds. Her is one of be best chances to m ite bi monoy with em til capital that we have had since the day we gave SWAMPLANDS, 50 to 1. OUR ADVICE ON 8fVAalPLA.ND3 YAS TO PLUNGE THE LtrflT. We will nm two othor horses on onr Form Lattor Handicap and in our wire. Both should be as good as 4 to 1. Never jniss Our Califorips, BitHer lfAandisSi We can beat anybody on informati n here, and we bar none, whether they live at the track or in town ALWAYS follow na with confidence, always remember we are the greatest Turf bureau in existence. WP RlVP WinTlPrQ If you are seeking such, come to us. Onr card will be a revelation. IB u 131 u Iilllllulu, We know something and if you follow us it will be money in your pocket, if you dont, we are sorry for yon. On sale at 9 a.m. Also sold at Kolmans cigar store, 267 Dearborn St., and cigar stand Adams Express Building, 185 Dearborn St., and newsstand north west corner Van Ruren and Dearborn ts. Western Turf Most Successful HaMicapper, In SnndayB issue of December 15 of this pap-?r I advartisad the following horses as ready to win. Bare is the final results of thosi that started: liB y..WmTOT MALAY 10-1; ST. CUTHBERT, 6-5; LORD QUEX, 10-1; .U3N rHE HOYDEN, I-1 ; FRANK M., 8-1; FLEURON, 3-1; ALARD, 5-2. tiffiH AH won, and Henry Burt, W. B. Qatoa, Dalkeith. Eva Rica ran secind. fM3fo The Texas horse I referred to in same advertisema it did not start, but fWc?4 will be cut loose this week at long odds. sV--iefa.,4!ffia Dont fail to have me wire yon this EXTRA SPECI VL. PB1CE .00. PSyCtSBSaiyi I am also next to several others that will be uncovered at good odds at same rates. m m MONDAYS FREE SPECIAL QUEEN ESHER, Ex-Jockey Vic Britton, P. 0. Box 692, New Orleans. Siti-Turf Exchange COMMISSIONS ON ALL RACES. ga g? a Q SPECIAL TRAINS ON Q !S8fe: ill iS iS u ILLINOIS CENTRAL RY. u " SSI! 88 liH IS " 39th 8t 12:45 1:15 1:45 Returning Trains at 4:45 and 6:05 p. m. " 63rd St 12:50 1:20 1:50 and after last race. " Grand Crossing 12 :55 1 :15 1 :55 " ROUND TRIP, - - J55IOBNTS.