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KINLOCH PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather clear ; track fast, Apprentice allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 34611Tom Collins 7. ...117 7C0 34542 Cerro Santa 4....1C9 715 34366 Limelight 6.. ..109 700 34E87 Add 4.. ..107 710 31637 Kingstelle .. 4.. ..107 710 34614Loiter 6.. ..107 715 346142Lady Contrary.. .i 5.. ..107 725 34655 Annie Oldflold 7.. ..107 705 4516 Reducer 7. ...104 720 31609 Postillion 3.. ..102 695 34540 Me Sah Che 3.... 95 700 34441 Legation 3.... 95 695 34587 Jane Oaker 3.... 95 715 316C9 Chaminade 3.... 95 705 Second Race G 1-3 Fnrlouc. 2-year-olds, Selling. 34612 Seize 108 720 34652 Wolfram 107 710 34513 Miss Eon 105 715 34612 Crime 104 725 34612 Lady Cayuga 102 .715 34634 Marian S 97 700 343J0 Judge Cantrill 89 705 Third Race Short Course. About 1 1-2 Miles. 1 Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 3463Teller 7.... 155 690 3465 Fearful 5.... 148 6s5 S4295 Tragedy 9 ...138 700 31655 BuckODowd 4.. ..135 675 36-.5Porphyrogene 5 ...134 685 34635 Grandad 6. ...130 670 34635 Sherwood 3.. ..130 680 Fourth Race 1 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Handicap. Tho E. J. Arnold and Co.s Worlds Fair Handicap. Value ,000. 343692Felix Bard 5 111 735 31653Schwalbe 3. ...105 730 14539 Peaceful 5.. ..105 ......740 346532Captain Gaines 5....H4 7S5 31060 Fitzkenet 4....103 750 3.9312Stranger 3.. ..103 715 34565 Henry Burt 4... .101 730 34653 Satin Coat 4.... 98 ......725 34516 Bab 4.... 97 720 .34588 Glenwood .. 4.... 97 725 345372Lennep , 7.... 93 715 34527Croix dOr 3.... 94 730 345632Bluemint 3.... 94 725 31654 Mission 5.... 91 715 14354 Joe Doughty . . 6.... 90 710 315S9 Prosper La Gai 4.... 88 705 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yurds. S-year-olda and upward. Selling. 341922Bengal 4.... 113 710 S4565Icicle 4.. ..113 715 31CMCharles D 6... .119 700 34651 Mission 4. ...105 710 3I6?6 Brewer 8chorr 3 ...103 720 34637Belle Simpson 5.. ..101 705 34333Kiug Barleycorn 6.. ..1C0 7C0 34l6jBluemint 3. ...ICO 715 34638 Barkylite 3.... 97 705 31566Foundling 3.... 96 725 3458S Oigby Bell 3 ... 96 710 S4i95Leenja 3.... 91 715 Sixth Raee G 1-3 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Sailing, Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree Wt, Hdcp. 34V 6 Registrar 4.. ..112 695 34584 Hileo 6. ...108 725 34514 Joe Goss 5.. ..107 715 D. of R., ch. m, by Colonel Clark Artless, by Lisbon 5 ...107 34611 Verify .- 7.. ..107 715 344l6rho Messenger 5.. ..104 710 3l6382Sinfl 4....104 720 34638 Palmttta 3. ...104 700 34537 Evas Darling 4.. ..102 710 34892Kiss Quick 5. ...100 705 34070 King Jatius 3 100 700 34537 Parnassus 3 100 705 3l63.Nollie Bawn 3 ... 93 695