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I3SUED 3YBBY DAY. WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB 8ULLETIM ! 0T7IGIl.Ii OEOAM OT THE WESTEBN JOCKEY CLUB, DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Editor and Pbopeietoe1, F. H. BeukklIj, Associate Editor Clikton C. Rilkt. Seoretaet, Mrs. F. H. Bkunhll, tard in tht Foit Offiea at Chisago as steond alau mattar 134-126 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, IIXINOIS A Daily Btfitction of tha American Turf by Talagraph. COPYRIGHTED itsrad according to Act of Congress, In the year 1982, by Frank H. Brnnell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, U. B. A. The ahart and index nnmbers and track form of Dvilt Raoincj Form mnst not be nsed. They ara copyrighted daily and Trill be keenly profited. To ba considered and answered all Queries to Dailt Racing Form mnst be sent OYsr the fnll name and with the address of the writer. Thosa namas. iiid addresses are subject to a local and foreign iirsctory test. ?IN8L"S COPY 5 CENTS. TERM8: Far Month ? l. Half Year 7.50 One Year 14.00 iha Rjove ratss ere for single copies as sealod isiters first-class mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail in all cases. Loenl subscriptions outside the down town die trict will be declined at other than flrst-claK mail matter rates.