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mil BSG1NE FORM , - 3 ISSUED SVKR7 DAY, WESTERS JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN j omori.ii or 5HK WEBTEBN JOGKKY OLTJB, DAILY BACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. EDITOE AND PBOPBIETOB, F. H. BBDNBLIi. Associate Editor Clinton 0. BrtBT, Beobetaby, Hbs. F. H. Bkunkll, Jhtartd In th Poii Offlct at Chicago at second olan mattir 124-120 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A Daily Btfltction of th Amorican Turf by Tlgraph. OOPIBIGHTED Bttrad according to Act of Congnsa, , In tht yjar 1902, by Frank H. BrantU, in thy offlct of tht Librarian of Cohgrtss at Washington, D. C, Tj, 8. A. , . , Ik thart and indox numbers and track form or Duly Baoihq Fobm must not bt usod. Tney ax copyrighted daily and will bt kotnly pro-ittttd. SUBSOBIFTIONS MUBT BE PAID IN ADVANCE. eiNQLB COPY 5 CENTS. SKBMS: Ptr Month Half Year .-50 OnoYtar ; - "-00 . . Zht above rates are for single copies as sealed loiters first-class mail. Sally Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail in all cases. Suoeal subscriptions outside the down town dis trlot will be declined at other than flrst-cla.v wail matter rates. lo bo considered and answered all queries to Daily SiOiNa Fobu must be sent over the full nam vid with the address of the writer. Those nams fr id Qddrisas? ir snbieot to a local and loreig1 x0tory test. St odis. Mo., ojyiob-19 N. Broadway, Ba3?.- UENT. M. MUBFHT, ASENT. On Sale at 3:30 a.m. OAtr.Y Haoinq Fokm can be delivered to any a-1 dress in St. Louis. Hack nnmbors can be promptly supplied. Orders for advortisements can be left at the tfi Louis office for telegraphic transmission.