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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track faBt. Runs well in mud. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. Arbamahala 4.... 107 23095 Orpheus 6.... 107 705 S7157 Lone Fisherman .... 5....106 715 371213Pat Oran 5.. ..103 710 37023 Man of Honor 6.. ..103 700 37138 Intrapido .... 5.. ..103 ......700 36883 Prue .... 4.. ..102 705 36866 Lillie Pantland 5.... 101 705 37121 Cherries 5.... 101 710 37107 Lady Kent 6.... 101 725 370713Rubino .... 4.. ..100 720 371382Cathello 4.... 98 715 37155 Buzzer 4.... 93 710 37108 Lansdown .... 3.... 85 695 37104 Leash .... 3.... 78 700 Second Race 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2- year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 37140 Knobhampton 113 730 Harold W., b. c, by Yo El Rey SnowflakoII 113 Demonio, ch. c, by Emperor of Norfolk Britannia 113 36969 Royal Guard 113 730 37140 Selected ....110 735 Bombardier, b. g, by Maxio Meddie Dwyer 110 371402Hoceo . - 110 735 County Down, br. g, by Figaro Marcie A. HO 370372Samar 110 740 36969 Amberita 110 750 Shorty Kane, b. c,. by The Judge Tragic 108 Third Race 1 Mile. 3- year-olds. Belling. Ind, Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp, 37139Andrew Ring 110 715 37141Dupont ....105 715 37104 Stunts ....105 710 371602Mi Reina 100 725 37055 Almaric 1C0 700 37104 Delsegno 97 705 370892Dotterel 95 720 37087 Escarola .... 95 700 Fourth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Handicap. 371432Propor Ill 740 37143 Claude ....109 735 37022 Durazzo ....109 750 37022 Gold Bell ....107 730 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Tarda. 4-rear-oldi and upward. Selling. 36706 Autolight .... 5.... 110 735 371412Hermencia .... 6....107 740 37040 Axminster .... 4.. ..107 730 36936 Peaceful .... 6.. ..107 735 37124 Constellator 6.. .105 750 37109 July Gip 7.... 105 710 36500 Position 6.... 105 730 37142 Divina 4.... 104 715 36870 Galanthus .... 5.... 104 720 37088 Helen Smith 5. ...103 710 37056 Ting a Ling .... 6... .103 725 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 36871Quiz .... 5.. ..112 725 S6714 Troy 5.... 107 705 370913Bernota .... 5... .107 715 37105 Golden Cottage .... 4.. ..107 .715 S6730KatherineEnnis 5. ...105 700 370022Prestano .... 4.. ..104 ..710 37058 Illilonon 5.. ..103 703 37021 Montana Peeress 4.... 97 700 37C89Ed Lilburn 3.... 92 ..710 369703Little Margaret .... 3.... 87 720