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12 stakes Chicago Jockey Club entries 17 K HO O HAWTHORNE CLOSE UUU SPRING AND SUMMER MEETINGS Februarv ADDED. 1903 Spring Meeting May 23 to June 5. : : : Summer Meeting Begins July 20. J The Hawthorne Handicap, 0,000 Guar- ,500, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the The Premier Stakes, $ 1,500 Added. A sweop- each to accompany the nomination- 0 additional anteed Value. A handicap sweepstakes for third. Weights to appuar three days before the stakes for three-year-olds. Entrance 0 each to to start. The ChTb to add ,500, of which 50 to three-year-olds and upward, By subscription of race. One mile and a half. accompany the nomination; 0 additional. to start, the second and 50 to the third. The winner to 5 each for entrance, to accompany the nomina- m,;, W.,,f oi,.. , mn aaa.i The Club to add ,500, of which 0 to the second be sold at auction. If entered to be sold for SI 000 tion; those entered to pay in addition 50 each .T."e Bj Stakes ,500 Added. A sweep- and 50 to the third. Non-winners at any time of a to carry weight for ago; if for 1 MO i allowed S IhT- for starting or 0 forfeit, and only 5 if declared stakes for three-year-olds and upward. Entrance raca of the value of ,500, if non-winners this year then 1 lb. Slowed for each 00 down to SI 000 out on or before April 1. The club to guarantee 810 each to accompany the nomination; addi- of a raca 0f ,000, allowed 5 lbs.; a raca of 00, Stake winners, carrying wei ht for ageor more I to the cash value of the stakes to be 0,000. of Clonal to start. Tbe C ut. to add $ ,500, of which io lbs.; two races of 00, 15 lbs. One mile. be entered at -not less than ,OOof lta?tera to be a0 to the Second and 80 to ths third. Weight 8 which ,500 to the second and 00O to the third. . named and sailing - price e stated through the entrv Weights to be announced on March 2. A winner lbs. below the scale. Non-winners iin 1902 of twelve The Lassie atakes, ,500 rnn Added. n i A a sweep- box b th omglaybltontSL after publication of weights of a race of the value Fac9B of. any value or of one of the value of ,500, stakes for hikes two years old. Entrance 0 each nd rr CstSg fee Fivl and fi henandSSdf niteibs nndHKS flf A felling sTvatftocafry "of and The Competition Stakes. ,500 Added. -A extent of one-onarter Vnlv to ho or sweepstakes for three-year-olds : and upward. En- valuo or ona of 500 6 1d3 tliroa of any valneJ sweepstakes for two-year-olds. Entrance 0 each 10 each to accompany the nomination; or tw0 of ,50o, 10 lbs. penalty. Others, non-winl to accompany the nomination; $;0 additional to atlMb and not to aoolv to ho SariMd atMbs or mora additional to start. The Club to add 00, of which nors of two races of 00, allowed 5 lbs, maidsns atart. The club to add ,500, of which 50 to the ator or ali im To p0 to the second and 50 to the third. The winner b,ateQ three or more times, allowed 12 lbs. Five second and 50 to the third. A winner of two b" Sold aut,on If to be sold for ,000 W ooeSni a-fc .ntored sweepstakes of dlv 1 furlongs. any value, or one of ,500, to run on May 9, rd, the the opening day of or the tne soring spring meet- meet- to weight for if for less, 1 lb. allowed for carry carry age ; 4 lbs. ; of three of any value or two of SI 500 7 lbs ing. One mile and a furlong. 50 to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 down to :0. The Vernal Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- penalty. Others, non-winners of a race of S5OT The Northern Handicap. ,000 Added. A Starters to be named and selling price stated stakes for colts and geldings two years old. En- allowed 4 lbs. - of two of SJC0 7 lbs two of anv handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and ud- through the entry-box by the usual hour of closing trance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 0 value, 10 lbs. maidens beaten four or more times ward. Entrance, 0 each, to accompany the nomi- day before the race, and to be liable for starting additional to start. The Club to add 551,500, of allowed 15 lbs. Five and one-half furlongB nation; 50 additional to start. The Club to add fee. Two miles. which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. A ,C00, of which 00 to the second and S4C0 to the Tle Excnsior Handicap. ,000 Added. A dinner of a sweepstakes of any value to carry 3 TUe Monadnock Handicap, ,500 Added, third. Weights to appear three days before the handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds. En- lbs.; of two of ,5C0, 10 lbs. penalty. Others,, non- A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds. En- i race. One mile and a quarter. trance each to accompany the nomination; 0 winners of two races of 00, allowed 5 lbs. ; maidens tranca 0 each to accompany the nomination; 0 I The Superior Handicap, ,500 Added. A additional to start. The club to add ,000, of which beaten threa or more times, allowed 12 lbs. ive additional to start. The Club to add ,500, of 1 handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to turlongs. which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. 1 ward. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomi- appear three days before the race. One mile and a The Juvenile Stakes, ,500 Added. A sell- Weights to appear three days before the race. Six nation; 0 additional to start. The Club to add furlong. ing sweepstakes for two-year-olds. Entrance 0 furlongs. Full Value of Stakes Paid in Cash. Added Money to Purses 00 to 00: Three Steeplechase Races Each Week. Additional Stakes for Summer and Fall Meetings Announced in-July. . , Entry blanks will be mailed upon receipt of application. Address nonimations and all communications to the SECRETARY CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB, 403 Monadnock Building, Chicago. HOW ON SALE 1 -THE.. frW OH SEfj FOR 8903- COPYRIGHTED A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison - An Official Compendium of Records: Buminaries by Experts on the Pastjeaiyoing. . EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL. 30c. in Paper. 50c. in Soft Morocco. Daily Baaing Form Pub. Go , 124-126 Fifth Aye., BOW ON SHE 1 Chicago NOW ON SALE Highland Park and Fort Erie Stakes SUMMER MEETING 1903 NORTHERN RACING CIRCUIT. ONTAEIO JOCKEY CTUB, Toronto, May 21st to 30th. HAMIi TON JOCKEY CI.TJIi, Hamilton, June 1st to 6tb. DETROIT JtlCKRY CLUB. Untroir, June 8th to 50th. HIGHLAND PA Kit CLUIi, Detroit, June 22 to Jnlv 11th. FOIST Eli IE opposite Ruftalo, July 14th to August 26th. Highland Park Fall Meeting. Ontario Jockey Cluh, Toronto, Tall Meeting. To be Run at Highland Park:; The Frontier Stakes, ,000. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination, 5 additional to start.. Value of stake to bo ,000, of which ,5C0 to the winner, to second 25 to third, the fourth to save his stake. Winners of a race of 52,030 in value in 1903 to carry 3 lbs. extra of two three-year-old stakes of any valuo, or one stake of ,000, 5 lbs. extra, non-winners of a race of SI 00 in 1903 that have not won two stakes of any value in 1903, allowed 5 lbs. ; if such have not won three races in 1903, 8 lbs ; two races. 12 lbs. ; beaten maidens, 18 lbs. Fillies allowed 8 lbs. 1 1-8 Miles. The Highland Park felling Stakes, ,500. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 additional to start. Valua ,500, of which ,200 to tho winner, S00 to second and 00 to third. 1 Mile. Ti,Je .Roy,al ak Tariii Stakes, ,500. For two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination additional to start. Value ,600, of which .2C0 to the winner, C0 to second, and S10O to third Winners of a race of ,000 value to carry 3 lbs. extra ; of two races of the aggrsgatb value of 000 or one of SS.C00 value, 5 lbs. extra ; non-winners of a raca of ,000 valuo that have not won four races of any value allowod 5 lbs. ; if such have not won two races, 8 lbs. ; beaten maidens, 12 lbs. 5 Furlongs. The Internation al Steeplechase, ,000. A handicap steeplechase. 0 to accompany the nomination, 1 additional to start. Value ,000, of which 00 to the winner, 1903.sh0 to second, and v 00 to third. Full Course. To be Run at Fort Erie: T1f Derby, ,000. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomina tion, 00 additional to start. Value of tje stake to bo ,000, of which ,300 to the winner, ! to second, $.00 to third, fourth to save stake. Winners of a three-year-old stake of ,200 valun to carry 3 lbs extra; of any two stakes of aggregate -raluo of ,000, or one of $,000 valuo, 5 lbs. extra; non-wiuuerB of a three-year-old stako of ,2C0 value thnt have not won three races this year allowed 7 lbs Deaten non-wiunars this yoar, 12 lbs beaten maidens, 18 lbs. Fillies allowed 8 lbs. 1 1-4 Miles. The Canadian Sportsmans Handicap, ,500. For thret-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany-the nomination, $ 0 additional to start. Value ,500, of which ,200 to the winner; to second and 00 to third. 1 1-16 Miles. TJle, F!,Jr..Ifrie Stakes, Si ,500. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany tho nomination, i- $ 0 additional to start. Valuo ,503, of which ,200 to tho winner, 00 to second and 00 to third, faellini; allowances. 6 Furlongs. Hie Buffalo Stakes, ,,600. A selling stako for threo-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany tiomi1"ailo,S0addltlonaltostart- "Value ,500, of which ,203 to tho winner, 00 to second and piuu to ttiird. l "i o, iThoc.?nroqu--is Hotel J-takes, ,500. A handicap for twc-yoar-olds, 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 additional to start. Valuo ,500, of which ,200 to" tho winner, 00 to second and 00 to Intra, n 1-i r urlongs, . a?M-le H:mltn tS. $ .500. For two-year-old Allies. 0 to accompany tho nomination, 0 additional to start. Value ,n00. of which ,200 to tho winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Non-winning allowances. 5 Furlongs IheGraud CHim.UnSterpiechaso, ,000. A handicap steeplechase. 0 to accompany tho nomination, $ 0 additional to start. Value ,000, of which 00 to th, wiunor, 00 to second -ud SlOO t third. Weights to be announced three days prior to race. Full Course. For entry blanks address T. O. Parmer, Secretary, or Daily Racing Form. WALTER O. PARMER, 218 Hammond Buiding, Detroit, MichJ