untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1903-02-04


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SPRING MEETING UQDT UTTT TflPlTPV RTjTTR SUMMER MEETING JUNE 6 TO JUNE 19 JJ11 U UlilVjU I UlJUD BEGINS AUGUST 3 CHICAGO Stakes for Spring and Summer Meetings 1903. Entries Close Wednesday, February8. Added Money and Full Values in Cash. Handicaps with 00 to ,000 Added Tho Uarlom WaHnnal Handicap. Valne ,- five races of any value or of ono race of the value of race3 of the value of 03 each in 1903 allowed 3 winners of a race of the valua of SS30 that hv nnf- llie narieni NallUnai 000. A handicap for threo- ,500allowod51bs.; of 00, 8 lbs. ; of 00, 12 lbs. ; lbs. ; of one such, 5 lbs. ; of any race of the valm of won three races allowed 13 lib": two races 5 lbs year-olds and upward. Entrance 5 each, and 50 of 00, 15 lbs. One mile. 00 in 1933, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. To be m iidea9, 10 lbs ; maidens that hava run in a stakes each for starters, 0 forfeit, or only 0 if doclared -ri Aiicfin Selling, ,500 Added. Value run Saturday, June 13. One and one-eighth miles, and not oean placad ia such, 131b3. Five furloags out- and.,A,5 6 1903j GUiatf eaiUi? ? "IB nwil"1 Est. ,400. For thres-year-olds and The BivpreMn Sellinjr, ,500 Added. Value Tha Ynllltscfai ,500 Added Value est 3 ."51 second and to third horse. Full 1118 nlldlblBt, ln3 - which ,400 to 00 npward. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to E3t- 1903.sh0i For three-year-olds TOUilgSISr f For two-vaar-nld ffnVk nf valueBtobe paid in cash by the Harlem Jockey start, 5C0 addod of which 1903.sh to second and foals of 1900. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional 1931. Entrance 0 each ; S50 additional to start Club. Weights to be announced March 16, 1903. A to third horse The winner, unless otherwise to start. ,50J added, of which 00 to second and ,501 added, of which I to seconTand S150 to winner after the announcement of weights of two stipulated when named to start, to be sold at auc- 50 to third horse. The winner to be sold at auc- third horse. A winner of stakes of the value of races of the value of ,d00 ach or one of ,500 to tion. Uorses ontored not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. tion. Horses entered to be sold for ,000 to carry ,200 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two sach stakes or of one of carry 4 lbs.; of two of ,000 each or one of 0,CO0, 7 above the scale. Those entered to be sold for ,500 scale weight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 30 to ,000; the value of ,033,5 lbs.; of thrL or mo stakes of ibLth0 S2C t0 ca"y W8i8ht for W 3 lbs. allowed for each then 1 lb for each 00 to ,030; th3n 2 lbs. for eich the value of ,000 eVch or of oae of the vllulof ?4?S?,,l2Iboxtra- For horses handicapped at 115 00 to ,C0O; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. A 00 to 5703. A winner, after March 31, of a race of ,00D, 8 lbs. extra Non-winner" of a mm of tha to 121 lbs., these penalties shall apply to the extent winn6r after March 1, 1903, of a race of the value of the value of ,030 to ba entered for not less than value of 30 that have not won five races Tallowad of one-half only; for those handicapped at 122 to $,20C to be entered for not less than ,503. Start- ,200. Starters, with selling prices, mnst ba named lbs.; thrle taoa" 51b3.rwc Tes 8 Tb maiilns 127 lbs., to. the extent of one-quarter only, and ers, with selling prices, must be named through through entry box at the usual hour of closing the nibs.; maidens beaten four or or mora more tiiss tim3S. 13 181h! lo. horses handicapped at 128 lbs. or over shall incur entry box at the usual hour of closing the day pre- day preceding the race, and those so nam 3d will be Five furlongs. no penalties. For 3-yoar-oldE i the penalties shall ceding the race, and those so named will be liable liable for startinsr fee. One mile. T. n, raaMi . , not make the weight exceed 115 lbs. To be iron the for starting fee. One and one-sixteenth miles. TftS PfOVISO f 50? nn Adde1- Valna Th Dm 500 Added Valne fet 001 FW and throe-six- va9l.8stl?W "m1, i,m For first day of the spring meeting. One InB "81 tB , two-year-olds foals tnAnthc. miific; Thp ftarnPn filfv mnmlino,a Handicap, ,000 ,nnn Added. a,iaa two-year-old fillies Air foals of 19J1. En- of 1901. Entrance 0 each -850 additional to start 1 "8 0dIUel1 t, UWT Value Est. ,750. A handicap trance 0 additional Ind . tt ..rnn ah each; 0 to start. ,500 ,503 added, of which 03 to MMnd W to m rH,and,lc,00?uAd,ded- for throe-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each; added, of which to second and horse? Eor7es ThB 201h CentlirV 00 53 to third third entered to basold for S3 Ml to UC"l",I Value est. ,700. A handicap 0 additional to start. ,003 added, of which 00 horse. A winner of a stakes of the valus of ,030 carry scale wfight flbfaUowed for each S for ii. three-year-olds and upward. Entrance 5 each; t0 second and to third horsi. Weights to be to carry 3 lbs. ; of two such stakes or of one of the ,030; then 1 lb. for each SIM I to 8S03 A win aw of 25 additional to start. ,C00 added, of which $, O announced three days before the day appointed for vaWof ,703, 5 lbs.; of three or more stakes of the a race of the value of 103 to be entetad for not to second and 00 to third horse. Weights to be the race. A winner of other than a selling purse value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a less than ,533 Starters with saUia-Driwa mwt announced three days before the day appointed for race after tho announcement of weights to carry 5 race of the value of 30 that hav not won three ba made throu-h entry box at the usul hnar of the race. A winner of other than a selling purse iba. extra. Six furlongs. races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 closing the iday pracVILg the race and those so race after the announcement of weights to carry 5 ,003Add.d. Valneest lbs-! maidens that have rnn in a stakes andnot nam,! willbs iliable for sandriinYfaa Fiveandone lbs. extra. To be ran Monday, September 7. One TflP. M. L6WIS tUrK Flv8andone- ffc i For three-yew-olds been placad in such, 13 lbs. Four and one-half half furlongs. and tnree-sixteentns miles, foals of 1930. Entranca 0 each; 5 additional farlonKs- fhs lliniar Handicap, ,500 Added Value ThoPhip?rn ,000 Added. Value Est. ,5C0. to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and Thp CrSflllStP ,500 Added. Value est. S3.03D. "S JUlllSl est. ,200. A handicD for twa-Air- liie UlllCfigU, For- three-year-olds and upward. 00 to third horse. Weights 5 lbs. below the scale. ,IIB 01 "aUalC For two-year-old colts and geldings olds foals of Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to start. ,000 A winner of a three-year-old stakes of the value of foals of 1901. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional tional to start. ,500 added of which S303 to added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third ,0C0 after March 15 to carry 3 lbs.; of two such to start. ,500 added, of which 83 to second and second and 50 to third horse Weights to ba horse. A dinner after March 1, 1903, of a stakes of stakes or of ona of ,500 after March 15, 5 lbs. ; of 53 to third horse. A winner of a stukas of the announced three days before the day appointed for the value of ,000, or of three stakes of the value of three or more three-year-old stakes of the value of valua of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two snch stakes or the race. A winner of other than a sellintr tinrsa ,000 each to carry 5 lbs. extra selling stakes not ,00 each selling stakes accepted af tr March 15, of one of the valua of ,700, 5 lbs.: of thra or mora race after the announcoment of the waiehts to carrv considered. Non-winners after March 1, 1903, of 8 lbs. extra. A non-winner of two three-year-old stakes of tho value of ,000 oach, 8 lbs. oxtra. Non- 5 lbs. extra. Six furlongsj Entrance fees must accompany nominations. Entry blanks may bs had upon application to the Secretary, or to the officejof DailyjRacing Form. Address nominations and all communications to -JfcL athaRSon3 Sc3 IS Msrohants Loasn and Trust B2dg., ChSGago. 12 stakes Chicago Jockey Club entries wf HAWTHORNE CLOSE u,uuu spring and summer meetings Februarv I ADDED. 1903 Spring Meeting May 23 to June 5. : : : Summer Meeting Begins July 20. j The Hawthorne Handicap, 0,000 Guar- ,500, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the The Premier Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- each to accompany the nomination S50 additinnnl anteed Valne. A handicap sweepstakes for third. Weights to appsar three days before tho stakes for three-year-olds. Entrance 0 each to to start. Tho Club to add SI 500 of which WO tn three-year-olds and npward, By subscription of race. Ons mile and a half. accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start, tho second and 50 to the tlnrd The winnnr in 5 each for entrance, to accompany the nomma- , The Club to add ,509, of which 10 to the second be sold i. i.-.i.f ct.ic ti kaa t.iii at auction. If enternd to hn ?nlH fnr w tion; those entered to pay in addition 50 each The f S tk;s, S An!,?E and 50 to the third. Non-winners at any time of a to carry wefcht for ace? if 7orS 0M SnwtdVW forfeit, and only if declared fakes fur thre-year-olds and upward. Entrance of tll8 valuo of if irh fen for starting or 0 5 race ,500, non-winners this year then 1 lb allowed for 7m rtnn to before 1. The club to Knaranteo S10 each to accompany the nomination; $,0 addi- of allowed 5 MKviS 1T out on or April a race Of, lbs.; a race of 1903.sh0, Stake winners wri,ht far XocV. TTdino nf iu QtoVfta tn hn Winona nf tional to start. The Clnb to add ,500, of which 10 inih! lDs- twn tw0 rao rac9S nf of 5300, won 11 15 lb3. ih One finm;i. mile. S be , lWI"nofsi carryme wautnt for age or more, to !i innd 59 to tho S8Cond and th "rd. Weight 8 entered at not loss than TOO. Startsrs to be Wrh n tn th MQ SIM to tlw third Sts to be announced on lllrch A winner Ks. below the scalo. Nou-winners in 1902 of twelve The Lassie Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- me.d an.d slha? Pric8 stated through the entry after nublicatio CS9 of vlue or of ono of the vlue of ,500, stakes for fillies two years old. Entrant 0 each bJ h ns . h.,arPf closin.? dF hl. th lilhXc if non-winners this year of a rac of 00, allowed 5 to accompany the nomination; 0 additionalto "8f,?lPbo llable for starting foe. Five and 006 B lbs of two o1landa2bandpeMl. Pan- lbs.; of a racs of 00 10 lbs Six f urlougs.J 3 start. The Club to add ,500, of which 00 to the one-half furlongs, allies to apply to the extent of one-half only to pnThe Prairie Stakes. 3 1.500 Added. A solline sfcpnd a.nd 5 t taira A,wlane,r 8 sweep- hand capped at 116 lbs. and to the staS f any V?ln?- 3 lbJ-5 of of Th6 .mP,efclt.,on Stake,s- V,500 Ad,lert- A horses or more, g s p 3 3 ta kesta e T r t n rcb-y e a r Ids and u d w a rd En- car,r rlwo ,anj" for extent of one-quarter only to horses handicapped accompany the nomination 4 ValfU9 5 S?I.Sf 0 lb3,V thJ?S.of aay valne !w08Pstakos two-yoar-olds. .trance SiJii 5 L 1? 5,f or two of ,500,10 lbs. penalty. Others, to accompany the nomination; additional nH-9 1hj nrmore and not to annlv to horsashandi- pii si i : non-win- 0 to SJpodatlffifotmoro; a Imw The second and SIM to the thir Sr?f racas f allowed 5 lbs ; maidens start Th. club to add ,5M, of which 30 to the weight for a three-year-oid exceed 112 lbs. To be SMid"0 andJhM0S moro tlm8S alIowod 121bs- Fi ?gB SSnfTSf tf tW the day of the meet- . iUrl0u8s a w ?la. k" of a PJ r a" run on May 23, opening spring to carry waight for ag0 if for iess x lb aHowfor D; VJ J1"8, - ing. One milo and a furlong. W to ,0C0; then 1 lb. for each 00 down to . The Vernal Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- ity Others non-wlnners of 7m The Northern Handicap. ,000 Added. A Starters to be namod and selling prica stated stakes for colts and gildings two ysars old. En- aflowad i lbs i- of two of im 7 lb- a -Z ri nf f handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- through th ntry-box by the usual hour of closing trance to accompany tho nomination; 0 valu9 10 lbs - maidens baatenfonr t or morn ward Entrance, 0 each, to accompany thp nomi- day before the race, and to b liable for starting additional to start. Tho Club to add ,500, of allowed auowea 15 10 lb 1Da- Fivn ivo antl anu nn one nalt h-alf fnri,. m natibn; 50 additional to start. Tho Club to add fee. Two miles. which 00 to tho second and 50 to tho third. A furlongs. ,000, of which 00 to tho second and S4C0 to the The Excalsior Handicap, ,000 Added. A winner of a sweepstakes of any value to carry 3 The Monadnock Handicap, 81.500 Added third. Weights to appear three days before tho handicap sweepstakes for three-yoar-olds. En- lbs.; of two of ,5e0, 10 lbs. penalty. Others, n0n- A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds Enl race. One mile and a quarter. trance 0 ach to accompany the nomination; 0 winners of two races of 00, allowed 5 lbs.; maidens trance 0 each to accompany tho nomination- S50 The Superior Handicap, ,500 Added. A additional to start. The clnb to add ,0C0, of which beaten thro or more times, allowed 12 lbs. Fivo additionalto start. The Club to add ,500 of handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to tuongs. which 50 to the second and 50 to tho third, ward. JSntrance 0 each to accompany tho nomi- appear thrao days before tho race. One milo and a The Juvenile Stakes, ,500 Added. A sell- Weights to appear throe days before the race Six nation; 0 additional to start. The Club to add furlong. ing sweepstakes for two-year-olds. Entrance 0 furlongs. Full Value of Stakes Paid in Cash. Added Money to Purses 00 to 00. Three Steeplechase Races Each Week. Additional Stakes for Summer and Fall Meetings Announced in July. Entry blanks will be mailed upon receipt of application. Address nonimations and all communications to the SECRETARY CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB, 403 Monadnock Building, Chicago.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1903020401/drf1903020401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1903020401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800