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Mario Lavigne ...TURF BROKER... PLEASANTON HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO, C.l . Commissions of and upwards executed accurately forG percent of the net winnings. . NO CHARGES CT X.OSIKG COMMISSIONS W. F. HAGEMAN WELLINGTON CLUB - - ST. LOUIS, MO 410 North Seventh St., Up Stairs. FORMERLY OF 620 ST CHARLES ST. Bell Plume 4843. Kinloch D. 707. Stations l8t gnd r 4th FOUR KEGULAB TKAINS VIA LakShoro Ry. ?Sri::::: SSS iSS To IWZ Grand Central Station, Harrison St. and Knglewood 13:48 1:18 1:48 2:33 Fifth Ave. Grand Crossing. 12 :54 1 :34 1 :54 3 :5?9 RUNWIKG TIME 35 MINUTES. South Chicago.. 1:01 1:31 2:Q1 2:S0 Four trains returning at 4 5 :24, 6 :10 and after last race. ROUND TRIP 35 CENTS. OB BSE3B SPHU INCORPORATED. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 50,000. PAID UP CAPITAL, ,ooo. TURF Correspondents Commissioners STATE NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, 619 COMMON ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA. ; Announcement. New Orleans, February 2, 1903. BY RILEY GRANNAN. SPECIAL DISPATCH. To the American Racing Public: The Riley Grannan Company has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Louisiana, with a paid up capital of 00,000, for the purpose of transacting a general turf information and commission business. I have been elected President and will direct the operations of the company in the interest of hundreds of friends who have already signified a. desire to become patrons, and in the interest of the general racing public, whom I shall be glad to enroll individually on the books of the company as regular subscribers to the service, full particulars of which are set forth below. I hope I need hardly refer to iny long career as a bettor, bookmaker, iianaieap-ber-antf-general form expert, or to my inside connections with prominent owners and trainers to secure patronage. Every angle of the game is an open book to me, and I have pledged myself to the gentlemen who are backing me with practically unlimited capital to give to patrons of the company the fruits, of my experience. I have already organized a large staff of oIaiClVthe PParations of the horses on the ground in the early morning hours, and may add that my force is the best organization of its kind which money and a knowledge of experts can bring together. I have, also, heard from at least two hundred owners and trainers within the past forty-eight hours who express willingness to put their best information within my reach. The handicapping I shall do myself 1 lmiulte satlsfie5 that the results which the company will be able to accomplish through this system of selecting winners will bring brilliant results. In all my racing career I have never had a losing week when I had for a basis such an organiztion. My personal winnings on such information have been as high as 200,000 in a single wei My losses on the turf at different periods may be attributed to a stubbornness which at Biuuuuiumab wim.ii at times I evinced in sticking to handicapping entirely. The racing experience I have had is probably unique in turf history, and I trust it Is not mnlodlst for me ,to say it is a valuable asset to a turf advisory bureau That experience is now your property if you join us. Every morning I shall with the assistance referred to above, select what I consider the best and surest bets of the day, and on these the Riley Grannan Company will play the money of its clients. On some days it may be impossible to arrive at a decision that there is a single good bet on the card. At others there may be four -or five. The company will not therefore bind itself to make any stipulated number of bets. Such bets will be made that seem judicious, and no others. The Riley Grannan Company will conduct business on the following basis: Terms for information, per day and no charge unless we send you a starter. The smallest sum we will undertake to place for any client is 0 on each selection. The smallest account we will accept is 00. From every account we will deduct daily in advance for the information. At the end of each -week a check will be mailed for any profits that accrue, less flye per cent, of the net winnings which will cover our expenses m placing your money. Whether the account wins or losses, a statement will be mailed at the end of each week. There is no limit to the amount which may be sent us for play. A remittance of 00 will insure a 0 play on each selection. A remittance of 00 will insure a 0 play on each selection. A remittance of 00 will insure a 0 play on each selection. A remittance of 00 will insure, a 0 play, on each selection. A remittance of 00 will insure a 0 play on each selection, and so on. The reason a sum so much in excess of a single bet is required is that the company will at times bet your money on losers as well as winners. The best horse does not win every race and . e SS, occa1slo,nal bad streak By having a sufficient amount of capital with the company, you will In all probability be protected against such a contingency. I have never personally made over seven straight losing bets in my life. Experiences differ in this respect but, it would be the height of folly for anybody to send in an account to be played for him without protecting it against a few successive losers I entertain the very greatest confidence in the ability of the company to make vou a handsome winner. I have gathered about me the very best force of expert obtainablt and have backing to the extent that must enable me to succeed. I give uthe strongest assurance that any accounts you intrust to the Riley Grannan Company will be placed the best selections that money and brains can secure, and that you will get the Psuarest on run for your money that has ever been given to anybody in racing Thiq w original venture in this department of the game, you will readily ulderltand what sulcus or failune means to me. I have a reputation to sustain and if I did not iink I coufd sustain it and improve upon it, I would not now be addressing you GraS Company additlonal Particulars that have bearing on the plans of the Riley The charge for placing your money will be five per cent, of the net wookir Selections will be mailed to subscribers for whom we place money -befor "the ractj aPrerln . Racing enthusiasts who are in a position to operate their own havl money can information wired to them every day at noon for 0 per day. The rate la mid hEl those who play their own money for the reason that it is necessary to keepThe information as exclusive as possible, and to prevent piracy. All telegrams sent at cost of InWriSSi n Make all remittances payable to the Riley Grannon Company" Rmi ? moSev eV bv press, money order post office money order or certified check if possible. Renter 1 Cl -register vn your mail when you send cash. Address, The Riley Grannan Company, G19 Common Street, New Orleans La All orders will be booked and acknowledgements sent in the order of thJ7 Operations will be commenced on February 16 at New Orleans Snfl potJ?, 5eceP,Hon-racing days here, until March 31. After New Orleanl operations pauunb T wm will be ae conducted COnlMirt? Memphis, beginning March 28. at All accounts will be operated continuously until ordered withdrawn t . subscribers should forward money as early as possible to be in on openinc e 1G av-p h RILEY GRANNAN"