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MOJfTHI,? ffOkUXl BOOKS. .The Form Book for January is ready for ealsi, and inclndos the racing of January 31. Papm covr. 1 : laather envnr, .50 CHICAGO , Stakes for Spring and Summer Meetings 1903. Entries Close Wednesday, February 18. Added Money and Full Values in Cash. Handicaps with 00 to ,000 Added. i TTindicao Value 0,- five races of any value or of one race of the value of races of the value of 31 each in 1901 allowed 3 winners of a race of the valua of 00 that have not Thf I HB Harffinl Hal IBM NdllQflai a,,"" t nnn 000. A a hand handeau for three- ,500 allowed 5 lbs. ; of 00, 8 lbs. ; of 00, 12 lbs. ; lb?. ; of one such, 5 lbs. ; of any race of the value of won three races allowed 1 lbs.; tworacas, .lbs.? lhtolQ m 15 lbs. One mile. 00 in 19?, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12. lbs. To be m aidena, 10 lbs. ; maidens that have run in a stakes year-olds and 1?: rfeit or only 0 if declared Tlin ,.! Selliujc, ,500 Added. Value run Saturday, Juno 13. One and one-eighth miles, and not Oesn placed ia such, 13 lbs. Five farloigs. irf;,rU fi 1903 Guaranteed value, 0,000. of i I1B AUSlllI Est. ,403. For threvyear-olds and Tf,., ajusreisjo niKIandiae Selling, ,500 Added Valne ha Yn.iiwehr I UUU-oUf 9USOO Vdded. Value test. 55,. 2iyl 4UB to second and 03 to third horse. Pall upward. Entrance 0 each; $".0 additional to E3t For thres-year-jlds 2U Por two-yeir-ilcte foals of 1 tn h naid in cash by the Harlem Jockey start. ,500 added, of which to sscond and foals of 1930. Entrance 3 oacii; additioaal 1911. Eatranc-j 0 each; 3W addition ll to si-art. values l"1," . bQ aQn0unced March 16, 1903. A 50 to third hor3e. Tha winner, unless otherwise to start. ,303 added, of which to second and ,50 ad lid, of which $ to second unl "3 to nonriri-the announcement of weights of two stipulated when named to startvto be sold at anc- 50 to third horss. The wiimar to b- sold at auc- thir l horse winner of stakes of tli vlm of entiha value of SI oOOeach or one of ,500 to ti0n. Horses entered not to ba sold to carry 5 lbs. tion. Horsss entered to bo sold for 030 to cirry ,23 to carry lbs.; of two sach stakes or of Tie of races 01 ; two of 000 each or one of ,009, 7 above the scale. Those entered to ba sold for ,500 scale wiight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 53 to ,03O: the valui of ,0, 5 lbs.; of throe or mon stakes of fv? . f h nf COO each or two of ,400 or one of to carry waight for age; 3 lbs. allowed for each then 1 lb for each 00 to ,030; thin i lbs. for each the value of , o ich or of oai if thi vilmof Mnnn Tr lh nxtra For horses handicapped at 115 $,00 to .0OO; thon 1 lb. for each 00 to . A 00 to S703. A winner, after March 31, of a race of ,0H, 8 lbs ixtra. Non-winners of a r ic jf the WihV thnss nenalties shall apply to the extent wiaa9r after March 1, 1933, of a race of the value of the value of ,030 to be entered for not less than valui of thathav j not won five races allowed 2 t f inVhnlf onlv for those handicapped at 122 to 51,20c to be enterod for not loss than ,503. Start- ,230. Starters, with soiling prices, mast be named lbs.; thrue rac-H, 5 ibs. ; two races, 8 lb?. ; miiieas, i7 iv tn the extent of one-quarter only, and er3i wjth selling prices, must bo named through through eutry bos at the usual hour of closing the 13 lbs ; maidens beaton four or inor? timis 18 lbs. h . hflndieaiiDed at P8 lbs. or ovor shall incur oatry box at the usual hour of closing the day pre- day prscsdmg the race, and thos- so named will b j Five furlongs. the penalties shall cadLu? th8 raca, liable for starting fee. Oaa mile. 3-yoar-olds nenalties. For Th3 Prnuicn Selllnj;, ,500 Added. Value Sot no make the weight exceed 115 lbs. be run the for starting fee. One and one-sixteenth miles. -ru. p..:,. ,500 Added. Value est. ,003. For "3 ffOVISO st. For . wo-yaar-,IJ9 ioall first day of tho spring meeting. One and throe-six- , R j psiy Handicap, ,000 Added. c rcl,ls two-year-old Allies foals of 191. Ea- of 1931. Eatrance 0 each;0 ai liti . lal tokart. teonths miles. "c IUC" WJ Value Est. ,750. A handicap trance 0 each; 0 additional to start. ,503 ,503 added, of whichJJ to sioid aal 15 to nAjliri, Handicap, ,000 Added. for three-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each; added, of which 00 to second and 5 to third third horsa. Horses entered to bi st. i f.jr$ .Wlra TllB ZUtn IBniuljf Value est. ,700. A handicap additional to start. ,033 added, of which horse. A winner of a stakes of the value of Sl.OJO carry scale wsUnt; i lbs. allowid for 013 a 0 to r rAnT nlds and upward. Entrance 5 each; to second and 1903.sh3 to third horse. Weights to ba to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or of one of the $.!,; then 1 tb. for each 03to. winuir of ; a irt Tito start ,000 added; of which 00 announced three days before the day appointed for value of ,703, a lbs. ; of three or more stakes of the a race of tin value of ,l to be eatirod for not 51 aaaiiioai uu thir nor3a. VVeights to be the race. A winner of other than a selling purse value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Noa-winners of a less than ,633. Startirs, wit i selliu .irises, nust tosecona auu before the day appointed for race after tho announcement of weights to carry 5 race of the value of 33 that have not won thrae be mxdi tir jugh eatry b ix at tho uu .1 ti ir jf f?n Awinnerof othor than a sailing purs lbs. extra. Six furlongs. races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 closing the day price ling tha race, ail th isa so " 5 . .. . . . maidens that run stakes and not d will be liable fjr fee. the announcement of weights to carry s 003 Added. Value est. haye in a nam starting Hvi a d ine- after lbs extrl To be run MoDday, September 7. One ,H8M, LeWli UlalK Iqq, For throo-voaf-olds b"a Placad snch, 13 lbs. Four and one-half half furlongs. and threosixteenths miles.: foals of 1939. Entrance each; 5 additional rl0"ss , , fha nnf Handicap, ,500 Ad led. Vilue n mi a l.tnfi Vn1n Fst 3 S3 500. to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and Tho 01 firajjliata .50 J Added. Value est. ,033. H JUillU a3t. ,2 W. Aha idic ipf r twn-voar- Thpnhina20 !?,0Ov.At ;old, liia and unwaVd opwaro. 00 to third horse. Weights 5 lbs. below the scale. For two-year-old colts and geldings olds foals of 1901. Entrance 8ach; $ iddi- IH8 blllbdgU, K?r three-year-olds dinner of a three-year-old stakes of the value of foals of 1901. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional tioual to start. 31,910 added, of w-iicu to Entrance"ach : and50 additional to start. u March g to carry3iba. Qf two such to start. ,500 added, of which 3 to secoad and socoad and 50 t j third horse. Woig its to be added, of which S1WI tp second " tl"k es of Stakes or of one of ,500 after March 15, 5 lbs.; of 53 to third horse. A winner of a stakes of the annonncad three days before the day .top i it 1 for horse. A n-inuor after March li o1. lntof three or more threo-year-old stakes of the value of valne of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or the race. winner of other thau a e Vt . purse the value of ,000, or of three !u?n gtakas nSt ,000 , each selling stakes accepted aftr March 15 of one of the value of $ ,700, 5 lbs.! of three or m e race after the anu mncement of the weights , carry kss uo o ,000 each to carry 5 lbs. extra selling non-winnor of two three-year-old stakes of the valuo pf ,030 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non- 5 lbs. extra. Six furlongs. considered. Non-winners alter jnurcu i, w, T?ntr.n-no fpfia muat accompany nominations. Entry blanks may be had upon application to the Secretary, or to the office of Daily Racing Form, J icob jjjniram-o Address nominations and all communications to m. Eathanson, Secy, SiB IfWIerohants L-oan and Trust Bldg., Chicago.