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HIGHLAND PARE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy; track heavy. Apprentice allowance. ©Hans well in mad. First Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 39732 Golden Cottage 4?. 4.. 119 ....705 Irish Boy 4.. 109 39346 Black Dick 5.. 107 ....705 39456 Firing Line 4.. 4.. 105 ....700 39755 Delagoa 4 . . 4 . .105 ... .720 39559 Fannie Blazes 4.. 105 ....700 3949S2Prodigality 3.. 103 ....710 39757Shrine 4 .. 3.. 103 ....725 39066 Fade Meny 4.. 4.. 100 ....690 39532 Model Monaroh 3.. 94 ....695 39189 Briers 4.. 3.. 94 ....705 Nancy Dey, ch. f, by Taco- ma— Lady Lucas 3.. 94 39115 Onyx II 4.. 3.. 91 ....715 39S51Two Lick 3.. S9 ....715 Second Race— 1-2 Of lie. 2-jear-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 390113St. Juvenal 4... -114 ....715 39827Handmore ...112 725 398312Blue Darter 4«..107 ....715 Malakoff, br. c, by Maxim-Silver Cloud 107 Tusty 104 398272Miss Fleischmann 104 ....720 3955S Frank Somers 100 700 39S05 Belle Dodson 97 ....710 3S938 Becky Bright 97 ....700 39497 Blackberries 97 ....705 Third Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 3- year-olds and upward, Selling, Ind, Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 39683 Benckart 4.. 5.. 117 ....695 39531 Cherubim 3. .112 ....690 39856Branch 4.. 8.. 110 ....705 39549 Wallabout 4.. 5. .108 ....710 39S53 Sortie 5.. -105 ....715 39683 J. H. Sloan 7. .103 ....695 39S56"St. Bluff 4.. 5.. 102 ....700 39209 Pat My Boy 5.. 101 ....690 39729 G. W .W 5.. 101 ....710 39S562Baffied 4.. 6.. 100 ....725 39S302Lou Rey »f...«7.. 9S ....720 39S03 Senator Beveridge .... 4-- 5.. 98 ....715 39S072Discus 3.. 95 705 39656 Easter Boy 4.. 94 700 39549 Ruby Ray 4.. 4.. 89 ....715 39391 Quality Sheet 3.. 84 ....705 Fourth Ra«e— 1 1-8 Miles 3-year-olds. Allowances. The Frontier Stakes. Value ,000. 3949S Ayrshire Lad 127 ....730 398342Claude 4.. 127 ....730 397083Reservation 4.. 125 ....735 398292Bank Street ..117 ....720 398293Soothsayer 4«..H7 ....730 396S23Kilmorie HH..H4 ....720 397573Sir Gallant 4. .110 ....740 39757Shrine 4.. .109 ....735 398542Little Boy 4«..107 ....725 37619 By Ways -...102 ....715 Fifth Kace— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. 8olling. lad. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. Orderly, b. g, by Order— Little Lady II 105 39705 Probable 103 ....715 39208 Iole 102 ....705 39611 False Entry 101 ....710 39730 San Marino 4.. 100 ....715 39519 Leeto 99 ....705 39753 Caloorahatchie 98 695 39778 Louise Meining 97 ....700 39527 Irene Cross 96 ....695 394S5 Orpha 96 ....710 39S31 Jim Ferrin 4-- 96 ....725 394973Splint 96 ....720 398273Bayview 96 ....715 39485 Miss Oddity 91 ....690 feixth Race— Full Course. Steeplechase. 4- year-olds and upward. Handicap. 39610fDaryl 6.. 159 ....68» 396SlTom Curl 9. .154 ....685 396Sl3JGould 9.. 144 ....680 39681JCaptain Conover 4- 7.. 140 ....680 39681 Arius 6. .139 ... .700 396Sl2Billy Ray 4.. 138 ....690 S9612fHie Away 4-- 6. .132 ....675 35S022Cubanite 4.. 130 ....670 tW. F. McLean entry, jl. Fox entry.