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COAST FORM. j From early last May until the end of October several hundred horses were running at meetings held at Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Petaluma, California, and t Seattle, Washington. A unmber were credited with notable performances. All of these horses will take part in the San Francisco and Los Angeles meetings, and knowledge of their performances is necessary to those who- wish to consider intelligently the i relative merits of the horses that will be i raced at the two cities named. Daily Rac- j ing Form has prepared a record of the racing at the two Sacramento meetings, the Petaluma meeting, the Los Angeles October meeting and the long Seattle meeting, and , it is now ready for sale at 15 cents. Publishers of the Official Organ of the Western Jockey Club AU the Turf Al! Tracks News Per- c are Fully fJY andand andandandandand fcj RePrted Edited Mill W and.SL lot j s? " Daily , Form Sheets . . gsa Racing X I Form II " II 11 II Telegraphic Subscription Price Off Our Correct ONE MONThT . .25 0S2ePnSS Comlly Sl MON " BoSS y ONE YEAR . . . 14.00 DaiU BENT AS FIRST-CLASS MAIL IN PLAIN ENVELOPE Daily Racing Form Pub. Co., 124-126 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 853, Westchester Racing Association UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE JOCKEY CLUB. RACE COURSE: MORRIS PARK, WESTCHESTER, N. Y. OFFICE: 571 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. THE WINDSOR ARCADE. THE EIGHTH National Stallion Race The EIGHTH MATRON WITH 0,000 ADDED. am.,. WITH fB.OOO ADDED. To be run for by then two-year-olds, during the Spring Meeting of 1905. To be run for b then two-year-olds, daring the Autumn Sleeting: of 1906, TO CLOSE AND NAME FOR BOTH EVENTS AT MIDNIGHT OF TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1903 CONDITIONS. THE NATIONAL STALLION 1905 THE EIGHTH NATIONAL STALLION for then two years old, foals of 1903, to be run at the Spring Meeting in 1905, the progeny of stallions nominated. Nominations of stallions to close and name by midnight of Thursday, October 1, 1903, by subscription of 0 each, or only 5 each, for stallions -which have not sired a winner prior to December 15, 1903. Of the subscriptions for stallions the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent, and 10 per cent, respectively. The remaining 50 per cent, to the winner. STALLION ENTRIES FOR 1905. Hastings 0 Kinley Mack.... 5 Gerolstein 5 Plaudit 0 Octagon 50 Dieudonne 25 St. Gatien 50 Mirthful 50. Henry of Navarre. 50 Salvator .. 50 Star Ruby 50 Solitarlo H 25 Bthelbert 25 Arkle 50 Watercress 50 Marius n o Ben Strome 50 Bathampton 50 Ornament 50 Kantaka 50 Faverdale 50 Greenan 25 St. Leonards 50 Meadowthorpe .... 50 Griffon 25 Golden Garter .... 50 Ben Brush 50 Prince Pepper bo Sir Dixon 50 Goldfinch 50 Commando 25 Daniel ...... .... 50 Star Shoot 25 Bassetlaw 50 Voter 25 Dr. MacBride 60 Bridgewater 25 Maxio 50 Canopus 25 Hamburg 50 Handspring 50 Toddington 25 Ogden 50 Meddler 50 His Highness 50 Montana 50 Requital 50 Sandringham 25 Silver Fox 50 Conditions for the Entry of Foals of 1903, to close and name by midnight, Tuesday, December 15, 1903. Foals of 1903, the progeny of stallions duly nominated to be entered and named by midnight of Tuesday, December 15, 1903. Colts and geldings at 0 each, fillies at each, the only forfeit if declared by De- cemiftef in9 after December 15, 1904, and declared by April 20, 1905, colts and geldings to IMeiTta alter April M?W05. colts and geldings to pay 0 each, fillies 0 each. Starters Colts, geldings and fillies to pay 00 each additional. , The Westchester Racing Association to add ,000 and the remaining 50 per cent, of the u stallion entrances, of which ,200 to the second and 00 to the third. The nominator of the winner to receive ,000 out of the subscriptions and starting money. Of the subscrip-Uonsfor stallions; the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent, and 10 per cent, respectively. Colts to carry 122 lbs., geldings and fillies 119 lbs. . Theroduce of stallions which have not produced a winner prior to December 15, 1903, allowed 5 lbs. If claimed at time of entry. By filing with the Westchester Racing Associa-on of the foals entry, the original sub-SMeStah6rk orior to December 1, 1904, an accepted transfer from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the SSBnal forfeltof 0 or . Last Five Furlongs of the Eclipse Course. V twK the National Stallion and the Matron as above are to be run under the Rules of V .Both the,NaQoBtgauoM, ff" Rule RuIe 5 Par. Rule 72, THE MATRON OF 1906. THE EIGHTH MATRON, with 0,000 added, for mares covered in 1903, foals of 1904 to be run for by then two-year-olds at the Autumn Meeting in 1906. The event to be rui in two races, one for colts and geldings, the other for fillies. GENERAL CONDITIONS. THE EIGHTH MATRON for the produce of mares covered in 1903, to run when tw years old at Autumn Meeting in 1906, with 0,000 added. Subscriptions for mares to close at 0 each, or only 0 each if the money accompan; the entry. Foals the progeny of mares so nominated to be eligible, at 0 each, the only forfeit I declared on or before November 1, 1905. If left in after November 1, 1905, to pay 5 each. If left In after April 1, 1906, to pay 0 each. If left in after August 15, 1906, to pay 5 each. Starters to pay 50 each. WEIGHTS, PENALTIES AND ALLOWANCES. Colts to carry 122 lbs. ; fillies and geldings, 119 lbs. Winners of ,000 or twice of ,50C to carry 3 lbs. extra; of 0,000 or twice of ,000, 5 lbs. extra; of 5,000, or twice of 0,00C 71bs. extra; of 0,000, or twice of 5,000, 10 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 lbs. Produce of horse or out of mares that had never produced a winner previous to January 1, 1904, allowed lbs.; of both, 5 lbs.; which allowance must be claimed at time of entrance. Allowance cumulative. CONDITIONS OF THE RACE FOR COLTS AND GELDINGS. Colts and geldings the produce of mares nominated for the Eighth Matron to run b; themselves, the money for which shall include all subscriptions of mares producing colts all declaration fees paid for colts and geldings at 0, 5 and 0 each, and of those left ii after August 15, 1906, at 5 each, with ,000 of the added money, of which ,000 to th second, and 00 to the third. The nominator of the dam of the winner to receive 50 pe cent, of the starting money for the race, of the second, 30 per cent., of the third, 20 per. cent EcliDse Course. CONDITIONS OF THE RACE FOR FILLIES. Fillies the produce of mares nominated for the Eighth Matron to run by themselves, th money for which shall include all subscriptions for mares producing fillies, all declaratlo: fees paid for fillies at 0, 5 and 0 each, and of those left in after August 15, 1906, a 5 each with ,000 of the added money, of which ,000 to the second, and 00 to thi third The nominator of the dam of the winner to receive 50 per cent, of the starting mone; for the race, of the second, 30 per cent, of the third, 20 per cent. Eclipse Course. The Jockey Club and Westchester Racing Association applicable to the conditions of .eacl For further particulars and entry blanks, address . - , -rue mcr B2vf ictlj a wrriki i tw? i cui srBtr m vf