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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES AND FORM. l1-..babilil ies: Weather dear: Hack gfMd. Racing start- it 1:4.*. |..m. Chicago limo .!: 15 p.m. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race— 3-4 Mile. .". -year-olds and Upward. Soiling. Ind. Horses. A Wt. Ihlcp. 86217*... Susie Christian 6. .163. ."■..725 or,i7s Stoessel 4. . "o". . x . .728 ooilm. Bologna 5. .166. .X . .713 o."717 . ,1itnkim 3. .104. . X . .71 88124 Willie Gregg 6..h07.; 71" 6581 7.... Colonel Jewell 4. .107 .It 061 60*... Phil Igoe :;..102 71o 00810. . . .Traniotor 5. .1 12. . X . 705 06801 . . .Taxer .".. .107 70.". 66100 Vllerion :;. . i«t . . x . . 70.-, iMMio.t. . . . anopian 4.107 70O 66081 lack Little o. . 112. . © . .888 88144.... Hostility 4..1o.", 888 65984. ...Sua Mark ."... lo." ... . 880 06188 U.bie Belle 0. . MB 888 Second Race — Futurity Course. 206 feet less than ::-4 mile. :: v. ar olda. Selling. t.127. . . .Airs 105. . x . .725 I06UU2I Norfolk 117..... .720 looioi . . . .Elancer lor, 71.-, 0014.: . or. 1 lo. . x . .71 » 66218 . . . Red Carter 100. . ■ . .7o.", 061 12... .lliftoteca 101 70:, 0014::. .. St. Or 108..X..760 iv;-il . . . . i ; id liver 108. . x . .005 Third Race — Brooks Course. 17:: yards le— than 1 1 I miles. 4v.!r..liis and upward. Allowances. 68200 Salina 4. .105. . x . .725 Olios Cotillion 5. .105. . X . .720 88220 .. .Jack Adams 0. . 107. . X . .715 68034 l.os Angeleno s. . 107. . ■: . .7ir. 66202*. ..Mountebank 10. .107..X..7M 0.6147. . . . Noversiieh 7. .107. . X . 705 86056. ...Perry Wlekes 5. .107. . x . .700 ot;|s.:. . . . ri.-e-ias 6. .105. . x . .700 86202. ■ ■ Woutellns 4. .188. . X . .883 68670. ... Lone I Istu rman 8. .110. -X.. 688 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-oMs and upward. Allowances. 65933 1 . . . Don Hamilton 4 . . 1 1 1 . . © . . 738 05704. . . El Otros 5. .114 74t» 66127*... Milshora . . 3. .100. .X.. 730 66181*. ..W. II. Carey 4. .114. . X . .738 86127. ... Royal Ben 3. . 105. ■ ..7::o 889A1 ... .Tartan ."...ill ■ .72". Fifth Race — Futurity Course. 200 feet leaa than :: » mile. 1 :; year olds. Selling. 0021C. ..St. Albans 107 700 00210 .. .Happv Rice 185.. X.. 888 86219. . . Gold Ledge 1o2.. X . .000 00120. . .Tea Row 106 680 661 64*... Charles L. Stone 1 10. . x . .880 0MS2. . . .Song of the Sea lo7 883 66219. . . . Vinorsini 105 685 00100 . . .Taos MTJ. 0S5 66110 E. P.. II 107 086 1. on.".::. . . .Straightaway 107 osu 6605.",. . . . First leep . . .* 105 0SO 0,01 12. . . Troiland 1o", 075 662 IO. . . Remember 105. . X . .673 66197 Klale A 103 670 O..OLO . . Long Nick 102 670 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. .■ year olds and upward. Selling. .0017:1. Succeed I . 1 lo ....725 001. S-. Betsey 1..M7.. ..780 063IMI ..Lihe B 4. .107. . X . .715 00101 ...UaHl.le 4. IOC. .715 00017. ..Miss Martha :!.. 87..X..T15 65084 Mazapan 4. .107. : x . .710 ot.l .0 V/.oni 4.. Ml.. ,.7lo 66196*... Lotta .lactone 4. .KM 710 ooov.t .. . . :ns Veiling 4. .104.. X . .785 66089 Ambitious 4. .104. . X. .800 0014.". . . Win-. Ways 3.. 82... ■ 7« » 86146 llattie lair 5. .101. . X . -fl85 66124 m. aa 5. ,M6 680 66198... Prominence I. .101. . x . .885