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NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB S. R. MONTGOMERY, President. :: :: :: M. N. MACFARLAN, Secretary. Office: 2 Cotton Exchange Building. JVIONTGOIMER Y PARK MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Stakes to be Run at the Spring Meeting, 1907. To Close on Monday. Jan. 28, 1907. — o PURSE LESS THAN 00.00. If there are enough horses to justify, three jumping races each week will be offered. ,000 Added. Foals of 1905. Gaston Hotel Stakes; subscribed to by Gastons Hotel. a umpilihi for twa-ycar-aMa - «its :uui eiiiin. 0 to hi Maajr t iir Maitaattaa and f.o ad«li- tioual to btart. Jfl.«Hi«l added, »f which hB • to second and 00 to third, lourlh to save slartin« nmticy. Four Fuilongs. ,000 Added. Foals of 1905. The Ardelle Stakes. A MRNptfakM lor 1 mi year -old tillics. .*1n to a.-■i.iii|i:iny the nomination and -f." 0 addilional to start. ,000 added, of which floo to second and . 100 to third, fourth to save starting money. Four Furlongs. ,250 Added. Foals of 1905. The Memphis Stakes. A sweepstakes far I « • year olds. 0 to accompany the nomination and $." additional to itart. .£* MMed, of whi -h SloO to second and |1M to third, Ioiulh to save starting money. 8 His. Iielow the scale. The winner of two races other than selling of the value of ,000 each to carry : His. penally. Non-win. ners of si race oilier than selliiij; of the value of 00, or two races other than selling of any value allowed ft ll 8. Maidens allowed 10 ll.s. Five Furlongs. ,000 Added. Foals of 1904. The Tennessee Derby. A sweepstakes for three -year olds i foals of I.IOti. to accomnany the nominal lOB, 00 additional la start. $: .«mh added, of which S506 to secoixl. to third, fourth to save starling money. 8 His. Udow the scale. The winner of a three-year-old race of the value of !.0OO to carry B Ihs. penally. M aniens allowed 7 ll s. One and One-eighth Miles. ,000 Added. Foals of 1904. The Tennessee Oaks. A sweepstakes for three year old fillies foals of I.MMK M0 each to accompany t!ie nomination, 0 additional U xl.rt. ,000 added, of wUek %Wt to second, *10O to third, fourth to save Btartias money. ft Ihs. Indow the scale. The winner of a three year-old lace of the value of ,000 to cany 6 Ihs. penalty. Maidens allowed 7 Von. One Mile. ,000 Added. Foals of 1904. The Hotel Gayoso Stakes; subscribed to by the Hotel Gayoso. A sweepstakes for three-year olds foals of 190-11. 0 to accompany nomination and 0 additional to start. The Club to add .0t»0. of which 00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to save starting monev. Weights. 5 lbs. below the scale colts 117. geldings 114. fillies 112. The winner of a three-year-old race of the value of ,000 to carry 5 lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a three-year-old race other than selling of the value of 00. if non-winners of a race other than selling of the value of ,000 in 1900 or l!Mi7. allowed f lbs.: if non winners in MM or 1907 of a race other than selling of the value of 00 allowed 10 lb*. Maidens allowed 17 Ihs. One Mile. ,500 Added. The Montgomery Handicap. A haadicap Bweepatakea for three year olds ami upwaid. *io lo a.cnipanv the aeaibntfrM aad M ■nhliiional to start. 3,668 added, of which $::ihi to eecoad and 50 to third, the fourth to s.ic starling money, in addition to the Btakea the winner will receive ■ raraaMe piece of. silver doaalod hy the Crab. Weights to be announced before 9 a. m.. 21 days before the race. The winner of ■ race other than selling Of the value of ,000, or two races other than selling of any value alter the weights are announced to carry 5 lbs. penally. One Mile and One-sixteenth. ,000 Added. The Peabody Hotel Handicap; subscribed to by the Peabody Hotel. A handicap sweep-lakes f«,r three year olds and upward. 0 to accompany nominath n .in I 0 •iddl-lional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second. 00 to third, the lourlh t« save ntarthU money. Weights to be announced two days before the lace. One Mile and One-eighth. ,000 Added. The Tennessee Brewing Company Stakes; subscribed to by the Tennessee Brewing Company. A selling sweepstakes for three year olds and upward. lo accompany the nomination an.l 0 additional to slart. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third, fourth to s.ic starling money. The winner to be sold at auction for $: ..r «0; if for less. :; lbs. allowed for eajea 00 to ,500; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. Starlets and selling price to he named through the entry hoi at the usual time of closing for this days racing, and those so named are liable for starting fee. Seven Furlongs. ,000 Added. Cotton Steeplechase Stakes—A Steeplechase Handicap. A sweepstakes for four year olds and upward. 0 each to accompenv iiomina i ],m-. 0 additional !o start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second. 00 to third, fourth to save starting mon v. Weights to he announced Iwo days before the race. Four or mure horses of entirely different interest tsj start, af IhO raet may be declared oil. Starters to be named through the entry box at the usual lime of closing tl.e day before the race, and those so named are liable for starting fee. About 1wo Miles. /"rTT/~I7 1 Entries are made with followiup condition: That all disputes, claims and objoc- V -i. AVi-i • tions arising ont of the racing, or with respect to the interpretations of the conditions of any race, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those whom tbey may appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall be final. The Club reserves the right to refuse the entries of any person, or the transfer of any entry, and without notice. This management reserves the right, if they deem it uecessary, to return entrance money and declare any or all stakes off. Address All Communications to M. N. MACFARLAN, Secretary.