Second Race [2nd New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1907-01-31

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SECOND RACE — 1-2 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 471 — 4 — WT. LULA B.. br. f, 2. by Charade — Lash J. Mannion. Weight today 100. •;•;•; 12 l". Grounda 1-2 49] hvy KK 2 10 10 lo" T Taylor B. M. Fry. Ilontbert, Ida May. 66264 !■. Grounds S-8 36] fast 113 13 13 144 Dominick Work-a Day, Hazel M., RebelQUMen 1 66229 F. Grounds 3-8 361 good 112 G 6t» 6*1 Abuehon Whisk Biauaa, Greaase, Hazel M. DEW OF DAWN, ch. f, 2, by Peen oDay — Rain Drop L. F. Barthe. Weight today 104. fittnm F. Grounds 3 1-3 f 4« hvy 116 : 9 :•- 9* M B V IRubywick. Haael H., Blister. 66622 !•. Grounda 3 1-2 f 43J mud 105 1 3 2- 2» M B Woodl.attiee. Babywick, Golandrina. 6K147 K. Grounda J-8 37 fast no | 2- 2i M B WoodSh. Hossmore. Babywick, Bitterly. STAR OF WOODSTOCK, b. f, 2, by John Baker II.— Lottie V. Mrs. W. B. Freeman. Weight today 100. 66605 F Grounda I 1-2 f 43 fast MS 4 G 8] 8*1 Trueman Mol. Montrose. Lawless. Lee Crest , 66244 . Grounda 3-8 Kl fast ill 14 14 11 "ITruman Work-a-Day, Hazel If., BebelQueen , 66229 F. Grounda 3-8 3Gs good 112 7 12J I3-" Truman Wliisk Broom, Greaase, Hazel M. HAZEL M., b. f, 2, by Handsome— Redound F. McKenna. Weight today 104. 6ti6tio F. Grounds 3 1-2 f 441 hvy U3 :; 2 2- 2 Seder Babywick, Blister. Convenient. Gt,5l7 F Grounds 3-S 37 last 112 2 91 10" W R WkrSh.Rossmore. D.of Dawn, Babywick t 66471 City Park 3-8 35J fast Ml 12 41 37 J Lee Whisk Broom, Blue Lee, Blister. BITTERLY, b. f, 2, by Bitter Root — Brigand Queen J. C. Cahn. Weight today 100. 66660 !•. Grounds 3 1-2 f 44| hvy " 10 I 8 5* .1 DennisonBabywlck, Hazel M.. Blister. i;i •,;« -, F. Grounds 3 1-2 f 43 fast M3 8 7 Gl 73 J DennisonMol. Montrose. Lawless, Lee Crest t 66547 F. Grounds 3-S 37 fast 112 8 7a 4°J J DennisonSh.Rossmore, D.of Dawn, Ruhywii k i COINCIDENT, b. f, 2, by On Deck— La Cheviot W. H. Snyder. Weight today 108. , , .1 ..-.•;«: F Grounds 3 1-2 1" 42 fast 111 11 1" 9* 9" R Lowe WliiskBroom, LuteFoster. BlneLea. it,115 City Iark 3-S El fast 115 1 31 6*1 R Lowe Lattice. Ruby Wick, Ziepjien. 66301 F. Grounds 3 1-2 f 43A fast 112 7 2*1 l1 R Lowe Ida May, Flarney, Ioem. REBEL QUEEN, b. f, 2, by Box— Southern Girl 11. Gardner. Weight today 108. . 06642 F Grounds 1-2 492 hvv 112 9 6 4" 4- J Martin B. M. Trv. Monthert. Ida May. C6566 F Grounda 3 1-2 f 42 fast 111 9 7 4 1 4;L J Martin WliiskBroom. LuteFoster. B6491 city Iark 3-S 35 fat 111 M 104 102 Hagan Lee Crest. Work-a-Dav. l.iaw. Lad. • CONVENIENT, blk. f, 2, by Compute— Contenta Mrs. R. W. Walden. Weight today 100. ,.;.;.,.i k Grounda 3 1-2 f 441 hvy M9 4 3 4i» 4- Bnglder Babywick, Hazel M.. mister. ,,.,,,.• I- Grounds 1 - 191 hvy Ml 8 5 71 8*1 Englck-r E. M. Try. hfontbut, Ida May. Gi,17 F. Grounda 2-S 37 fast 110 6 6 6s J Lee Sh.Rossmore. D. f Dawn. Babywick It MOLLIE MONTROSE, ch. f, 2, by Cesarion— Bezique G. H. Holle. Weight today 112. ,,, .hu., k Grounds 3 1-2 f 43 faa l «i 3 2 2t 1iG Swtiin Lawless. Lee Crest, Stephen. ,,,, ■;, 1 i:y Park 3-S ■. fast 1M 2 P l* G Swain LuteFoster, Black Mary. Lattice. CATHERINE F., b. f, 2, by Gallantry— Fashionable R. Tucker. Weight today 104. . G6.V9 City Dark M ■ fast 112 13 11-11" Nlcol If. Montrose. ],. Foster. Black Mary t 66434 City Iark 3-n S| fast 119 9 10- S"i Nicol Iteliel Queen, Balole. Hazel M. WINOLA. b. f, 2. by Albert— Misery II. W. H. Snyder. Weight today 100. 66660 F. Grounds 3 1-2 t 41- hvy M9 8 7 T" 6*1 R Lowe Ituhywick, Hazel M.. Blister. 66547 r Grounda 3-8 37 fast llo 7 .". 5"" R Lowe Sli.Kossniore. D.of Dawn. Babywick t 66320 City Park 3-S Mf hvy 115 5 4» 5" R Lowe Blue Lee, Hazel M.. Rebel Queen. i. BEOLA, b. f, 2, by Trentola— May Bee III. Weight today 108. . l-irst start. SAINESAW, b. f, 2, by Sain— Ken nesaw Queen B. Schreiber. Weight today 108. Plral start. W. 11. Snyder entry -Coincident and Witiola.

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Local Identifier: drf1907013101_5_4
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