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RACING DEAD IN ARKANSAS. i AMIS BILL PASSES LOWER HOUSE AND WILL SHORTLY BECOME A LAW. ! I Oaklawn Meetinq May End This Week — "Will Abide by the Law." Says Dan Stuart. i Hot Springs. Ark.. Primary 12. — Simultaneously 1 ■Willi tin- running f the sixth race at Oaklawn to- 1 day. Mine newt from Little Bock that the Amis ead-bettiag Iill liai! passed the lower house of the Legislature by ■ rote of 83 to 8, and now awaits The QwtrtOfl signature to bo. onto a law. Tlic ] BBBOBnfl mi ill flM as a shock and threw a pall over borseaaea ami the devotees to radag, who bad 1 lor tin- last few days been led to tieliove that the : measure iroaM not he passed in its preaeat form. ! It was kaowa that a raring law would unojacstioa abb lie paaaed. hut it was believed here the measure would be one that would have permitted poolselllng aa the racetrack*. When the hill was called up for its third reading an effort tor delay was made with a motion to refer it back to the Tadlilsij committee. This was defeated whereupon Bepreeeatatlve Quinn. of Gariaad County, leader of the hills opposition. atarted a debate which lasted two hours and re-Milted la the passage of the measure. Dan A. Stuart, after he hail been informed of the actioa of tiie Legislature, was asked for an ex-BreoaloB as to the plans of the Oaklawn management. He declined to make any statement other than that he "believes in upholding the law aad will do so in this instance." If his partners in llie ownership of the track share his views, and they no doubt do. then there is little likelihood that the areata! meeting will progress Brack loaaai. It is not likely that the rig* tag of the hill will be long delayed. Goreraor Little is on his way to Texas :n aaeal Of health, but President. Itoore, of the Senate, is acting governor and will allix his signature as aooa as the bill is engrossed. The meeting may end Saturday or Before, The club lias ],,-t money from the BTSt day. The mast excltiag eoateet of tliis afteraooa was in tlic thlad race when Kankakee and Woolatartle fought it cut- nearly the entire trip and came to the finish only BOOei apart, the verdict goiag to Kankakee. itoagb rkttag was primarily responsible for the falling of Miss Jersey, ridden by 1". Pinion, in the liflh race. Neither bone t»or boy was injured. Mary Talbot look the two-year-old race, but had to lie driven to the limit to get the decision treat Uasty Agi I - III the fourth race .1. 1 . Dunn ran extra Well after standing a loag, lend drive. He was in eloae quarters shortly after the start, but managed to wear down the early leaders ;uii| will by a C0D1- fortable margin.