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SPRING HANDICAP WITHDRAWALS. N.w York, rebruary 22. — This being a holiday, tne offices of the vsrioas racing associations we e Ctesed and no new declarations from the spring handicaps were announced. So far the Brooklyn has lost seeta as follows: Inquisitor. Tiptoe, Misspell Lad. Ballot. Court Dress, Ciimaldi and Sutlice. Iiinii the Suburban there were eight withdrawals: OasesHS, tassaisltor, First. Presatasa, Tiptoe. Balls Bye, Ballot, Csatl lu-ess and Orlsssldl The Brighton declara ion-. SO tar reported are Tip- ■ .h. Meteor. Bara eoeeea ami Lady Dadtey. Ballot ami Court Diess evidently are withdrawn 1« cause of their engagements in the rich stakes tot hsraes of their own age. However. Mr. Keciie still ;.as the following eligibles for both the Brooklyn nnd Suburban: Kuroki. Philander, Gretna Creeii. Superman and Veil. All of these except Superman ate in the Brighten also. Peter Pan i- only fii Hie Brighton. ±