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FIRESTONE WINS THE BELL STAKES. Walter Miller Is a Surprisinqly Good Colt — Andrew Mack Does Some Bumpinq. Oakland, Cal., March 2::. -Thomas H. Williams Firestone iniide ample amends for his unlucky defeat in the Fndiue Stakes by winuig totLiys feature, the Bell Stakes, at four and a half firrlongs. The 0,000 colt won all the way without being fully extended. The opposition was very mild, but the si*-e-tators were profoundly impressed by the ease with which the runner up. Waller Miller, held the other tried jierforuiers safe. Hildretirs splendid brown colt by Watercress — Lulette. was making his debut on tbe turf in this important race and experts pronounced him one of the liest, and probably the best juvenile shown here this season. Andrew Mack was much the liest In the fifth rae, but the hopeless incapacity of the jockey left tlie result In doubt throughout the entire running. As a matter of fact Andrew Mack seriously interfered with every horse in the race. At a critical moment for Boloman and Rightful on the last turn he bolted head on into both of them, driving the former to the outside gutter and kuockiug the latter to bin knees. • Neither of them was able to recover the lost li. iiinl. Rightful, in a herculean effort, got up to ! the winners saddle girth when the pair passed the tinish. No claim of foul was made by Fischer and Jarrelt. This vicinity has In-en deluged with rain for the pasl three days and .he lowlands all over the stale arc inundated. The big rain siorm left the track in bad condition and for a Saturday the a I Iciiilain c was light. li. il a i.iislainlilig the cxcell e of the -ard provided for the delectation of race goers. Borghesi is being especially prepared at Ascot Park for the vouiilig condition four mile stake. Some very good horses are named to run Monday and with such Hied pel formers as Willie T . Husky. Jeremiah: Alta Spa. Kruka. Lord Ri ssinglon: Bate man. Mediant. Supreme Courl : Lazell. Cadichoii. Modicum; Shady F.lcvat ion. OOafeaaor; Pinikiiu. Misty s Pride and Princess Wheeler conspicuous among their nuniher. tlie racing should prove inter esting despite the probability of a heavy track. H. 1orslanil.