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MAY CLOSE OAKLAWN SATURDAY. Conference to Be Held Tuesday— Constable and Citizens Aqain Visit Traok. Hot Springs. Ark.. March 23. It is said I. .night that the meeting al dan la. Ml will end in t Satin day. This, however, is li. .1 ollicial. A conference is to be held here Tiles. In io determine whether or not the track will close or tiie Ighl be kept lip uniil April IS. Constable Golden and his parly, thirty strong, were at the tra.-k Bgala today, but they made no arrests. liny came jusl after the third race and from that lime on there was i pen betting, as there had Im-cii on the Irat three I aces. When ti.e cases ..f arrested yesterday were called Ibis morning all save .John Wolf. Mai Kraemer. S. Williamson ami W. Bennett were dis missed. They were tine.l 4 each. An appeal will lie taken in these cases. There was a alta UOWd ill a 1 1 end 1 nee, wh.rc.ts under other than the conditions e.xi-ling it would probably have lieen the banner day of the meeting. Some good horses were among the starters and the track was lightning fast, as is evidenced by the fact that three lecorde for the course were set. K. J. Bryan left tonight for New Orleans to serve as presiding judge the last week of the racing at the lair Grounds. Secretary Maginn will succeed him at Oaklawn. If the racing continues here after next Saturday Judge Bryan will return. Mondays card is up to tlie average local standard and. with such horses ;is Brocade, PTeacatC, Oroba: Seymour Rentier. Billy Bowlegs, Senator Beckham: Tanager. I.illie Tinner. Lditlt M.: Tivoliui. The A I hat, Hawkania: Ruiloba. Hamihar. Woodcliiiiu; Lata D«ffy, Albert Fir and Miss Affable among the entries, the racing shoaM prove Interesting. J. 1.. Hemps, v.