untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1907-03-24


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DONNA ELVIRA" M,» S»» IO | WwH Figures Combined with Information. Positively the Only Horse Sent Out By Us. 2 Races at New »reans and 2 al Oakland 00 DAILY :: .00 WEEKLY 1AQT LAM WFFKQ Wttft! BlTrnRn. KttUKU. Room 312 59 Dearborn Street Chicago Th ly aorae siren oat "ii Moaday. Phone Central 5828. CUTTER 11-5 WON MARCH 9. MARCH 11. The oulv horse givea out on Tuesday. Looheroil . . .11-5 2nd Hasted ... . 9-1 3rd Sir ToddinRton. 8-5 Won Judge Post . . 1-1 Won BFRTMOIVT 11-2 WON Inflammable ..12-1 3rd Pelham 14-5 2nd Mandator 7-5 Won Ed Sheridan . 1-1 3rd The only barae givea nal m We.ls.lay. GLAMOR 10-1 lost MARCH 2 9;5 Donna Won Rova, River Won TI.e only hoi .- uieti mil on 1 liur-da y. Reside 2-1 Lost Southern Cross. 7-5 Won Collect. Jessup. 21-5 Won Orena 2-1 Won miiuui v » fz Air rVHIK.1l IN Jb WUOI Vincentio 12-1 2nd Dr. Leggo . . . . 7-5 Won The only aorae given oal 08 PrMay. MARCH 14. MARCH 15. ALLONBY 71 lOSt Lute Foster ... 8-1 Won H. of Hyacinth . 7-5 Won , , ... Sally Preston.. 8-5 Won Airship 8-1 Won lhe ..nly name given oal on Sa tarda*. Braggart 2-1 Won Byron Rose. .. .84-1 Won DONNA ELVIRA 13-5 WON Lsaro 61-1 Won Adena 21-1 2nd MARCH 16. MARCH 18. JL. CV Miss Leeds ... 8-1 Won Grenade 4-5 Won OW" .nanaW ,**Nv fir. Alarm Scratched Orbicular ... 0 5 Won Y 5, jBnl annW and %~ "s M- Hollander 13-5 Won Tawasentha . 18-5 Won / / VBBk. Jfa/ 1 Mamie Algol 4-l 2nd Elevation .. 6-5 Won // i Malan MnV / ** MARCH 19. MARCH 20. / V:1? W** kmX.Wr V Parisian Model. 11-5 Won Antoine 12-5 2nd m BtannnrgnTj BaW Bertmont Won Columbia Girl 14 5 2nd •WjTv Wilmore . 13-5 Won Boas 115 Won fl glvlIeWi W BBnW Watchful ...11-5 Won Collect. Jessup 3 -1 Won jflkflLMaVMlMBnaV8jSwav march 21. march 22. .■aTrafianTwmTnW No Quarter 10-1 Won Spion 13-5 Won k .fil ■■ I 1 I FW ■ / t M bvWbV St. Valentine 8 . 1 Won W. Griswell... 2-1 Won m Ym?l Bkll-LgfgVkv pr. wheeler . 16-5 Won Handmaiden . 11-5 Won anannMg8M8MnnnnnnnnnlannnnTnnnnnnnnnnnaaa 21.5 Won Johnny Lyons Won itLMgg.i:i«;i.iu*i».7ji»ai 6 GUARANTEED WINNERS 6 """ "SSi TZZSZ: """•" ONE WIRE EACH DAY. *-— m"~m -muM umftESma, Tzl* » • — " who puts you wise and keeps you wise, lain constantly on We have several good ones. The first the grounds day and night, and am personally acquainted one goes on Monday. SHREWD OWHERS, TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS. _. . . - _ ■■«. which enables me to impart INFORM ATION ABgO- SUBSCRIBE TODAY! mifu ixnn i ablk oiiiki; vvisk 1 know , . ... ... some UOOI» THIN Ci8 that are to be STARTED within The name of every horse is filed with the next few days at OOOU prices, so 81B8CBIBE and Datly Eaeing Form every noon. f-|| , Mthe A YF R A C O I will send you SIX GUARANTEE!* WINNERS foi aa I Ban ■ ■ %*» ara j %!,V0 Try us. Subscribe today and I will wire yon two this in front at lon,f "rices- t,,at houl 1 ome eome 504, 171 Washington St . Chicago. Bthftt *- v SOURCE THAT NEVER FAILS; . ___ __ from people who are "OLT TO WIN." So why not get - = the «««»l» THINGS that will come up during the remaiuttei C| #k"T* QITTC A/ I ll of the meeting. Kern, mbei tlnit my terms are ony $.". 00 foi "LMI Dt I J ""»■ SIX GIARANTEEO WINNERS. So subscribe at once tlOO tin* beta won 5,250 atlice January and your SUCCESS 18 ASSURED 1, 19U5. Proved by chart booka. D. W. CORNELL, Flat System, 604 8th Ave , N«w York. N«ar Race Track. IMS N. Dor|enoU St., NEW ORLEANS, LA MAIA, 100 1, 2nd BONART 11 1 2nd» DR. LBOGO 7-5 Won KKS1DK 6-1 2nd DK »R»» 4-1 WiralGATEWAY 7-6 Won ZIKIHKX 3-1 Won LI TK FOSTKR 9-1 Wi.nl MANDATOR 7-". Won PORBK3NEB 13-5 Won TICHIMINOO 4 1 Wonl WILMitRi: 13-5 Won PONTOTOC 9-1 2n.l EDWIN GDM 8-1 Won CHARLIE BASTMAN .18-8 2nd BOAS 17-8 Woa ADENA 2-1 Won PASADEJIA 5-2 Won JOCKEY IfOUNCE 12-1 Won HUSKY 8-B Won TELESCOPE 4-1 Won RAPID WATKS 2 1 Won Kokomo 6-5 2nd CONSIDERATION 3 1 Woa DAPPLE hold 20-1 2nd PRINCE MAGNET "1 2nd ELEVATION .. 30-1 2nd HORSERADISH M-l 2n.i LUTE FOSTER si Won HOOLIPAN 4 1 2nd BALL1 PRESTON 1-8 W..n HI!. YOUNG 7 1 2nd RUSTLER 31 2nd PRIN. WHEELER 18-6 Won GRENADE 2-1 Won COBMOSA 18-6. Won BLAGO : 1 Woo LOCHGOII 11-:. 2nd FANCY DRESS S-l W..n II NNV SIDE B-6 Woa SINCERITY BELLE . 13-1 Won RUSK • 2-1 2nd JAKE MOOSE 1 Woa RAPPAHANNOCK 8-5 Won FUNNY SIDE 23-5 Won MANSARD 4-5 Won SCHROEDRRS MIDY l" I 2nd A l 11 111 At K 10-1 Won AIRSHIP Si Woo BLACK PRINCE 1"1 2nd GRACE : 6-1 2nd HUSTED 2 1 2nd GRAPHITE 8-6 Won KOGO 9-2 Won POSING 8-1 Woa PELHAM 11 :. 2nd KRI K 6-6 2nd YANKEE UKL 7-1 Woa i inroR 17-IOWod COBMOSA in 1 2nd COLLECTOR JESSUP . 72 Woa GARGANTUA S I 2nd BERTMONT II 5 Won INFLAMMABLE 1 1 Won lin MORRIS 3-1 Woo l.Vli: GREENE 18-5 nd NIGRETTE SI 2nd SCHROEDBRS MIDY S-l Won KAKA 12-6 Won SPRING DAN M 1 Woa ANDREW MACK 2 1 Won Jaat :i few th.it have run .-2 in the p.Td few veek« that were reported in THE TURF RF-PORTER ivciiow cover, ai bring oa rdgc and i.adv to win. Bars, do roa want any hettrr Infor-luatlua thaii the al...e- Rememher. the price i- low, only .00 PER MONTH: 25 CENTS PLR COPY. Mailed in plain sea led envelope-. Now. If you want Real Genuine Inside Track Informat;on. and Woraouts, gel THE REPORTER, arnica tin- the present condition of the nOTae* in training at all principal tracks. It is the only publication that Riven yon a complete line ...i the homer, tills the distance each home wants and need* to win. also if a mudder ar not. Not only do roa get THE TURF REPORTER, bat ■ I esl bet daily in small "ad" headed TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL in this paper also New York Mm alni Telegraph, which averaged Ofet 88 per cent. 1-2 for the past year. Latest edition No. 120 not Saturday, for sale at all new s tau Is. ciuar and peii.xlica! Stores in Chicago; aDo any newsdealer in the United States or Canada. Send .11 BBharrlntloaa to T. C. WOOD and CO., 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. ; S HENKLES~ BUSINESS METHOIV earned . past vn-ek with ■ capital ol 83" . fall or write and we will jrive named of l.uniness men who use our method daily. This gives undeniable proof that we are doing an we advertise. We are making it very pUin. to thoae who inves tljate.th.it our method is the only possible way to make money at racing with reasonable capital. We send It on trial, with positnc guarantee to refund youi money if you can show tailure ar pro • that we do not use money we say we do. Dont waste tune sending for particulars— we will refund money promptly if method is not all we say it is. We sell it now Bar | . but if you wi li to get it for that price, you must order at once. We have it well estahli-ic.l now. and will raise the price to 8" - Its worth 8t1 Write or call at ..Mice, t» to 12 oclock daily. S A. SHENKLE, 36, 84 WASHINGTON ST.. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SATURDAYS SPECIAL WAS: FREE! FREE! FREE! "" "V f" f" °m "***« horses picked bv f t% g »» III Colloquy, 3-9, Won mMua handicap. ,,* ,• , ., i i NVIlv l:,v •*"• " •*■ ■ •»«•* f"r iinicliahlc infor- Mie .simply walked home. maiion when you .an pi, k the winners in t.-u niinntes time. No previous knowledge of hoi ses 8ai_. -1—...?. 4 ««.va! -vI rc.|uiied. So simple a child can opera te. Discounts MnnflnlV S NnCOlfH *". ,,nunr ■m**»PP«. Comparlaop. have been MUilllU O J|#V/Vrll*l made. Show s you how to lieal the ta vol ile. Guaran- toe ,"" ;l" pi,k sa"" h*,ls" B*r«a out l.y me. «.ill win inst " H-idi.v Jack Jack II 19 » I will win inst .is easily .is ti.ppy u., i, .,,,,.,. , lllm.,,.lsi„K ],,,,„!,,,,,,. ,„. greateal long shot won, niaicii i .». picker known. Bhowa Ic* [« pi. k oal an occasional r„„. .1..V On,„;. I I bet Von arc assured enough winners to I lieSUay S oPCCIcll proSl nandaoaielj oa am kind of a bet Hat .... -. . „. L. . _ ., 1 ___ bel showed over ..MHt urogl in i ic.ks. "THE Hln.iild w.u as easily as Lute hosier, .1 I. won, MILLER SYSTEM. tor aysteni playera, is the most March .., lein.ii kalde in existence. Capital of 896 up. tall »»/~,J..,, I -..,." Cnn:-»l " ""tie f« r pa 1 I i 11 la 1 -s. System and handicap Wednesday s special 1 1. . .«„. i .,.» -12 ...- win win ju.t like James, ai.. so i. won. Dec. 2i. C. S MILLER, Room 8, 45 La Salle SI., Chicago. The above good things were given to win, and win only. This is the kind of information |AUI| PHFCTPD f* f tbat Bill Lester bands out to bis clients. «J U I I 1 1 III_OIb_I U»« BXPaWt CI.OCKKHS. BILL LESTER and CO. occasionally NOT DAILY. Suite 37. 90 La Salle Street. Chicaqo, III. TWO BIG KILLINGS! Tel. Main 2928. : : Owners and Trainer*, wednfsdiy and Saturday. March 27th and Daily, or S10 tor 6 Guaranteed Winners. March 30. These are Two of those Irepped-ln-Secret kind, and for TTUC niTUnRTPPe 5P1TIA1 «»»•»» ol a Plliabl Nature, we ai. earn pelled to be 1 Unr nr.l unl r.lt O ortWrtL. very eareful and not nay too much in print;. Allwesayis Room 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. You cant alTaril to hush them, aa they are Homethlnc out Mondays Special: 80-8-14-56-12-19-42-36-41-24- of the Ordinary and in which the Knurled clique now 34-16. Entry List: 3-4-900-908-911-919. Operating will Ket their money in all pool room* RECORD FOR PAST TWELVE DAYS: throughout the eon n try. March 11— ANDREW MACK 13-10 WON To also give you the lie neflt of the«e two Bl* ■""■ *■. March 12 THE BEAR 3-1 WON we will make you a SPECIAL OrrEtt— the » for THRKK March 13— BEECHER ..... .. ....... «■* WON •• UOLLAU8. , March 14— THE BORGIAN 5-2 3rd Room H Hi « Itmkry ButldlUK, March 15— ANDREW MACK 5-1 2nd 1-5 WON 32Q St. ««w-a-- Cliarlea am St. MKW ■ ■ i*/ iu Oltl.hAMS, i ■ » * ■ I LA. a Mai. h lb— PRETENSION March 18— MANDATOR 3-1 LOST Ken JgS!t33Sn: ::H 20N feed box information-one March 21— PRINCESS WHEELER. 16-5 WON HORSE A DAY. March 22— WARNER GRISWELL .2-1 WON 1-5 WON March 13— FfiRFTPKrw FOREIGNER 11 13-5 «i wnv WON March 23— FIRESTONE , , , , • , , . . ,. March 14— LENS 3-1 LOST ,i ,„ .in. I prospects lor In ure are brighter than ever, t»/*j-«t Tmrrr ». n , Mar - 15— ROYAL BREEZE 7-5 2nd m our men have again Btrnck their stride; an get i„ ihe est i- s-i i II .00 per month; 25 cents March 16— YANKEE GIRL 7-1 WON per i opy. 0.00 Bal bel March 18 — GRENADE 7-10 WON WON 90 00. March 19— BERTMONT 11-2 WON ■ i ■■ March 20— ANTOINE 11-5 2nd - March 21— MORALES 3-5 WON If .1 111" March 22— BAKER WATERS 5-2 3rd H nAll TllO IflflnnQr March 23— YANKEE GIRL ... 72 LOST I iXiluW i lu iff 1 MCI M,""l:,v "•■ um """ """ in,m »«•»""■ , Mv i*11*"" »■■** ■■ ■■■■■**■ eio.-ker h:is been on the ipol ror weefca and are of the r.rooklyn Handicap has always been hard to pick. will have ■ long shol IhaL will he plu.w.l in Ihe and the lonK pi i-e which hae ht en laid every year at thi* I h ■ooaaa, tun. have never looked Kood to ilic before, but the kw to 1, TERMS: : : .00 per week J . 00 daily . •noted this year in the future book auainst a certain horne. _,___, mrcTFRM would be nearer 10 to 1 if wind 1 know was known by any- 1 t~llli W l. 1 J. II iN , one aha could take f nil advantage of it. if I feel ratified Room 14 Bj 84 Washington St., Chicago, III. that 1 will be treated fairly, 1 will impart this information a IKVINKK HAS WlI.I.ARl MSB to yon. 1 must know, too, that you :11c a kood bettor, M 1 consider this to be the opportunity of my life time. The Following Are the Selections Sent Out FRANK M. BROOKS, By Us Last Week: 157 W. 47th Street New York City. Monday, SORREL TOP . 8-5 Won " " ~ ~ ~ Tuesday, WILMORE . . . 13-5 Won Tiittf F VAnltltf O Wednesday, KOKOMO. . 8-5 2nd 111 § l_ Ail» 1 1 CI 1 11a. V Thursday, GARGANTUA 6-1 3rd Friday, S. MINCEMEAT . G-l 2nd ».... aai*i a-.u YP8ILANTI, MICH. Saturday, YANKEE GIRL 7-2 lost TRAINS LEAVE To show van just what WC can do. we will -m. guarantee our selections to win or place. Am MICHIGAN nrUTnl, CENTRAL nrnn-r DEPOT, n Detroit, *. v~zrJandandand~w?tz sev.r.il u.mhI thlagi for aexl week thai should Iw AND 1-40 P M AT 1-00 AI l.UU AINU I.1U r. m. . |||1|s. M M.h ffmt ,,,,,„. ,.■,,,,■„„, .,, olll.e. We file our selections with the Daily Racing Form THE ADVANCE AGENT cvery day at noon• the same day 0l races- TERMS: Daily Wire, .00; Per Week. .00. n *m Kive you ..on,, that are ready to win at a *.,od price. It does not tfive twenty hor-es a week, but a few FZ H ALL A. CO *-• ■•«»-■- «*■ of the bent at the different tracks, so sel.-cted that two ww.| cannot meet in the name race K.very hoite reported Blioul.l 709 W. 14th Street :: Kansas City, Mo. win one of bis next two stmts. Do away with fill h week ipaetaJa nnd telettraiiiH and t?et the winners for a month Published every 88 8 #8U»8J8JHOa81#8 8 8KW818J8J M88J81 H. J. OLMSTEAD, 1 BYE BYE II. . . II 5, 2nd I j Suite 304. Loyal Guard Building, Detroit, Mich. | wag our 1aily Hrse wire Hal,lr,ay. j | L1NUKKV AT HOT bPKINUS. Friday I had ■ I I I I Ieter Knight. 10 1, won; Standover. scratched, ■ I THREE I ! S n n C C I , , Sutt.r.lay. K1L.LINCS TODAY. . One Unit will Ik- at a s-*hI price and will win Q I j_f I fJ 8k| •"• Q f I I as ,-isilv u Peter Knight did. If this one does not m I W I II ll L R O II win l will irive m-x.1 occariooal free. I have another m I i P I I J4.K..1 one that will he started BMal nn.v d:iy. so send X j 1907.sh.00 j II in subscription lod.iy :iud Ih in line When he gam. Z Li,™™. . m£ I I Four winners ..111 ol si occasional* is my re. onl. If X - . ,, . -. | | you are I loser here is your chance to do businem 9 US*. .-.._-_ UUKsH. A OA*. , wilh the riuht ] :i it v . A. LINDSEY. 9 Dont fail to get In vour subwription. as wears just . Terms: daily ; weekly. 70 Fifth ave.. Store. X getting in our stride again. J j IMPORTANT STAKE DATES. f T- 6. WOOD 4. CO , | • 59 Dearborn Street : : Chicago. III. Audubon Stakes, Fair Grounds, New Or- 2 ESTABLISHED 1904. March SO Jh88h 8M888 8 8 8888M88J8l9 I Dinner Stakes, Washington, P. O March IIO Spring Steeplechase. Washington, D. C... March 30 " Rar:nff." 1 |Uat:ona| INatlOliai KaCing Revjew rseVICW INO. Mq 220 **J Gebhard Handicap, Oakland, CaL March 30 " , „. , , , """ Koom 87, ■ t Ilearborn Street, Ohleaco. Laster Monday Steeplechase, Washington, . , D. C April 1 Yesterdays Special, Temacoo. ,„ 12 1, second. . Magnolia Stakes, City Park, New Orleans, One-Horse wire, Dr. Young, 5 S, 2nd. per week. La April 3 ■ Lyric Handicap, City Park, New Orleans.La. April 6 , • ™ „ ,i„ of ■ nv,„, Texas, ,,„.. has Q added ,,,, ll..» ,.- , . i, ... , . Senator J. W. P.ailey. «• i „. Wash tig ton Nursery * Stakes, Washington, ... . . — 1. u . . K, 1 f. April C acres to his Iroquois I arm lu Kentucky. He bought . Juvenile Stakes, City Park, New Orleans.La.Aprll 10 the Pagan farm for $.U,! 3o.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907032401/drf1907032401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1907032401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800