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GRAND JURY AFTER OAKLAWN FOLKS. Tour Are Fined for Bettinq — Rouqh Game at the Hot Sprinqs Track. Hut springs. Ark., March St, — The grand jury today begaa an tarestlgatloa of tin- alleged violations of the Amis law al OiUawn. The rases of those arrested in the raid lasi week were illmiilisnl by Magiatrate neaister in Hale Township this after aeon, on the other hand V. Sylvester, Thomas Taher, .1. I". Johanna ami Arthur Leareh were lined each in a local court this awf slat. o ami. aim enieiil as i,. the closing of the meeting wis forthcoming today, bai the tad thai U a. Cella has ordered Hyperioa 11.. Bea strong. Rustle. Tivolini. .Marathon and others Of his horses shipped to Memphis Friday, is taken as an indication that Saturday is to lie the las! day. There was only a handful ol people at tile today ami what they saw i Id hardly lie called poll. ll would he i. ill of line io even call il racing. "Pushing ami pulling" matches would more in-niy tit the e.. minimis. Jadge Magtaa is a man and some of he arieer ones have no he-ii.imy in taking advantage of this trait. He : ii-peinled Polcy and Aiilunhon far leii days] this afternoon, when they would hac beea lucky to hare escaped wilh a year under some other hedges. 1 1. hy deliberately look lleadowgiaea back Jaat after the start in Hie giai rue. Auhuchon took Thaager lo the oatside ami let l.iilie Tmact have hall Ihe rack over Which lo through lo certain rletaty. In the early stages of Savables rue he used that horse for a ha t taring ram. Anne Uavis hail an ankle injur. d in Ihe lillh rare. She will l»» saved for breeding par now. Some aartdy haraea are aaaaed to run bMBMrrow, and with sack attractive aaasea aa those of Dadap Shine. Helltlower. TfcSg lam;: Qvcal Pirate, Man eheater, Ida May; Boat Hart, l.uren Arnold. Broken Melody; Haughty. Barrel Top. laa Gray; V. K. siade. lavaatoa, Tom QUroj ; Belgersoa, Dr. Hart and Hnlltimh saaaag the entries, an improved at tendance stay In- expected. .1. i.. Deanpsey.