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WATT TO CONTINUE RACING. No one s. ems to know how the lire of I as Siimlav m. -iniii- at Sheep-head P.ay originated. Trainer W.-mIs. who u.-c- in charge of the eleven horses destroyed, says it ,,iust have been ol in, emlia ry origin, though he and Mr. Wait know of no enemy who would ,i,, M criminal ■ thing as setting Ire to a barn containing helpless homes. Trainer Wood says he went to bed at 1 oclock Sundav Burning and at liiat time there was nothing wrong al the bam ami all of the stable attaches had come in for the eight An hour later he was awakened by the roaring ,.f the Haines and the loud calls of tile aaoated by men who wen- running fi 1 other waiters on the track. There was no time to save am thin-. The Jirciiien, who had to come three miles, * 1 1 * I well to keep the II. s Coin spread teg to other stables. There was no insurance on the horaea. Mr. Watt says that he WOOM let have taken .«kh». hm for Pne cloth. He explains that he nl 1 teconae 1 h attached to the s.,,, „r fcfeltoa and had decided to send Iiiln to his bleeding eatafa lislniietit when his racJag days wire at an end. Mr. Watt took hi- loss philos.,p|,j, .,1|V ..,,,,! X1VS ,h:lt thi daea not mean the end of l,|s career on the turf. He has other horses at his farm and he will buy sonic more.