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GAMESTER LOWERS A TRACK RECORD. Runs Two Miles at Fair Grounds in 3:29 4-5 —Ace Hiqh Will Do. New Orleans, La., March 20. — folks dowa this waj an- not given to raeegoiag on Good Friday, consequently there were fen other than the regulars •i the Fair Grounds this a f tern The secretarj relied inainh on I lie two races at two miles the fourth and sixth to draw .- nilan.e. In the 1 -th race Gaanester ran the iwn mile- in :::_M.i. setting a new track record. Ill the sixth race. RttS M neglected in the belting, won in .; :a ». There were two races for t wo v ear olds, ihe tirsi and tilth, in the Brat Detborpe. a daughter of Meadowthorpe, -i.i mil of the mahlen ranks, ami in the liflli iconic Tloiles Parisian Mode] scored her second victory, running the half mile in is and beating I. me Foster two lengths. Ace High. T. 1 . Sullivan-. Tmuliai! ■ coll. HlB»wed thai be is tit and ready for an eastern campaign bj running a close second to Spina in the thirl race, this mil showed great s|„.,.,i tor live rurloltgs, but iired a bit iii il.e Baal sixteenth. He is siili a Mille on the big side ami Is slmost cer lain to improve off ot todays race. Zlmmer will nj,jn .ee High ami the remainder of his string p. sh.-epsiie.i.i Baj earlj next week. Joan i- Ferrlss reports thai Windshield broke down in his race yesterday. Ihe Boston Club Handicap was declared on*. There were not enough acceptances. Frances Trevelyuo will be on band tor the opening at City Park Monday. /. c si.-bbins ba» been engaged to act as presiding Judge I,,, ihe Denver meeting. William Murray has signed to do the starting al Suburban Park for the remainder of tin- s, .i-,,»n. He will succeed W. Itisk toinoi row . A good card is offered for the cktsin daj of the meeting ami No Quarter, Fane] Hie- Odd Trick: Donna Elvira, I.aleshed. I.ady Carol; Bebo Charlie Kastman, Fantastic; Ghiriner, Envoy, Sallj fusion: Paragon, Arab... Pride of Woodstock; John Sniulski. Golden Mineral. Lancastrian; Grenade, Bye Bye ll. ami Sincerity Belle Knowing among the entries, high class sport is assured. T. K. I. mil.