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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Baciag starts sl 1 :45p.m. Chicago time 3:45 p.m. linns well in mud. ©Superior mini runner. First Race — 1 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdep. 67038 Rosl Si i 4. .103. . X . .700 67073. ...Ly die Wroasaiaa 5..M5.. X..603 87038.... Melar 5. .MO !« 67043. ...Walnnt Hill 6..M7.. X. .800 67314... Bostof 5..M7..X..683 67007 Myrtle II 8..M6 ov. 67073... Ibvz 7. .105.. X.. 685 67000 Jingler s. .107 i.s » 077.1S. . . . Moor i I07 ..680 67043. . . McCralliiana 1rince . . 10. . H7 07 i Second Race — 1 Mile. .1 veil olds. Selling. 67530 llaltou 3.. 110 72". U7:i71 ■...Buna 3. .105.. X.. 720 67007. ..Big Store 3. .107.. . .715 t,7". 71 . his]. Mail :l..lo2.. N..7ir. 07014. .. .St. Or 3.. 100.. X.. 710 67742. ..Ed Tracy ::..lo7 7no 67847.... Canto Beach ::.. !»7 700 67010. ...Kamssck 3..105. . i«". 67000 iidui ::. . MB. . x . .000 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs, "year olds ami apward. Allowances. 17212 ...LA GLORIA 4. .105.. X. .750 67003... Masedo 0. . 1 12. . X . .740 67002*... Taylor George 5..M0.- ..72". 07879 ..Masapan 4..M5.. ..725 67317.... 141 Lata 4. .103. . y . .720 6704O Silver Stocking ::. . 05 72 67070 Redan 8. . M0. .X.. 710 8707O... Interlude 0..1 K».. • . 700 07si:: ..Mi Choice I..MS.. ..700 67616 otto Price 3.. 07. .X.. 60S 67031 Teddy McC 3. .105. . ..800 Fourth Race — Brooks Course. 7:i bss than 1 1 1 miles. 4-yeaf-Otda and upward. Handicap. 67846. ..Chimney Sweep 5. .102. .X. •725 67630. ..Los Angeleno 8.. 104.. X.. 720 67877*... Gilpin 3..10.-...X. .713 67846*... Cello 4.. 05 710 67042 l.ilie B 4.. 80. .X.. 70S 67042.... Desasagea 4.. 00. .X. .700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 4-year olds and upward. Allowances. 87072*... CroU dOr 8..M7 700 07.Mt7 :. . . Net ling 3. .106 805 67843 Iarvo 4..M5..X..600 87043*.. I. V. Kirbv 8. . 108. . X . .000 07.»4:! Marpessa „. ... 4-..D»3.. x. .C90 67043 Golden Light 9. .107 683 67043. . . .Needful 7. .107 880 67007 Lnckett 7. .107. . x . .086 67038 El Verraeo 6.. 107 870 07943 Sam Crai;; 8. .103. . X . .600 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 4-year olds and upward. Selling. 67878* . . .Onaai dian 4. .107 7ihi 67878*... Moh in- 4. .102. . x . .808 07716 Lishia 4..105..X . .800 67037*... Mike Jordan 6.. 107 oho 67878 lohn II 4.. 107 090 HJs4:: Yellow Kid 3..107 0N3 17717... Martin Beck 4. .107 OS." 17!t:;7. . Ill rat.. 3. .107 lis", i;,.i::s... Spartan 4..107 688 67848... Deciaso ., 7 P 7 . 080 67464 Veritas Viinit .... 4..107... 886 67837... .Perdition 4..MS..X. 888 67037.... Paul 1 4. .107 873 l7:t::s Bellaco 4. .107 173 67702 Sctiiado 5. .107 07» 67878 Magnilicd ."...Ki7 080 67037.... Vandalo 7.. 107 600 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. 4 year olds aid apward. Selling. 87848*. ..Kama 4. .MS. . X. .718 67876*. .Mer lingo 4 llo . .72» 67008 4.. 107.. X.. 715 17M72 Madden 0..IO7 716 67877 1, c. Clem 4. .107.. X ..715 i;7: ov . . . Woodtborpe .". . 110. . / . .7Nt i;.s|s Mountebank M..M7..X..7M 07141 I. .. Itiil.iix.ii 4.1»7 71 l 67043 i....lovner 6..1M. . ..706 67000*... Revolt 7..M2..X..706 67042 Desmages I K»2 . .7M 67875... Hi Col Cap 7.. 107 805 67075 valon 5. .110. . . c.mi 07.l41 . . . Freesias 0. . IO" . . ;■ . .600