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GRAND JURY RETURNS INDICTMENTS. Twenty-Three Counts Against Stuart and Price — Sheriff Williams Is Suspended. Hoi Splines. Ark.. April 1 -Twenty three inch, -iinenis were returned by the Grand Jary today ■galas! Ian A. Stuart and 11. o. Price. Bach indictment consititntes a separate count. They are charged witb pesmitttng belting at oakluwu after tin- paaaage of the Amis tew. Sheriff Williams was today suspended from office and "Bed" Hoapl was named lo fill Ihe vacancy pending the appoint ineiil bv the governor of a sn.-cesser to Mr. Williams. Ihe suspension which was the result of ih.. action ot the Grand Jury which returned three indictments against Williams, charging him Willi malfeasance in office. Ihe indictments Charge thai he failed, refits, d and neglected to arrest certain persons who are alleged to have made beta at Oeklawa after the passage of the Amis law.