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OAKLAND TRACK TO CLOSE JUNE 22. President Williams Announces an Extension of Thirty-Six Days. 187 Days in All. Oakmad, Cal., April I The following oScJal ;m in corneal was givea oat to the press this after noon by President Tboaaaa H. Williams, of the New California .lockey Club: ■flic preaeal season al Oakland iil be extended i weeka hmger than orlglnallj scheduled, dosing Saturday. June U_. instead of Saturday, May II. This will allow lhiil si da. s eira radag or one hundred and eight -even days in all. lu giving the reaaons for the rstenahm Mr. Williams stated ihat i he calamity of mat April matcrialh abortened the season of 1908, causing considerable loss to both horsemen i"l the associa lion. This year there ha- been three months of extremely bad weather, the condition of the track being sack that -cues of horses were prevented from racing, which emailed greet hardship to sunj own ,.|s. It is lo afford these owners and horses an onnortnnit to win some parses, he says, as aell as the preaeal unexampled prosperifcj of the sporl that prompts the Jockey Clah to inaugurate an extra in. din- o| -i weeks. The Seattle awetiag will commence Jnne J.i. instead of Jnne I •"•. as originall; lift ended. The Petalnma meeting of three weeks aroaad the briter pari of ia will bare lo if abandoned, there is .ninh symnathj smnni horsemen tor the enter prising projector, Harrj Btorer. The annonncemenl of the f Ttrnaloa wa greeted with cheers bj the racegoers as well as the bor semen.