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DAILY RACING FORM ISSILT KVP.RY PAY. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of THE AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION CALENDAR Official organ of Tin: AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. P.litor and Proprietor. F. II. Brunell. Iwriltt IMitor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mis. P. II. Rninell. 124 FIFTH AVENUE. CHICAGO, ILL. Entered in the Poet Oitico at Chicago as second class matter. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. TERMS. IVr Moii!li $ 1.50 Half Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 The above rate* ate lor single copies as sealed lei tors lii-st class mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as Oral class mail in all eases. Local subscriptions on t side the down-town district -v, ill be declined at other than urst-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. To bo considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must lie sent over t lie full name and wilh address .if writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. ST. LOUIS, Mm. OFFICE, 10 NORTH BROADWAY. M. !. Murphy, General Agent. Local and Long Distance Olive 1188. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, O., OFFICE, T EAST SEVENTH ST. s. Maims, General Agent. Telephone Canal 1327-Y. Rack â– amberi and monthlies supplied. BUFFALO, N. Y.: R. .1. Seidi iiberg. Ellicott Square. BUTTE, MONT.: Keefe Bros., Post Office Newsstand. CLEVELAND, OHIO: N. Bexter, 383 Bond Street. DAYTON, OHIO. Algonquin Hotel News stand. DENVER, COLO.: Kendrick Rook Co., 906 012 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT, MICH.: L. Qrosscap, 72 Y. Congress Street, Tel. Main, BBS. topics delivered within mile circle. Hot SPRINGS, ARK.: F. C. Roving. lis Central Avenue. H. C. Weaver ft Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. . K. Wilson, Great Northern Hotel Newsstand. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: 1.. Descliler. 11 North Illinois Street. P. Brown, lis Sooth Illinois Street. .1. I. Steinberg, Terminal Station. KANSAS CITY; MO.: BJeksecker Cigar am! News Company, Niulli and Walnut Street-;. LOUISVILLE, KY.: ci as. T. bearing, 550 Fourth Au-nue. MEMPHIS, TENN : R. M. Hansford ,v I a. v.. H. Clarke * Bro. 1eahody Hotel Newsstand. MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Frank Mnlkern, Third and Grand Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.: M. J. Kavanagh, 60 South Third Street. MOBILE. ALA.: John Neff. t! South Royal Street. N SH VILLI?. TPN.V: Duncan Hotel. Elbert Bros., 218 North Cherry Street. MAY ORLKANS. LA.: o. p. inn. tog st. Charles Street. Thos. McCormick, 1H Baronne Street. c. i:. si.oili. Exchange Place. John ConniiT. S:. Charles Hotel Newsstand. NEW ,i ORK CITY: Aator House, 225 Broadway. PORTLAND, ORE.: Oregon News Company. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.: Foster A Orear, Market sine! Forty Newsstand. Prank Scott. 80 Ellis Slrect. SEATTLE, WA8H. Wilson M.Vev ,_ Co., HO Occidental Avenue. SPOKANE, WASH.: Bnaw-Borden Company. TOLEDO, OHIO: The Turf. 142 North St. Clair Street. TORONTO, INT.: Joseph McLachlin. Iroquois Hotel. c. i:. Parmer, Palmer it mse. B. McEntee, 28 Queen Street, Eas,t. 1 .1. Roy, 127 Ray Street. Chicago, Illinois. April 2. tan.