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THE OZONE TO BLUE HERON. EMERYS COLT BEATS KEENES MASKS AND FACES IN A DRIVE. W. H. Carey Wins the Mile Handicap — Four Successful Favorites — Walter Miller Rides Three of the Winners. New ork. April IV. This mi favorites day jit ftajajeahaet, four of the winners — Irizette. Mary Morris, W. H. Carey .-mil Tim OToole — being heavily hacked chains, while the other two — Blue Heron and Ace High — were not friendless. TkctC was a dig improvement in the size of the Holds and the racing more snap t« it llnin on tue two preceding days. Walter Miller came into the limelight bj riding three winners, a second and a third out of live mounts. Y. II. Carey, the net o of die Ascot Park meeting. made his first appearaace in the east in Ike mile handicap, and although supported by the stable. the priee went steadily up while there was generous Int. king for Tartan and Samuel II. Harris. Y. H. Carey carried I2S pounds and. although outrun early, he was much the hest and won easily enough. His first stake engagement here is the Queens County Handicap at one mile, to be run Saturday. for which his weight will l»e US pounds. The season has started well for Andy Blakclo . who used to ride steeplechasers for Ed Corrigan. Blakeley is training for Sam Emery and has had two starlets and two winners. Blue Heron won the Ozone Stakes lor him today. Iieating .lames It. Kccnes Masks and Faces, a winner Tuesday in a drive. Hiid Master Kohert scored for him yesterday. Sir Toddiiigton. showing vast improvement ever his previous race, waa just beaten by Are High in a hard drive, the victory heing due to the superi artty of Miller over Beaaaessy as a jockey, sir Toddiiigton could not raise a eomtnou gallop Monday when a I to • favorite. BTIateB town. Bit-hard Crokers entry for the Suburban Handicap, was today do. hired Irom that event. .lo-key I.. William-- has arrived from Oakland and lid- made application for license. Al Hamel says Nolasiilga la li"l lor sale. It is understood that he deeliued an offer of 2,*M let the filly. War against the poolrooms is being relentlessly waged. The sheets of canvas are up and two men eatight wig wagging results to confederates in the tower outside of the grounds have been arrested. Keener, who waa suspended for three days, by Mailer faeaMj on the opening day. will return to the saddle tomorrow. Thomas Calhoun, whieh wa« bid up and taken for .70O by Jules H arson after his race Monday, is baek in the barn of H. T. Griflin. who gave llar.-nn an advance over the ,7Mt, The Arverne Stake* is the- main feature lor te-iiioi low . but the program is promising all around and. witli Jac-ipiin. Bd Ball, r.attleaxc: Dr. Cardner. Avaunteer, Heaslip; gUberschwanS, Marslon. Trey of Spades: Clare Kussell. okcnilc. Workinaid; Bell-snieker. Molesey. Lord Badge: Lady Isabel, Bossrlo and Gossoon among the good horse-- named to start, high-class racing aecBM a certainty.