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CHAUNCEY BLISS IS DEAD. Chauuci-y Bliss, formerly of the firm of Kelly ft Bliss, died at Batavia, N. Y., last Sunday. Mr. Bliaa was 71 years of age and had been sick ahsea Christmas day. Kelly ft Bliss openeel a poolroom at IS Wesi Twenty eighth street. New York, in. 1ST"-, and the place soon became famous as it attracted the patronage of all the big guns of the Iu; i. Poolrooms were run wide open at. that time. Au--i ion pool selling was the popular form of apeeadjathai in those days and prominent turfmen aud specu -altera gathered there in the evening to buy pools on the following days races. Later on the firm took up booking as it is now cohdiicted. and for years had the field book privilege at Monmouth Park. Mr. Blis made- a fortune and was wealthy at his death. He was the last of the old line of eastern bookmakers and poolroom proprietors, which included, Marrleaey, Cridge. Murray, Lovell and Johnson.