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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Utilities: Weather clear: track fast. i; tag starti al 1:40 p.m. Chicago time 3:40 p.m. • Runs well In mud. ©Superior mint runner. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2 ear olds. Selling. lad. P. A. Wt. EMcp. .. "s BE HIWMT1. KH..X . .725 07556 ..I.iih Pullman 106 720 HS248 . Swede Sam 10 ; 71.". 6S24N Irish Mike 180 . .713 ■; . ii.iT 101 710 6S044I St. Avon 106 Tor. 6.H027.. Ma ill MS.. X.. 70S 6710C. Uncle Sam 100 TOO iiv"-l lack Panic M6. . Too 08234 ...Gaga M3 Too i! MS OK i;s-j,- dosabacl 100 880 Secor.d Race — Futurity Course i iTo !•■ i less tbaa :; 4 Mile. :; j c.i ;• old-.. Allow anci v. Canique 100.. v.. 72.1 i;v:... Svcaioore 112 720 B7U3S . Paladin! M4..X..713 6S297I. Vsusa 107 TL". c.s|4.:-. . ..!..; :mv Lyons 112. .-..Tin 0825:1 i ,„„,, 10ft.. X . .Tlo 082D Poinsettia Wl 710 681 13 . tir Fagot 107. . :■ . .710 i,s; .; .Gold Heather 107..: . .705 0S253 1alentosa 107 705 0S2N0 .Combury lol 70S 60072 !:■ i Ball 107 Too Third Race— 7-8 Mile, •i v it .!•;.- and upward. SeDUrg. 68249.. Silver Sue 4. .1 7. v . .72.". 68220s. Head l anee 5.. 112.. X.. 780 681621 - . .Sheen .-...102.. X ..TU", 68262. .Hugh MeGowan 8. .MB.. X.. 713 " 6806Ti I. it Faust us .".. .104. . X - .71.". 6824S . l.-i me C. 10«.# . Tl 68105 ...Paddj Umi.1i 5.. 10ft 70.". 682741. • .ili. l. on 4. .10ft.. X ..705 68315 Meada "-. .107. . .705 6S2U2 7.. MB.. ©..705 B828ft Tan. 4. .loT. . .700 68238s Sahara 4. .107. . X . .700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year -okis and upward. Selling. 68310.. Nappa 3. . ». . - . .T3H 67240 lotojistoun *••*•• •£• •B5 M277. . . .King Ole 3 UB 0 .710 68310. .Royal Rogue 8.106. 7J0 ,; ::, ; . ii Russell 4. .10.... X . .710 BhThS , .„;.. Lucille U.1O1..0..7O.. 07384 Ml Witch S.. 104...... 700 OT.i.i; Treasure Seeker !•••£• 121 SB».;..Ocyrute u..U»..© wo Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. I rrar aids and upward. Selling. 68251 llewey 8 no.. ..T2-". oisti..i. .Citrrlgan s no ..T2 t K824SI Funny Side 8. .MIS.. ..7U". UK27:t... Daniel 4. .107. . X . .713 HN30O*. .Nabonassar 3.. 110 Tlo 87961 .Harbor 6. .103. .©. .710 88287... Cloverland 7. .110. . x . .70.". OS202 . Hie Captain 7. .107. . X . .7a". 88274 Hippocrates 6.. 107. . X. .705 i.sjss Salable 5. .108. . X..705 88031.. Susie Christian c.iot. • . .700 88230 KlMf| of Misi 4..I0T ..083 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. .". car olds an. I upward. Allowances. 68270. Bedford 4. .107. . X . .73j0 88221 .. las-a :,. JOT. . ■ . .T4." c.soTt;:.. sir Brlllar :. .110. . . T40 88184 Gateway 0. .107. .X. .7*0 68221 1. C. Clem 4.. 107 . . ■ ..733 88220 ...Phalanx • 5. .110.. ..730 88288*.. Oratorian 4.. 102 T;;o 88270. . . Edith James 4. .100. . X . .T2." 68262 Dorado .".. .102. . x - .713 88276 . . .Milshora ::. . it.".. . x . .710 68283.. .The Missourian B..102 ..To.". 1.1774 .Trajan 5. .103. . X . .TOO