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W. H. CAREY SCORES AGAIN. TAKES MILE HANDICAP EASILY, MAKING IT THREE IN A ROW. Dr. Gardner Works Well for the Excelsior — Kings Daughter Has a Big Following — Rustles Woodhaven Stakes. New York. April 24. — V. EL Carey w n his third successive nee ami his only starts hi Ike cast whin he .a llopec! olT will] the one mile ban dlcap at Aiinrilint tliis afternon. He carried top weight — 12:1 pounds- anil there ftl MM surprise that lie ni starteil. a-- Hie track was slow ami sticky in spots from an all night rain, ami lie lie lias tbe reputation at a horse that iloes not like iiii.v tint a heavy track. Trainer Hlutc explained li tlii;* way: "1 have got to work him today aryhow ami 1 might as well get paiil lor waking him as to gallop him for fun." The result proved the goad judgment of the trainer, for W. II. any was not called upon for a stiller gallop than if he had heen working alone, and he earned *0 for Owner Carman in addition to any wagers that might have lieen made at 4 to 6 and .» to 10. W. H. Carey seems like the logical favorite for the Excelsior Handicap Iriday. though Dr. Gaidncr worked this morning in a manner that was sat isfat cory to Trainer Weir, and he is sure to he supported with .lack Martin in the saddle. Dr. Gardner was vent for one mile at Graves-end M follow-: 131, Ll :;i.,. 4! . 1 HL. 1 15|, 1:2!U. 1:48, and pulled ii|i the mile and a fur long in 1 :."«*. It was excellent work, the track condition considered one thing against W. H. Carey in the BaeeMi r is the ■hart stretch at .lamaica. He iaea liis racing in the stretch, and 1h long straight run at Ai|iiiilu.i was ju-t suited to biin. If August Belmont starts Okenite instead of Don Diego, .is MM probable now. Mountain may have the mount M W. H. Carey, as he cannot do the weight on Okenite, and thai will t e greatly in his favor. A new factor for the BxeaMaC is Kings Oaiigh ter. She showed so much s|teeu yesterday with 120 pound- up that many gcNMl judges are willing to take the chance that she will go the route, aud already have ■elected her as the winner. Her impost will lie His pounds, and she will take a lot of In alien Sweet line won the dosing race, completing a double for K. 1. Carman. Sweet Taire was one of the outsiders and just got, up to win in the final stride. This race was one of the best betting affairs of the meeting. Senator Beckham. Sepoy. Bfajat and Split S« id being hea Unbacked. Split Second might have won. but 1res-ton kept her in the deep going and she tired. While the track was slow the fastest time of the meeting was made in the two year old races at four and a half farloagS, each of them tieing run in M. The good time is amounted for by a stiff wind which blew down the two year old course. W. H. Carey and 1unky were the win uing choices. It. A. Cellas Rustle won the Woodhaven Stakes with a pull in tin- weights over her last perlor mam* . She finished gamely to gel the decision UVCf htaafcl and laic:, the favorite. Tomorrow is the dosing day of he meet ing. and with two stakes set for decision, ami such liorses as Kerry, odd Foil, Emma Cam-; T. S. Martin. Hot Shot. Kernel; Grapple, Mohsev . Cain ]iaigner: llea-lip. Workman!. Athlete: roxniead. .lacquin. lustian: UoM foil. Bpoeha ami Sequence among those likely to go to the post the atlend-am-e is likely to he worthy of the best meeting ever given by the Queens County Jockey Club.