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DR. GARDNERS DEFEAT. "When the race was over Sullivan. Johnson. Far-rell ami others who had lost big wagers seemed in i trance." says the New York Sun by way of comment on the defeat ol l»r. Cardncr al Aqueduct lasi Monday. "They could give no explanation of the colts defeat except to say that the race was run very fast and that Athlete had a big pull in the weights. Other critics declared that Dr. Gardner was perhaps a bit short and thai he needed a couple of races to make him absolutely tit. Some persons said that his victory on Friday was not so much after all. as he beat practically nothing aud was not exactly ready even then. "It was also asserted that the colt might be a lale horse in that his best lierforiM.iiices last year did not come until the season was well advanced. But whatever was the real cause for his defeat the fact remains that his stable connections bet on him heavily and were staggered at his defeat. Taking Mondays race as a criterion, it must Ik- sail that Dr. Gardner will have to improve a great deal to win the Excelsior from such a well seasoned as W. EL Carey and others that will go after the big prize. The belief that Dr. Gardner will be one of the great horses of the year got a hard jolt, but at that It may turn out that the son of Bannock-burn will yet demonstrate his real worth."