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NEW YORK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather dear: track good. Baetag ■tarta mi -■■ * p. m. Chicago lime L:;t . XRuns well in mad. ©Snpertoc mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 8-year-olda and apward. Selling. Ind. Horses. A Wl. Hdcp. 68302 .. .Kea tor .". 1tt;.. 725 88380*... Fustian 7..111..X. 72" 05468 Bdaa Jarkaon 4..1«ts 715 68338... Royal Onyx 3..8S 715 67647... MarlpoKa ::. . 88.. X. .716 68343.... Kl Casador 3..M6*. . X. .710 88463 v High ::..loi 7lo i;s:Clli . . . Walerburv .".. . K»X 705 80487. ... Marrel P 4..KK5. .®..76fi os.-.r.v . . . Nigger Mike : . . :»s 766 ;s4«;:: Ballot Box 4. .110 7 h 64636.. . .Mim Strome 3..MS..X..76B 88368 Tanager ::.. 88.. X.. 766 88383 thcii- ."!. . 88. . X , i:»5 •8338. . . .1." Amour ::. . DO 680 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 year olds. Maiden-. Fillies. Special Weights. •8443P. . .Baaaaaw Hm; 7-5 Boagleaai, b. t. by tiarry Her 6111 Sinibeani 10ti Lotos Brandt, b. f. bv Sain The Kitten 1 »6 68381 ...Sequence ion 715 87888 .. Daisy Shine 166. .X..7M t.stl2 . . Itvoicee lint MS 8868B. . . .Tivoli 100 70D Third Ra c— 1 1-16 Miles. 3 year olds and upward. Selling. 84872*. LNTRF.i; 4. .111. . X . .750 1 68466... 8a Table 7..BM 745 8833*1 . . .Taxer 7...106 74 66413. ...St. Valentine 6. .114. . X - .740 68M1 ...GobleakUl 3.. 88 735 88441 *...Haary Watterson 4. .106 730 6841 3.... Sailor. Boy 5. .104. . X . .710 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Newton Slake-. added. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 6S463... Barbery Kelle :;.. 88. .X..758 iN4o5...Rye 4.. 110.. X.. 745 68866 . . ..Higgler 4. . 11... . X . . :4;. 88808.. .Keator .ill . .©. . .40 86488. ...Bdna laekaoa 4..10S . to 68467s... Slieka way 4. .ILL . X . . «Jo 88413. .Si. Valcniine 6..M8..X..735 RS440 ...Workaiatd :;. . M..X..7SS s.y. katpedo 0..IO8 715 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 1 rear ofclt and apaard. Selling. «si::: . . 1 oiiimuiie 4. .184. .X . .725 6.-1380 Nog] 4. .100 72t . . . itallleaxe 4. .112 715 ;»74.i lust 4.. 186 717. 6846.-1 Siith.e 5.. 88.. X.. 713 6TBI22 Oyanta 4..BKi 71o 6X360 Little Woods 5. . 104 . . X . .710 63148 Water Tank 4..M8..X. OT8 ti. ::••! . lltopia 4..10O 705 65511 . . . .Good .Iitlia 4. . f K 705 64034 Progress 4. .100 700 68303 : . . Pioneer 5. .107 886 r...::!t! On t he Eve r. . . »! 886 68362.... Ma tin 4..100 t!»o 88338.. ..St Kstephe 4.. 05 6S5 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3 year oldb and upward. Special Weights. Maidens. 68882*. . .Marv Hall 3 .103 725 Vervaae, eh. f. ay St. Leon arda Vera 3. .103 63482*... Sadler 4. .115. . x . .720 t;::.i22. . . ova ma 4. .113 715 63488.... Linnepee 3. .188. . X . .718 64732 Claude Dual 3. .105 710 63866 nll.ush 3- .186. .X . -71o 63213. . . .Bromlna 8. .10:; 710 68438. . Im- Nceillcs I. .163 71o 65035. ...Sam Bernard 3. .lor. 766 63203 Herman 3. .105. . x . .766 68438 Left 4.. IBS.. X.. 768 68467... Hiram 3. .108 7 N 65436 Lichttness 7.. 115 6!tO 88376 Roland 3. .108 600