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ENGLISHMEN FEAR CROKERS ORBY. Colt Out of An American Mare Has a Good Chance for the Derby Tomorrow. Harry Stanhope of Lexington. Ky., who bred Rhoda B., the dam of Richard Crokers Orby, is in Bag" land lo see the running of I lie Bpooas Derby tomorrow. Mr. Stanhope made the trip abroad for the sole purpose of witnessing the performance of the son of the full sister to The Commoner, for Rhoda P.. is a daughter of Hanover aud Margerine. Mr. Stanhope sold Rhoda B. to Mr. debar, and he lias -in. e had offers from the former Tammany leader for Mave.hal Neil, likewise a daughter of Hanover and Margerine. Marechal Neil is now eleven years old. and has at her side at the Stanhope place a handsome black colt by Water-rress. According lo cablegrams during the last day or two English lacing men are in a funk over he chances of Orby for the Derby. The columns of I he London sportlag papers Show one that the fear that this Irish-bred coil with the American lam will win or take a place in the race is gen aiae. "There has been a great deal of secrecy," sax - I. M Hick, one of the foieiiio-l sporting writers in •iigliuil. alioiil Orlns real Sbility, especially since Mr. Crokers row with Ihc Jockey Club and its n iisal to allow him lo train iu Newmarket heath. Prober paid an enormous price for the use of a private training farm in Will-hire, but subsequent ly. being di-pleased by the publicity there, he took His coll to P.ahloyle. Ireland. "I am informed by my representative there that Orby, at a recent trial, went Hie Derby distance nily tive seconds slower than the record made by spearmint when he won last years Derby, and made the try-oat without being really wound up. this performance, in conjunction with the coifs won-lerful showing at Manchester, convinces me that Orby stands a ,-ood chance to win. The light fox iir-i place will be between him and Lord Rosehery s Benoniaa. if Orby passes the wire Brat he will he i lie li: -I Irish tTBlBad horse to win the Derby. "English breeders dont wanl this record broken this year, especially since Orby has more than a -la-h of Yankee blood in him. Mr. Dick, who saw Orby at BpoOSS recently, char aeteclBSB him as a very smart coll, with the one .aiilt that all four legs tile rather straight, which nay hinder his traveling the down bill stretch and tin is-ii of the Derby course at Bpaoaa. Tin Sporting Times predicts thai the order of the finish of the Derby will lie Slicve GaUioa, Beaaadaa, Orby. Beepeetiag Orby, it sa.s: "We hear that he is a tremendous horse and ha-won two races this year without being extended What his owner most goes upon, however, is his two -lone superiority to Hajdon. whhTi has won -nine good races lately and was beaten by only a head in a large tield when he tried to win the 1ndor Plate at Sandown Park. "Orby occupies much the same position as tin-slashing Woolwinder. who cannot be measured by other horses. It may be that Orby will upset all calculations, and we hesitate between Ii i in and Beaoaian which will get a place. "The strength of this comparison is seen by the huge Banshee of peraoaa who arc hacking Bcaoatoa I o will." The Sportsman, which is on a par with the Sport-lag Times, makes the predict ion that Bezonian will run away from the tield. Still another sporting pa per indicates the importance of Orhys chances BJ I liaafBI. this parody on Shake .pearee familiar lines iu a prominent position: "Orby or not to Orby: that is the question." The Derby, which the turf world regards as the bin rihhoti event of all countries, is for throe year olds and over the course of one mile and a half. The value is $.1l.-i00, and a great contest is antioi pate.1. i aptain Greers BUeve Gaukaa is at the present time the 2 to 1 favorite. The French horse, iiuaili Haifa,- Kdinotid P.iincs candidate, is highly thought of, hut has been reported suffering from a .old. Oalvani. with which Major Pustace Loder hopes to repeat his viclory of la-l year when lie won the Derby with Spearmint, is at ■ to 1. There lias been heavy wagering on Orby. which is quoted at 1 . 2 and oven. Johnny Bcilff. the American jockey, will have the leg up on orby. and he, like Mr. Cvokar, has strong hopes of winning the race. Two other horses that are attracting much atten lion are Ixird Bhaeberys Be7x nian and Woolwinder. from the stable of Colonel B. W. Baird. A cablegram was received in N.-w York yesterday by J. M. Murphy, the bookmaker, from Richard Croker. which read as follows: "Convey my hearty thanks for gi od wishes to Messrs. Keene. Corbett. Al»Ileby and old friends. Orby can only win by the rarest goad luck."