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Alarm 5 *Ecrspse. I Iliinyar -s Maud. . I Hira j Lexington, f,. , , r1*""""" H Ilegira. ,, , Lnuuirer. .. *Leauiington. « " I Mannle Gray 1 Llda. r,- , L Lizzie C. i War Dance, f",M"l:n 1auo! Lecouipte. rTl«ste*8i , ... , ,. The Peer 5 Hell CinlseUL me. !- LarUas j rradaeer. I Banna C J, Mermaid. " 1 lood Norfolk. a l Gaena 2 Hennie Farrow. £. -=■ J Gleadew j Hileogarry. j 7 ■ Glearo e. - " .,, Stockwell The Baron. - - r sl „. Albans j ,,,, ,|„ nl.,s_ Bribery 5 The lib. I. r Springfield ,...J 1 s ilitvote. i Orlando. - . Virksfa 3 Mallbran. .,.,,. I Maid of Palmyra, i ■■v,,lhl,s "" " M 1 l ■ loidla . Palmyra, Newmbjster I Ton.;, tone. f Siralhcoiian S I Beeswing. Sou. 1 nir 5 Chanticleer. iGriseldi - , « BJrthday. Voliigeur 5 Voltaire. Martha Lynn. I li rseverancc. . . . / c , , , , , Spinster i Flatcatcher. , , , I Nan Han ell. •Imported from England, tlmported from Australia. COLIN IS BRED FOR GREAT THINGS IN RACING. When Colin made his racing .lol.ul |,y whippin-twentj two two-year-olds lathi second race it Bel-moni Part last Wednesday he caught the fancy of New Yorks ruing horde ami when lie came hack to win Hie National Stallion Ka.e Saturday, setting a mark of 58 lor lie furlongs over the Straight course at Belmonl Lark, they took him to tbelr hearts with ihe belief that he is to prove himself the heal horse of his age for this food rear 1907 Hi lhal tir-i rac- || 1- related thai some lid lo trainer Jimmy Howe, "Yon surely have there a second Syaoohj Comeiamlo was toiled in lsos at Mr. Kci ues I a Stud in Kentucky, raced six Una 1 two-year-oM in 1900i winning the Great Trial, Zephyr, Mont. ink. Brighton Junior and Junior Champion Slake-, and Snished second in the Matron Staki . being beaten through 1 careless ride. As a three-year-old be gtarti I only three times, ..inning the Belmonl and Carlton Stakes and Bnl: in the Realization Stakes. In the Carlton Stakes • ran the mile in I:39J .. u!i 126 p ds up. This ■ n i!n turf, his u in lings tol ■.. -: ?• 7.973. He wen! i tbi gtw .1! the plao birth In the spring of 1:ic2 and die 1 : 13, bin. 1. so Colin is on.- of the li-i of his three crops oi foals, Peter Pan, Superman and Mentha la ing of the Second crop, while Sahara. Kama. Oasis, Commlda and Knrokl are or the first of his proilui e. The mighty Domino, Anwrleaa premier money winner. Ihcd one year less 1I1111 Commando. Domino was bred by Ih. late Major B. G. Thomas and was foaled .11 Hira Villa Farm in k . He died the property of Mr. Keenc at Castleton Stud Jiily 29. is., and was Ituried al the place oi bis birth, las grave being marked with a handsome monument. 1 dno was unplaced only three times in his career. He starti 1 in twenty-five rue-, won nineteen of them, was second twice, third once, and earned 9:1,550. liiiiiyar. also bred by Major Thomas, was one oi the best race horses in his day, in fact one of the best ever saddled in any time. He was foaled In ls,5 md died al the age of thirty at B. B. Cardners Avondalc Sim! in Tennessee, !»• cerab. r 30, 1905. He beaded the list of American sires in is:, uith .1.-I.I..VI2. Which is the record. He was a greal projenitor of speed and stamina, and bis daughters rave proved uniformly g.H.ii producers, the besi ol them being nnuuestkinatdy Quesal, the dam of Electioneer, Tommj Atkins, Maximo es, 1 tc. Alarm was bud by John Hunter at Vnniswood sin 1 in Westchester county. N. Y„ and was foaled in 1869. lb was raced only at two and three vi 11 ohl. starling nine times and never being out 01 I money. Hi.. Oral race n« ■ two year aid •■■ match against Invernay at one mile for 85,000 a side ai_ Sara! -ga August 16, 1871, which be won in 1 :!7.. He was third to Su R ■:■ :■ and J0e Daniels in the Kentucky Si; und to Joe Daniels in the Nursery Stakes. The nexl time out Invernay turned the tables on him by beating him for the !. -ill S ikes at one mile in 1 : |s. Ht won all oi his flve races as ■ thn e-yeai 1 M and took 2,500 in winnings. llimvar and Gabriel wei the two besi sons produced by Alarm. He left many daughters and they have proved good producers, yet the visitors to bis court were not all of the quality bis breeding and performances entitled him 10. Eclipse, the sire of Alain, was a sou ol "Hand... wi r of the Derby hi t and hi- dam Maud, was a daugl I r ol Stockwell. Lexington, thai raigthy son of Boston and Alice * 11..1I. was bred In Kentucky by Dr. Warfield and was. :,. ii,, world know.-, i be greatest rour-mlle heal racer In the history of the American turl and scores of the superior ru-e horses of modern trace to him. Lexington became the property ol Li. hard Ten Br k for 82.500 after winnln - d race. He won si of his seven rac IJ0. Li compte was the on!.. !, 1 • thai I VCT finished in front of him and that was due 1 : K fact that Lexingtons Jockey, a green boy. 1 the i-iji lion to "pull up. the race is , shouted bj ■ noisier as the bors - turned the third mile. Seven years Lexington held the ba leading sire in America, three years more thSn Leamington, another gifeat hoi e of his day. Li t i s 1 -1 • • 1 1 dh*d 11 W0.hil.11rn Stmi in Kentucky, July 1. is;."., at the age of tu nty-five. lb wa then Ihe properly of Mr. All mdt r. who paid Mr. Ten ]-.:. eck 5,000 for him. Darebln was foaled i. Australia In 1S78 and bi ghi to America by J. B. Haggin in 1SS6. Dare-bin Was a l-1 ■:. , 1 ■ ■ lie «..., lii • VIctol i 1 Derby, Adelaide Stakes, St. Leger stakes. Mel- 1 roe stake- and the Sydney Cup. Before Ii Australia he sired Australian Peer, winner ol the Victoria Derby end Sydney Cup. and other good : he scores of horses bi si 1 d hi re was Kibleer with a mile In 1:37 J I 1 his credit. Among ] ::i .-bin.; dauuhters are the dan s of M merlst, Scottish Chieftain, Presbyterian, Caldron, Goldsn iih. Afi l andet and Hat. 1 Tin. Peer; bred in England and taken to Australia, was :, fnii brother c Marchioness, winner of the Daks in 1865. Melbourne was 1 good race horse and was one of Englands greatesl -ins. He w 1 the daddy of the wonderful Wesl Australian, 1 I. now hclged the greatest ra 1 horse ol h;s lay, having won the Derby. St. Leger and Two Tlious ami Guineas in is..:: and afterward sold to tin I i. inn 1 ivernment for 0,000, a big i.i ■■ ■ ii ... Thai grand producing mare Blink Bonny, xv inner of the H.-rle and 1. ik- In 1X57, came al 1 from the buns of MeBioarBe. LurUne, the dun of Darebln, was one of the best mans ever foaled i 1 olm may not reach so high ■ rlsltos as that. :iii4 " i» 1" be b ;ed that bis end shsU not ,. ., untimely as ii„i thai of the Illustrious son of Mel-I":|- but Ur. I., .me undoubtedly has in him .1 worthy repre eotatlve of Borne of the most renowned thoroughbred i.m ilits. Whatever may be Colin-, juture on the turf, it is certain that If he lis long enough to have a fair bailee in the stud h, will perpetuate his nam.-. His ancestors number """• "! ihe best v.!-,- winners and nrodocers in three countries America. England and Australia— as is shown in la tubolated pedigree: Australia and numbered among her v !• tories the Ans-tralian Cup. Colins English were truly greal : Springfield was not a Derby wiooer, bnl be was one of the besi racehorses of bis day. He won all of his nine starts at three and was again unbeaten He was the sire of Sainfoin, vli.h won the Derby in ismu and In torn -died Bock Sand. winner of the Derby, St. Leger and Tun Thousand Guineas in 1903. In his three seasons of racing Bock Sand « n 37,590 and was sold to Augusl Belmonl for 25,000. II was brought to America la i July and 1 non in the Nui erj Stod la Kentucky. Watercress, the premier BtaBion al J. B. Hagglns Eimendorf stud, is a son of Springnekl ami be was a l;im.| raci horse. St. Alii. H w.i one of the be-* son, if gtOCfcwell, II iugli nol a winner of the Derby, nor fortunate enough to hive sired a winner nf thai greal classic, yet there w.i s,,|.!r glory coining to iiiiii in the I -iet be won ii. St. Lege! In isr.l and his ; nil i.roiher. Sa versa ke, finished second to the great Lord Lyon in both the Derby and SI. Leger in 1888. Stockwell, f the greatesl sires the work! has ever known, was foaled in 1850 and died Mav :.. 1s7ii. He was bred by Mr. Tbeobold, who. because oi bis eal i ■. did nol fancy him. so be lei him - ■ to Lord K riii to: 8000 with the contingrn of ,500 more sbonM h win the Derby. Lord Exeter did not have to pay the contingency, for Stockwell was unplaced in the classic in 1S52. which was won by Daniel DBoorke. Stockwell had d ic.i.ed Daniel UBourke in winning the rice for the Two Thousand Guineas and he sgaia bad the Derby winner behind him when he took the St. Leger. Thong!, Stockwell failed in the Derby, be made amend by nil ng three winners of thai gn ii race I.lair Athol in 1884, Lord Lyon in lHrtfi ami Doncaster in ls7:; and six winnera of the St. l.cer St. Aitians, Caller Do, The Marqul . i:l: ir Athol, Lord Lyon an I Achievement. Inciih-n tally, Stockwell hat the distinction of being the only horse to si-e three placed horses in the Derbj Savernake and Bustle, second and third to Lord Lyon, being also sons of Stockwell. Lot Lyon started in twenty-one races and was never as placed. He won seventeen races and wa three limes 1 md and one,- third ami bis winnings to taled 27,825. Clair Athol ran In only si- races, winning five of them and being second In the other. His v ..1.25. iUalr Ainol was |1„. sire of Silvio, winner of the Derby and St. Leger in !s77. Silvio started eleven linns, winning seven, second twl e, third once and unplaced otire. He won .sen. i !• . Doncaster started ten times, won four race-, s,- ,| tujrc- ;mil third once and . irneti s.;r..5is. s,c kwell was s,,|| ;, ; Tattersalls h isiai for 2,800 to II. C. Nayl.-r ami sp to thai cue 11 a ■ ihe liighi 1 price ever paid Cor a horse : 1 poblii The I: non wa bred In Ireland and was not raced until three rtars oh] In 1S45. He won the St. Leger and Cesarewltch. He was ■ savage bore -..d al 1 ays required a ninssle. lb- died in France. An oilier of The Barons Bona was Rataplan, Ire ot Kettledrum, winner of the Derby in 1881. Ita Carted in scventj one ran . won forty me of ll.cin was second nine times and third live time . w inning S. 12.253. While Toudi lone was not a perfectly 1 .im ! For racing, lie having 1 hadjnankie, be was oa He lurf for five seasons, beginning as a two-yeaj old In 1833, and was ,1 greal stayer. He sron the St. 1/ g« r In 1834 al odd- of M b I, bnl rl i 1 clear thai lleno... the favorite, was the victim oi foal play. Touch tone was :, long-lived bore and i1 progenitor. He db d ai tlie age ol 31 in Ii.l. He was the sire ot three Derby winners Cotherstnoe in 1843, Orlando in isii and Surplice in 1848. He lUtevi ise had Hire v. innei - of tlie SL i Blue Bonnet In lsu SurpUce in 1848 and Newminster In 1851. Ilis daughter Mendicant won the Oak* and One TI -and nine. is In Isle. Or I •• Derby was that ii which "Banning Iteiu." the famous ringer, finished first. ii v. as proved that this fore wi a four-year-old caBed Macca-1 ■■■-. and he was disqualified. Orlando sii,-,i Ted-ilingi m, winner ol the Derby in 1851 ami New minster was Co sire of two Derby wlnnei MnsJM in |s:,!i and Hermit in 1887. Another son of Touch stntH figuring in Colins pedigree was Plaicatcher, winner of the Two Thousand Guineas in 184N Pyrrhns the Pirsl won the Derby In 1840, bai Here appears little doubt that bis victory ws line ;. the fact that the rider of sir Tattos Sykes which lini-ld second, let the field gel sixty yards the besi of the star! while be was giving the tartei 1 piece of his mind. In 1850 Voltigcur von the Ill!... and P-k the St. Leger after a dead In al w itb Bu «sbui ougb. Si ace fori. ills anything appr. a. hing details of the I II fes ni in of 1 he in:ii 1 m limn in.- in tbi pedl ho I : II 0. lid thai ihey were of the best quality . [ c.ii Ir rcspi ci ie ! ij ..