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.JUDGES LECTURE JOCKEYS. HUSTON AND WELTON RIDE LIST-LESSLY IN THE STEEPLECHASE. Monere Is a Good Mud Runner — Bucket Brl« gade and Belltoone the Winning Favorites at Latonia. Cincinnati. O.. June 11 .—Considering flip heavy condition of the track, nothing out of the ordinary was to be expected in Hie racing at Latonia this afternoon. T3ic contestants were of Hie cheaper sort. Horses built on sturdy lines were in Ihe money IMisilions at the finish of all the races. Ihe light liodioil horses were al a loss in the going. Tlie feature was the»steeplechase over the short course and M. was won by John Dillon, backed to the exclusion of all the starters save Fete Vinegar. Which finished last. The logical con lenders. Piiate and t.ejictable running as Ihe C. Hak entry. |ier-formed poorly, especially tbe first named, which showed svinploms of lameness. After following John Dillon lorwardly to the last obstacle. Kejectable lired badly, but bad no trouble in securing second place, as Huston, on Graceland. rode listlessly. Huston was cautioned by the judges that another exhibition of the same sort will mean bis Instant suspension. Pete Vinegar"s rider was told to put a little more life in his work Hie next time be has a mount. There is a pear band of fencers in this section and unless there is a noticeable addition to the ranks in Ihe near future, many of the cross-country races will have to be declared off. The racing secretafy has only fifteen junipers from which to draw his iii hi.-, fiii.s include, all ;in; ajaeaai aaia. J. Lee won with both the shortest-priced winners of the afternoon. Bucket Brigade and Belltoone. Both appeared to outclass their opponents and led throughout, winning as the rider pleased. George Holle in the opening race sent to the post a good iliing in Hanbridge. Tbe colt was making his debut and won like a gixKl one. Monere took kindly to the going and upset the talents calculation by romping home in the second race. In the closing race County Clerk enriched a large following by beatin r out Quagga and Sultry. The latter, because of Lees presence in the saddle, was held at a ridiculously short price. Tlie judges excused Art-Light and Bace Girdle from the steeplechase on account of lameness. A. Oldham has changed his mind about turning out Colonel Jim Douglas. The horse is here to lw raced. Six car loads of horses were shipped to Windsor yesterday from Louisville. •"After yesterdays racing jockey Dearborn, ride on Beau Bruunnel at Louisville does not look so bad as it did the day Judge Price suspended the hoy." said Matt Ording. who holds the contract on Dearborn. "T am satisfied that Dearborn is an honest boy. and I feel certain that Judge Price will reach the sauie conclusion after his investigation and lift the suspension." Julius ITeischniann. former president of the La-lonia Jockey Club, is of the opiuion that Colin will prove the racing marvel of Hie year. While iu the east Mr. Flcisciiniann saw Colin race at Belmont Park. "Hi1 is the sort of horse over which tbe old timers would have gone iuio spasms of delight." said he. "Colin has such an easy way of going, seemingly cantering behind the others and going to ihe front when ready." Sanlord Lyne is just in receipt of a letter from his son. Ltieien. wlio is riding in Kngland. He says Lueieu could have had the mount on Orby in the Kp-som Derby. Mr. Croker having asked him to ride the colt in that classic after he had ridden him in a trial, but he had to decline because he had already accepted a retainer from the owner of All Black. Ihe bookmakers in line here are George North. P. A. Brady, W. K. Applegate, Jr., Fred Cook. .I.nics Davis. A. Fontelieu. C. C. Slaughter. Lee Wagner. Phil Bollinger, Andrew Hennegcr, Robert Keating. A. L. Kirby. K. T. Graves and Joe Brill. Jim Davis quit ihe I isville meeting 0,000 to the good. John Bodegap says Jim Myers is improving rapidly and he expects the youngster to soon be able lo stand iraining. C. Heifers and Frank Doss arc in the market for sonic horses to race in the east. Doss dis| oscil of all the horses be took to California.