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LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct ■ ■ 3 points to the pound. An extra good ■ I riders average worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather dear; track slow. Racing starts at : ::.0 p. in. X Rhus well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. .1-year -olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Banes. A. wt. Ild.p. njBQtt. . . iioss s 4..14S..®..7K ;:il.i:: Section 3.. til 720 87925 Plaud 3.. St::. . . .713 ;.;7t: L.-e Land 4. .104. . X . - 71o t.441«i Cold Bell 7. .1irt». .©. .7 mi ;:»ii;t. . . . Dorothy Scott ::.. V7..X..7W tjsiist:: . . .Man Baehanaa • . . M..X..T0O 60322 Mail Box B..M8..X..CM cvisi . Helen Virginia :...1 « tBZ ajagia ii,. King ::. . M ffTS 3.-.411. . . Marsailles g. .104 t. K Trouble ch. f. l.v Wagner raadaaaae ... 4. .102 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs, -year-olds. Selling. gMSS*... Margaret Randolph 9R..X..723 ■BBS* . . .Colonel Brady 10!t. . x . .T2t . . .Ada 0. Walker 103. .X.. 713 00258 Bnto 00. .X.. 710 0B228. . .Cora Dusant 103. . X . .705 00280. . . .Cousin francs 101. . X . .073 Noisy cirl. b. f. by Gallantry — Hurrah 10.T . Virginia Princess, br. f. by The Virginian II. — Princess Charlotte SS Third Race — 1 Mile. I year olds and upward. Selling. t,!l237: . . SKA SALT ::. . 03. . X . .723 00105s... Leo Bright 4..10T. .X...720 » it2t;l Mhetia 0. .100. .X. .713 00323 Henry 0 5. .108. . x . .7o.3 00108. . . . Attila 8. .108. . X . .70S 00108. . . . Anna Bnakia ::.. s2 f05 00137.... Bedcoat 4 . .107. . x . .7»to 00130. . . .Shawana tl. .100. . X . .7tKI i U.t:: Mo hord 0. .100..X. .005 00290*... Booebrake 5.. 108.. . .081 05150 Piller 3. .MS. . X . .000 00229 lehane i;..Km; in;o ■H04 George C. Graddy ::.. OS. . X . .023 Fourth Race — 7-8 Mile, o-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 00MB Harry s.oit 4.. 07.. X.. 750 002M * ... Rickey 4.. 102.. ©..745 00107*. ..Knvov 3. .MB. . . .740 08804 . . .Pasadena 3. .IKi. . X . .740 00013... Dainty Dame 3.. 108.. X.. 725 00107* . . .Li o line ::. .HKt. . . .723 Fifth Rare — 3-4 Mile, o year-olds and upward. Selling. 00100*.. .Field Lark 4. .102. . X . .723 »237 Red Thistle 6. .101. .X. .720 00104... Western ::.. 00.. X.. 720 •0100.... Hyperbole ::.. ! 4..x..713 0OUH Re.lHo.Ml II 4.. 107.. X.. 710 ;s.".74 Viperine 5. .104..X..TB0 0OMM lodge Treen 3. .102. . x . .700 00220 Mint Bov 4. . I 9. . X . .003 00223 No Quarter "... 00.. X.. 006 «u»1.k» Vipeania S.. 01.. X. .010 00040... Moonlight Marpoy 3.. OS.. X.. 089 008 13. . . . Friet ion .".. . M. . X . .073 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. 002I-.0 Foreigner ..100. -X ■ "23 OOSOO. ..Kleinwood S. .108. .0 . .720 00857. ..Matador 5. .108. . © . .713 tKtosti- Meant 4. .102. . X . .713 OOSOO1 ..Charlatan 4.. 100.. X.. 710 00137*... Dr. Spruill 5. .100. . X . .710 00322 DocBe 0.. 101.. X.. 710 00203*. . .Floriael ;.-.1oo. .x . .7ic. 00220... Lien tenant Rice 5.. 100. .8.. 700 OOOgO. . . .Oberoa 4. .MS..X..700 OSOSO Prince of Iless 4. .108.. X . .700 00130. . .Reliounder 3. .BHi. . x . .COS 80105*... Berate Cramer 3.. 103.. X.. 088 ;|S32 Kthel Mark 3. .101 . . x . .050